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Pimsleur Audio Language Learning Courses
Pimsleur is the #1 name in foreign language instruction. Dr. Paul Pimsleur designed the Pimsleur Method, a system guaranteed to teach anyone how to speak a new language using 30 minute lessons. A linguist and an educator for decades, Pimsleur created a scientific approach to how we learn languages, designed for adult learning. With Pimsleur, you develop a knowledge of key phrases and vocabulary by listening to native speakers, and are quizzed on the material to maximize what you've learned. Pimsleur courses help people who need to speak another language quickly. This courses took 40 years to develop and are now used by the FBI, CIA, and business professionals everywhere. They're so effective, you have nothing to lose!
How the Pimsleur Method Works
The Pimsleur System is built around our natural language learning capabilities. When we were children, we seemed to absorb language; later, as we age, that learning process tends to becomes more difficult. Dr. Pimsleur studied the way that language skills are developed as we grow up and applied those techniques to his revolutionary system.
About Dr. Pimsleur
After years of research and development, including field studies of spoken language training with adults, Dr. Pimsleur created a new method for self-instruction in spoken languages that is based on the way the human brain takes in language as speech.
How to Get the Most Out of Pimsleur
To get the full benefit of each lesson, try to create the best learning conditions. The Pimsleur Method works with the language-learning portion of your mind, requiring language to be processed in its spoken form.
Effective By Design: Four Key Pimsleur Concepts
Pimsleur language courses encompass four key concepts that Dr. Pimsleur advocated, based on his extensive research and experience with effective language training: "Graduated Interval Recall," the "Principle of Anticipation," "Organic Learning" and "Core Vocabulary."
Achieving Spoken Language Proficiency Levels with Pimsleur
Simply follow these wonderfully uncomplicated guidelines and you will be delighted with the results you will accomplish by investing 15, 30, or 45 hours of your time - spread out only a half-hour each day.
How Long Does It Take to Learn a Language?
The question of how long it takes to learn a language is not asked as frequently as the question, Can I really learn to speak a language? It's Never Too Late to Learn a Language. Recent surveys of adult language learners have revealed that their first priority in studying a foreign language is to acquire the ability to understand and to converse with native speakers. Whether you're a traveler, language enthusiast, student, or just a dreamer, the Pimsleur method can help you learn a new language.
Is the Pimsleur Method the Best Way to Learn a Language?
For over four decades, countless Pimsleur students have decided the Pimsleur Method was the best way to begin learning a language for them. Whether the Pimsleur Method is the best way to start learning a language for you depends on several factors.
What Other Tools Help With Learning a Language?
Besides the Pimsleur Method, you might consider classes or tutors, books, or online resources. There are advantages and disadvantages to each approach.
introduce the language and encourage native-like pronunciation, to enable basic survival skills, travel and courtesy.
Learn Albanian with Pimsleur: Compact
Pimsleur Albanian lessons make learning the language possible for everyone. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's decades of research, the Pimsleur Albanian language courses combine the scientific techniques of memory recall with interactive instruction by native speakers. You can learn Albanian more quickly and effectively than you thought possible with Pimsleur. Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only leaves you tired. Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. He then developed coursework and released the Pimsleur approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today.
Compact Albanian contains ten units of Pimsleur training on five CDs. This set of compact discs, a stand-alone program featuring ten half-hour lessons, teaches beginning language strategies for essential communication and traveling needs.
Learn Arabic (Eastern) with Pimsleur: Level I
Pimsleur Arabic lessons make advanced language training accessible to any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Arabic language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Arabic more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you sleepy. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Over thirty years ago, Dr. Pimsleur and his partner Charles Heinle (who founded Pimsleur Direct) created the Pimsleur Arabic tapes to help people learn Arabic fast. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone. Some have called his findings revolutionary--today, we're glad to share his vision with you.
This set contains the complete 16 hours of Pimsleur's Comprehensive Arabic (Eastern) foreign language training, Course I. This set of compact discs includes 30 half-hour lessons designed to introduce the language and encourage native-like pronunciation, to enable basic survival skills, travel and courtesy.
