Therapeutic Exercise: Foundations and Techniques
By Carol Kisner, Lynn Allen Colby
- Publisher: F. A. Davis Company
- Number Of Pages: 800
- Publication Date: 2007-04-20
- ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0803615841
- ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780803615847
- Binding: Hardcover
Product De@@@@@@ion:
Now even more extensively illustrated, it provides principles of therapeutic exercise and manual therapy. It describes pathologic conditionsand surgical procedures commonly encountered by therapists in the clinical setting. This renowned manual remains the authoritative source for exerciseinstruction for the therapist and for patient self management.
Now even more extensively illustrated, it provides principles of therapeutic exercise and manual therapy. It describes pathologic conditionsand surgical procedures commonly encountered by therapists in the clinical setting. This renowned manual remains the authoritative source for exerciseinstruction for the therapist and for patient self management.
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