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ان موجود فى المنتدى اريد الكتب
1-introuduction to measure and prbability J.F.C.K
2-set theory thomas
3-set theory 2nd felix hausdorff

للاسف اختي ما وجدت كتاب ال measure لكن اليكي بعض الكتب التي لا تخلو من فائدة

Marek Capinski, Peter E. Kopp, "Measure, Integral and Probability"
Springer-Verlag | ISBN 1852337818 | 2nd edition (2007) | 312 pages | PDF | 1.4 MB​

Measure, Integral and Probability is a gentle introduction that makes measure and integration theory accessible to the average third-year undergraduate student. The ideas are developed at an easy pace in a form that is suitable for self-study, with an emphasis on clear explanations and concrete examples rather than abstract theory. For this second edition, the text has been thoroughly revised and expanded. New features include: · a substantial new chapter, featuring a constructive proof of the Radon-Nikodym theorem, an analysis of the structure of Lebesgue-Stieltjes measures, the Hahn-Jordan decomposition, and a brief introduction to martingales · key aspects of financial modelling, including the Black-Scholes formula, discussed briefly from a measure-theoretical perspective to help the reader understand the underlying mathematical framework. In addition, further exercises and examples are provided to encourage the reader to become directly involved with the material.

Patrick Billingsley, "Probability and Measure"
John Wiley & Sons Inc ; 2nd Edition | 1986-03 | ISBN:0471804789 | 636 pages | Djvu | 5,5 Mb​

Probability and Measure offers advanced students, scientists, and engineers an integrated introduction to measure theory and probability. Retaining the unique approach of the previous editions, this text interweaves material on probability and measure, so that probability problems generate an interest in measure theory and measure theory is then developed and applied to probability. Probability and Measure provides thorough coverage of probability, measure, integration, random variables and expected values, convergence of distributions, derivatives and conditional probability, and stochastic processes


أختي الكريمة كتاب felix hausdorff صعب تجدينه لعدة اسباب

1- ان هذا عالم قديم (1868-1942) .

2- كتاب مثل هذا لا تتوقعي انه سهل للقراءة... الا لشخص متقدم (دكتوراة).

لأن هذا يعتبر تراث وليس كتاب عادي، ثم الكتاب مكتوب باللغة الألمانية وما في حدا ( على حد علمي) ترجمه