Learn Arabic (Egyptian) with Pimsleur: Level I
Pimsleur Arabic lessons make advanced language training accessible to any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Arabic language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Arabic more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you sleepy. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Over thirty years ago, Dr. Pimsleur and his partner Charles Heinle (who founded Pimsleur Direct) created the Pimsleur Arabic tapes to help people learn Arabic fast. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone. Some have called his findings revolutionary--today, we're glad to share his vision with you.
This set contains the complete 15 hours of Pimsleur's Comprehensive Arabic (Egyptian) foreign language training, Course I. This set of compact discs includes 30 half-hour lessons designed to introduce the language and encourage native-like pronunciation, to enable basic survival skills, travel and courtesy.:
Learn Armenian (Eastern) with Pimsleur: Compact
Pimsleur Armenian lessons make learning Armenian accessible to anyone. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Armenian language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Armenian more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. Instead of useless repetition and boring drills, the Pimsleur method engages you and targets how you learn.
Compact Armenian (Eastern) contains ten units of Pimsleur training on five CDs. This set of compact discs, a stand-alone program featuring ten half-hour lessons, teaches beginning language strategies for essential communication and traveling needs.
Learn Armenian (Western) with Pimsleur: Compact
Pimsleur Armenian lessons make learning Armenian accessible to anyone. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Armenian language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Armenian more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. Instead of useless repetition and boring drills, the Pimsleur method engages you and targets how you learn.
Compact Armenian (Western) contains ten units of Pimsleur training on five CDs. This set of compact discs, a stand-alone program featuring ten half-hour lessons, teaches beginning language strategies for essential communication and traveling needs.
Learn Cantonese Chinese with Pimsleur: Level I
Pimsleur Cantonese Chinese lessons make advanced language training accessible to everyone. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Cantonese Chinese language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Cantonese Chinese more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you tired. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone.
This set contains the complete 15 hours of Pimsleur's Comprehensive Chinese (Cantonese) foreign language training, Course I. This set of compact discs includes 30 half-hour lessons designed to introduce the language and encourage native-like pronunciation, to enable basic survival skills, travel and courtesy
Learn Mandarin Chinese with Pimsleur: Level I, II and III
Pimsleur Mandarin Chinese lessons make learning possible for anyone. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's research, the Pimsleur Mandarin Chinese language courses combine proven teaching techniques with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Mandarin Chinese more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. While other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, Pimsleur repeats only as necessary, in an engaging format.
With Pimsleur Language Programs you don't just study a language, you learn it - the same way you mastered English! And because the technique relies on interactive spoken language training, the Pimsleur Language Programs are totally audio - no book is needed! The Pimsleur programs provide a method of self-practice with an expert teacher and native speakers in lessons specially designed to work with the way the mind naturally acquires language information. The various components of language - vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar - are all learned together without rote memorization and drills. Using a unique method of memory recall developed by renowned linguist, Dr. Paul Pimsleur, the programs teach listeners to combine words and phrases to express themselves the way native speakers do. By listening and responding to thirty minute recorded lessons, students easily and effectively achieve spoken proficiency. No other language program or school is as quick, convenient, and effective as the Pimsleur Language Programs.
Learn Croatian with Pimsleur: Compact
Pimsleur Croatian lessons make learning the language possible for everyone. Built on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Croatian language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction by native speakers. You can learn Croatian faster than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. While all other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, Pimsleur uses proven research on how students learn languages. Pimsleur developed his course methods over thirty years ago for university language programs, and millions of people have exceeded their own expectations and learned a new language.
Compact Croatian contains ten units of Pimsleur training on five CDs. This set of compact discs, a stand-alone program featuring ten half-hour lessons, teaches beginning language strategies for essential communication and traveling needs.
Learn Czech with Pimsleur: Compact
Pimsleur Czech lessons make accelerated language training accessible to any learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's research studies, the Pimsleur Czech language courses combine new teaching techniques with instruction by native speakers. You can learn Czech faster and better than you've ever thought possible. The Pimsleur method, once only used in university courses, is now accessible to everyone.
Compact Czech contains ten units of Pimsleur training on five CDs. This set of compact discs, a stand-alone program featuring ten half-hour lessons, teaches beginning language strategies for essential communication and traveling needs.
Learn Danish with Pimsleur: Compact
Pimsleur Danish lessons make learning the language possible for any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's scientific research, the Pimsleur Danish language courses combine innovative techniques of memory recall with language instruction by native speakers. Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only leaves you worn out. Using proven research, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and used this knowledge to develop the Pimsleur courses we have today.
Compact Danish contains ten units of Pimsleur training on five CDs. This set of compact discs, a stand-alone program featuring ten half-hour lessons, teaches beginning language strategies for essential communication and traveling needs.
Learn Dutch with Pimsleur: Compact
Pimsleur Dutch lessons make language training accessible to all. Using Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Dutch language courses combine scientific techniques with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Dutch faster and better than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only leaves you exhausted. Through his research, Pimsleur made new discoveries about how students learn languages. After reporting his findings, Pimsleur developed these groundbreaking courses.
Compact Dutch contains ten units of Pimsleur training on five CDs. This set of compact discs, a stand-alone program featuring ten half-hour lessons, teaches beginning language strategies for essential communication and traveling needs.
Learn Farsi (Persian) with Pimsleur: Compact
Pimsleur Farsi lessons make advanced language training accessible to any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Farsi language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Farsi more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you sleepy. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Over thirty years ago, Dr. Pimsleur and his partner Charles Heinle (who founded Pimsleur Direct) created the Pimsleur Farsi tapes to help people learn Farsi fast. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone.
Compact Farsi (Persian) contains ten units of Pimsleur training on five CDs. This set of compact discs, a stand-alone program featuring ten half-hour lessons, teaches beginning language strategies for essential communication and traveling needs.
Learn Farsi (Persian) with Pimsleur: Level I
This set contains the complete 15 hours of Pimsleur's Comprehensive Farsi (Persian) foreign language training, Course I. This set of compact discs includes 30 half-hour lessons designed to introduce the language and encourage native-like pronunciation, to enable basic survival skills, travel and courtesy.
You will be able to:
* initiate and maintain face-to-face conversations,
* deal with every day situations -- ask for information, directions, and give basic information about yourself and family,
* communicate basic information on informal topics and participate in casual conversations,
* avoid basic cultural errors and handle minimum courtesy and travel requirements,
* satisfy personal needs and limited social demands,
* establish rapport with strangers in foreign countries,
* begin reading and sounding out items with native-like pronunciation.:
Pimsleur French lessons make advanced language training accessible to any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur French language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn French more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you sleepy. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Over thirty years ago, Dr. Pimsleur and his partner Charles Heinle (who founded Pimsleur Direct) created the Pimsleur French tapes to help people learn French fast. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone.
With Pimsleur Language Programs you don't just study a language, you learn it - the same way you mastered English! And because the technique relies on interactive spoken language training, the Pimsleur Language Programs are totally audio - no book is needed!
The Pimsleur programs provide a method of self-practice with an expert teacher and native speakers in lessons specially designed to work with the way the mind naturally acquires language information. The various components of language -- vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar - are all learned together without rote memorization and drills. Using a unique method of memory recall developed by renowned linguist, Dr. Paul Pimsleur, the programs teach listeners to combine words and phrases to express themselves the way native speakers do. By listening and responding to thirty minute recorded lessons, students easily and effectively achieve spoken proficiency.
No other language program or school is as quick, convenient, and effective as the Pimsleur Language Programs.:
Learn German with Pimsleur: Level I, II, III and IV
Pimsleur German lessons make advanced language training accessible to any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur German language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn German more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you sleepy. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Over thirty years ago, Dr. Pimsleur and his partner Charles Heinle (who founded Pimsleur Direct) created the Pimsleur German tapes to help people learn German fast. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone.
With Pimsleur Language Programs you don't just study a language, you learn it -- the same way you mastered English! And because the technique relies on interactive spoken language training, the Pimsleur Language Programs are totally audio -- no book is needed!
The Pimsleur programs provide a method of self-practice with an expert teacher and native speakers in lessons specially designed to work with the way the mind naturally acquires language information. The various components of language -- vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar -- are all learned together without rote memorization and drills. Using a unique method of memory recall developed by renowned linguist, Dr. Paul Pimsleur, the programs teach listeners to combine words and phrases to express themselves the way native speakers do. By listening and responding to thirty minute recorded lessons, students easily and effectively achieve spoken proficiency.
No other language program or school is as quick, convenient, and effective as the Pimsleur Language Programs.
Pimsleur German Plus IV (CD)
The Pimsleur "Plus" is an additional, sophisticated level of language use consisting of 10 units that build upon the language corpus acquired in Levels I, II, and III. It takes the learner into some fascinating, exciting, real-life situations (in this case working in a publishing company and attending a trade fair). The learner will be able to move into a more interpersonal exchange of language at a higher level, conversing in a clearly participatory fashion, using diverse language strategies. The subtleties of the language will be apparent in the learner's speech.:
Learn Greek (Modern) with Pimsleur: Level I
Pimsleur Greek lessons make advanced language training accessible to any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Greek language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Greek more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you sleepy. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Over thirty years ago, Dr. Pimsleur and his partner Charles Heinle (who founded Pimsleur Direct) created the Pimsleur Greek tapes to help people learn Greek fast. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone.
This set contains the complete 15 hours of Pimsleur's Comprehensive Greek (Modern) foreign language training, Course I. This set of compact discs includes 30 half-hour lessons designed to introduce the language and encourage native-like pronunciation, to enable basic survival skills, travel and courtesy.
Learn Haitian (Creole) with Pimsleur: Compact
Pimsleur Haitian Creole lessons make advanced language training accessible to any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Haitian Creole language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Haitian Creole more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you sleepy. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Over thirty years ago, Dr. Pimsleur and his partner Charles Heinle (who founded Pimsleur Direct) created the Pimsleur Haitian Creole tapes to help people learn Haitian Creole fast. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone.
Compact Haitian Creole contains ten units of Pimsleur training on five CDs. This set of compact discs, a stand-alone program featuring ten half-hour lessons, teaches beginning language strategies for essential communication and traveling needs.:
Learn Hebrew (Modern) with Pimsleur: Level I
Pimsleur Hebrew lessons make advanced language training accessible to any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Hebrew language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Hebrew more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you sleepy. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Over thirty years ago, Dr. Pimsleur and his partner Charles Heinle (who founded Pimsleur Direct) created the Pimsleur Hebrew tapes to help people learn Hebrew fast. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone.
This set contains the complete 15 hours of Pimsleur's Comprehensive Hebrew (Modern) foreign language training, Course I. This set of compact discs includes 30 half-hour lessons designed to introduce the language and encourage native-like pronunciation, to enable basic survival skills, travel and courtesy.:
Learn Hebrew (Modern) with Pimsleur: Level II
This set contains the complete 15 hours of Pimsleur's Comprehensive foreign language training in Hebrew, Course II. This set of compact discs includes 30 half-hour lessons enabling listeners to build on Level I, adding to your conversational skills, dealing with concrete topics in past, present and future tense and sustain a minimal level of fluency.
Level II will double your vocabulary and grammatical structures while increasing your spoken proficiency exponentially. Upon completion of a Level II, you will be able to:
- engage in fuller conversations involving yourself, your family, daily activities, interests and personal preferences;
- combine known elements into increasingly longer sentences and strings of sentences;
- create with language and function in informal situations;
- deal with concrete topics in the past, present, and future;
- meet social demands and limited job requirements;
- begin reading for meaning.
In order for the Pimsleur Method to work correctly, you must first complete the Level I language program before proceeding to the Level II language program.:
Learn Hindi with Pimsleur: Compact
Pimsleur Hindi lessons make advanced language training accessible to any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Hindi language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Hindi more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you sleepy. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Over thirty years ago, Dr. Pimsleur and his partner Charles Heinle (who founded Pimsleur Direct) created the Pimsleur Hindi tapes to help people learn Hindi fast. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone.
Compact Hindi contains ten units of Pimsleur training on five CDs. This set of compact discs, a stand-alone program featuring ten half-hour lessons, teaches beginning language strategies for essential communication and traveling needs.:
Learn Hungarian with Pimsleur
Pimsleur Hungarian lessons make advanced language training accessible to any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Hungarian language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Hungarian more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you sleepy. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Over thirty years ago, Dr. Pimsleur and his partner Charles Heinle (who founded Pimsleur Direct) created the Pimsleur Hungarian tapes to help people learn Hungarian fast. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone.
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Learn Indonesian with Pimsleur: Compact
Pimsleur Indonesian lessons make advanced language training accessible to any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Indonesian language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Indonesian more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you sleepy. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Over thirty years ago, Dr. Pimsleur and his partner Charles Heinle (who founded Pimsleur Direct) created the Pimsleur Indonesian tapes to help people learn Indonesian fast. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone.
Compact Indonesian contains ten units of Pimsleur training on five CDs. This set of compact discs, a stand-alone program featuring ten half-hour lessons, teaches beginning language strategies for essential communication and traveling needs.:
Learn Irish with Pimsleur: Quick & Simple
Pimsleur Irish lessons make advanced language training accessible to any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Irish language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Irish more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you sleepy. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Over thirty years ago, Dr. Pimsleur and his partner Charles Heinle (who founded Pimsleur Direct) created the Pimsleur Irish tapes to help people learn Irish fast. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone.
This set of compact discs contains the complete 4 hours of Pimsleur's Quick & Simple Irish foreign language training. The set of four compact discs has 8 lesson sets designed to enable listeners to speak basic Irish with native-like pronunciation, enabling basic survival skills, travel and courtesy
Learn Italian with Pimsleur: Level I, II and III
Pimsleur Italian lessons make advanced language training accessible to any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Italian language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Italian more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you sleepy. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Over thirty years ago, Dr. Pimsleur and his partner Charles Heinle (who founded Pimsleur Direct) created the Pimsleur Italian tapes to help people learn Italian fast. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone.
With Pimsleur Language Programs you don't just study a language, you learn it -- the same way you mastered English! And because the technique relies on interactive spoken language training, the Pimsleur Language Programs are totally audio -- no book is needed!
The Pimsleur programs provide a method of self-practice with an expert teacher and native speakers in lessons specially designed to work with the way the mind naturally acquires language information. The various components of language -- vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar -- are all learned together without rote memorization and drills. Using a unique method of memory recall developed by renowned linguist, Dr. Paul Pimsleur, the programs teach listeners to combine words and phrases to express themselves the way native speakers do. By listening and responding to thirty minute recorded lessons, students easily and effectively achieve spoken proficiency.:
Learn Japanese with Pimsleur: Level I, II and III
Pimsleur Japanese lessons make advanced language training accessible to any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Japanese language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Japanese more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you sleepy. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Over thirty years ago, Dr. Pimsleur and his partner Charles Heinle (who founded Pimsleur Direct) created the Pimsleur Japanese tapes to help people learn Japanese fast. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone.
With Pimsleur Language Programs you don't just study a language, you learn it -- the same way you mastered English! And because the technique relies on interactive spoken language training, the Pimsleur Language Programs are totally audio -- no book is needed!
The Pimsleur programs provide a method of self-practice with an expert teacher and native speakers in lessons specially designed to work with the way the mind naturally acquires language information. The various components of language -- vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar -- are all learned together without rote memorization and drills. Using a unique method of memory recall developed by renowned linguist, Dr. Paul Pimsleur, the programs teach listeners to combine words and phrases to express themselves the way native speakers do. By listening and responding to thirty minute recorded lessons, students easily and effectively achieve spoken proficiency.
No other language program or school is as quick, convenient, and effective as the Pimsleur Language Programs.:
Learn Korean with Pimsleur: Compact
Pimsleur Korean lessons make advanced language training accessible to any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Korean language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Korean more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you sleepy. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Over thirty years ago, Dr. Pimsleur and his partner Charles Heinle (who founded Pimsleur Direct) created the Pimsleur Korean tapes to help people learn Korean fast. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone.
Compact Korean contains ten units of Pimsleur training on five CDs. This set of compact discs, a stand-alone program featuring ten half-hour lessons, teaches beginning language strategies for essential communication and traveling needs.:
Learn Lithuanian with Pimsleur: Compact
Pimsleur Lithuanian lessons make advanced language training accessible to any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Lithuanian language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Lithuanian more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you sleepy. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Over thirty years ago, Dr. Pimsleur and his partner Charles Heinle (who founded Pimsleur Direct) created the Pimsleur Lithuanian tapes to help people learn Lithuanian fast. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone.
Compact Lithuanian contains ten units of Pimsleur training on five CDs. This set of compact discs, a stand-alone program featuring ten half-hour lessons, teaches beginning language strategies for essential communication and traveling needs.:
Learn Norwegian with Pimsleur: Compact
Pimsleur Norwegian lessons make advanced language training accessible to any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Norwegian language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Norwegian more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you sleepy. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Over thirty years ago, Dr. Pimsleur and his partner Charles Heinle (who founded Pimsleur Direct) created the Pimsleur Norwegian tapes to help people learn Norwegian fast. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone.
Compact Norwegian contains ten units of Pimsleur training on five CDs. This set of compact discs, a stand-alone program featuring ten half-hour lessons, teaches beginning language strategies for essential communication and traveling needs.:
Learn Ojibwe with Pimsleur: Level I
Pimsleur Ojibwe lessons make advanced language training accessible to any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Ojibwe language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Ojibwe more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you sleepy. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Over thirty years ago, Dr. Pimsleur and his partner Charles Heinle (who founded Pimsleur Direct) created the Pimsleur Ojibwe tapes to help people learn Ojibwe fast. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone.
This set contains the complete 16 hours of Pimsleur's Ojibwe foreign language training. This set of compact discs includes 30 half-hour lessons designed to introduce the language and encourage native-like pronunciation, to enable basic survival skills, travel and work.
Pimsleur is the #1 name in foreign language instruction. Dr. Paul Pimsleur designed the Pimsleur Method, a system guaranteed to teach anyone how to speak a new language using 30 minute lessons. A linguist and an educator for decades, Pimsleur created a scientific approach to how we learn languages, designed for adult learning. With Pimsleur, you develop a knowledge of key phrases and vocabulary by listening to native speakers, and are quizzed on the material to maximize what you've learned. Pimsleur courses help people who need to speak another language quickly. This courses took 40 years to develop and are now used by the FBI, CIA, and business professionals everywhere. They're so effective, you have nothing to lose!
How the Pimsleur Method Works
The Pimsleur System is built around our natural language learning capabilities. When we were children, we seemed to absorb language; later, as we age, that learning process tends to becomes more difficult. Dr. Pimsleur studied the way that language skills are developed as we grow up and applied those techniques to his revolutionary system.
About Dr. Pimsleur
After years of research and development, including field studies of spoken language training with adults, Dr. Pimsleur created a new method for self-instruction in spoken languages that is based on the way the human brain takes in language as speech.
How to Get the Most Out of Pimsleur
To get the full benefit of each lesson, try to create the best learning conditions. The Pimsleur Method works with the language-learning portion of your mind, requiring language to be processed in its spoken form.
Effective By Design: Four Key Pimsleur Concepts
Pimsleur language courses encompass four key concepts that Dr. Pimsleur advocated, based on his extensive research and experience with effective language training: "Graduated Interval Recall," the "Principle of Anticipation," "Organic Learning" and "Core Vocabulary."
Achieving Spoken Language Proficiency Levels with Pimsleur
Simply follow these wonderfully uncomplicated guidelines and you will be delighted with the results you will accomplish by investing 15, 30, or 45 hours of your time - spread out only a half-hour each day.
How Long Does It Take to Learn a Language?
The question of how long it takes to learn a language is not asked as frequently as the question, Can I really learn to speak a language? It's Never Too Late to Learn a Language. Recent surveys of adult language learners have revealed that their first priority in studying a foreign language is to acquire the ability to understand and to converse with native speakers. Whether you're a traveler, language enthusiast, student, or just a dreamer, the Pimsleur method can help you learn a new language.
Is the Pimsleur Method the Best Way to Learn a Language?
For over four decades, countless Pimsleur students have decided the Pimsleur Method was the best way to begin learning a language for them. Whether the Pimsleur Method is the best way to start learning a language for you depends on several factors.
What Other Tools Help With Learning a Language?
Besides the Pimsleur Method, you might consider classes or tutors, books, or online resources. There are advantages and disadvantages to each approach.
introduce the language and encourage native-like pronunciation, to enable basic survival skills, travel and courtesy.
Learn Albanian with Pimsleur: Compact
Pimsleur Albanian lessons make learning the language possible for everyone. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's decades of research, the Pimsleur Albanian language courses combine the scientific techniques of memory recall with interactive instruction by native speakers. You can learn Albanian more quickly and effectively than you thought possible with Pimsleur. Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only leaves you tired. Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. He then developed coursework and released the Pimsleur approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today.
Compact Albanian contains ten units of Pimsleur training on five CDs. This set of compact discs, a stand-alone program featuring ten half-hour lessons, teaches beginning language strategies for essential communication and traveling needs.
Rich (BB code):
Learn Arabic (Eastern) with Pimsleur: Level I
Pimsleur Arabic lessons make advanced language training accessible to any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Arabic language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Arabic more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you sleepy. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Over thirty years ago, Dr. Pimsleur and his partner Charles Heinle (who founded Pimsleur Direct) created the Pimsleur Arabic tapes to help people learn Arabic fast. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone. Some have called his findings revolutionary--today, we're glad to share his vision with you.
This set contains the complete 16 hours of Pimsleur's Comprehensive Arabic (Eastern) foreign language training, Course I. This set of compact discs includes 30 half-hour lessons designed to introduce the language and encourage native-like pronunciation, to enable basic survival skills, travel and courtesy.
Rich (BB code):
Learn Arabic (Egyptian) with Pimsleur: Level I
Pimsleur Arabic lessons make advanced language training accessible to any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Arabic language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Arabic more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you sleepy. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Over thirty years ago, Dr. Pimsleur and his partner Charles Heinle (who founded Pimsleur Direct) created the Pimsleur Arabic tapes to help people learn Arabic fast. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone. Some have called his findings revolutionary--today, we're glad to share his vision with you.
This set contains the complete 15 hours of Pimsleur's Comprehensive Arabic (Egyptian) foreign language training, Course I. This set of compact discs includes 30 half-hour lessons designed to introduce the language and encourage native-like pronunciation, to enable basic survival skills, travel and courtesy.:
Rich (BB code):
Learn Armenian (Eastern) with Pimsleur: Compact
Pimsleur Armenian lessons make learning Armenian accessible to anyone. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Armenian language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Armenian more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. Instead of useless repetition and boring drills, the Pimsleur method engages you and targets how you learn.
Compact Armenian (Eastern) contains ten units of Pimsleur training on five CDs. This set of compact discs, a stand-alone program featuring ten half-hour lessons, teaches beginning language strategies for essential communication and traveling needs.
Rich (BB code):
Learn Armenian (Western) with Pimsleur: Compact
Pimsleur Armenian lessons make learning Armenian accessible to anyone. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Armenian language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Armenian more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. Instead of useless repetition and boring drills, the Pimsleur method engages you and targets how you learn.
Compact Armenian (Western) contains ten units of Pimsleur training on five CDs. This set of compact discs, a stand-alone program featuring ten half-hour lessons, teaches beginning language strategies for essential communication and traveling needs.
Rich (BB code):
Learn Cantonese Chinese with Pimsleur: Level I
Pimsleur Cantonese Chinese lessons make advanced language training accessible to everyone. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Cantonese Chinese language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Cantonese Chinese more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you tired. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone.
This set contains the complete 15 hours of Pimsleur's Comprehensive Chinese (Cantonese) foreign language training, Course I. This set of compact discs includes 30 half-hour lessons designed to introduce the language and encourage native-like pronunciation, to enable basic survival skills, travel and courtesy
Rich (BB code):
Learn Mandarin Chinese with Pimsleur: Level I, II and III
Pimsleur Mandarin Chinese lessons make learning possible for anyone. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's research, the Pimsleur Mandarin Chinese language courses combine proven teaching techniques with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Mandarin Chinese more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. While other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, Pimsleur repeats only as necessary, in an engaging format.
With Pimsleur Language Programs you don't just study a language, you learn it - the same way you mastered English! And because the technique relies on interactive spoken language training, the Pimsleur Language Programs are totally audio - no book is needed! The Pimsleur programs provide a method of self-practice with an expert teacher and native speakers in lessons specially designed to work with the way the mind naturally acquires language information. The various components of language - vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar - are all learned together without rote memorization and drills. Using a unique method of memory recall developed by renowned linguist, Dr. Paul Pimsleur, the programs teach listeners to combine words and phrases to express themselves the way native speakers do. By listening and responding to thirty minute recorded lessons, students easily and effectively achieve spoken proficiency. No other language program or school is as quick, convenient, and effective as the Pimsleur Language Programs.
Rich (BB code):
Learn Croatian with Pimsleur: Compact
Pimsleur Croatian lessons make learning the language possible for everyone. Built on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Croatian language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction by native speakers. You can learn Croatian faster than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. While all other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, Pimsleur uses proven research on how students learn languages. Pimsleur developed his course methods over thirty years ago for university language programs, and millions of people have exceeded their own expectations and learned a new language.
Compact Croatian contains ten units of Pimsleur training on five CDs. This set of compact discs, a stand-alone program featuring ten half-hour lessons, teaches beginning language strategies for essential communication and traveling needs.
Rich (BB code):
Learn Czech with Pimsleur: Compact
Pimsleur Czech lessons make accelerated language training accessible to any learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's research studies, the Pimsleur Czech language courses combine new teaching techniques with instruction by native speakers. You can learn Czech faster and better than you've ever thought possible. The Pimsleur method, once only used in university courses, is now accessible to everyone.
Compact Czech contains ten units of Pimsleur training on five CDs. This set of compact discs, a stand-alone program featuring ten half-hour lessons, teaches beginning language strategies for essential communication and traveling needs.
Rich (BB code):
Learn Danish with Pimsleur: Compact
Pimsleur Danish lessons make learning the language possible for any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's scientific research, the Pimsleur Danish language courses combine innovative techniques of memory recall with language instruction by native speakers. Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only leaves you worn out. Using proven research, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and used this knowledge to develop the Pimsleur courses we have today.
Compact Danish contains ten units of Pimsleur training on five CDs. This set of compact discs, a stand-alone program featuring ten half-hour lessons, teaches beginning language strategies for essential communication and traveling needs.
Rich (BB code):
Learn Dutch with Pimsleur: Compact
Pimsleur Dutch lessons make language training accessible to all. Using Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Dutch language courses combine scientific techniques with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Dutch faster and better than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only leaves you exhausted. Through his research, Pimsleur made new discoveries about how students learn languages. After reporting his findings, Pimsleur developed these groundbreaking courses.
Compact Dutch contains ten units of Pimsleur training on five CDs. This set of compact discs, a stand-alone program featuring ten half-hour lessons, teaches beginning language strategies for essential communication and traveling needs.
Rich (BB code):
Learn Farsi (Persian) with Pimsleur: Compact
Pimsleur Farsi lessons make advanced language training accessible to any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Farsi language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Farsi more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you sleepy. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Over thirty years ago, Dr. Pimsleur and his partner Charles Heinle (who founded Pimsleur Direct) created the Pimsleur Farsi tapes to help people learn Farsi fast. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone.
Compact Farsi (Persian) contains ten units of Pimsleur training on five CDs. This set of compact discs, a stand-alone program featuring ten half-hour lessons, teaches beginning language strategies for essential communication and traveling needs.
Rich (BB code):
Learn Farsi (Persian) with Pimsleur: Level I
This set contains the complete 15 hours of Pimsleur's Comprehensive Farsi (Persian) foreign language training, Course I. This set of compact discs includes 30 half-hour lessons designed to introduce the language and encourage native-like pronunciation, to enable basic survival skills, travel and courtesy.
You will be able to:
* initiate and maintain face-to-face conversations,
* deal with every day situations -- ask for information, directions, and give basic information about yourself and family,
* communicate basic information on informal topics and participate in casual conversations,
* avoid basic cultural errors and handle minimum courtesy and travel requirements,
* satisfy personal needs and limited social demands,
* establish rapport with strangers in foreign countries,
* begin reading and sounding out items with native-like pronunciation.:
Rich (BB code):
Pimsleur French lessons make advanced language training accessible to any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur French language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn French more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you sleepy. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Over thirty years ago, Dr. Pimsleur and his partner Charles Heinle (who founded Pimsleur Direct) created the Pimsleur French tapes to help people learn French fast. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone.
With Pimsleur Language Programs you don't just study a language, you learn it - the same way you mastered English! And because the technique relies on interactive spoken language training, the Pimsleur Language Programs are totally audio - no book is needed!
The Pimsleur programs provide a method of self-practice with an expert teacher and native speakers in lessons specially designed to work with the way the mind naturally acquires language information. The various components of language -- vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar - are all learned together without rote memorization and drills. Using a unique method of memory recall developed by renowned linguist, Dr. Paul Pimsleur, the programs teach listeners to combine words and phrases to express themselves the way native speakers do. By listening and responding to thirty minute recorded lessons, students easily and effectively achieve spoken proficiency.
No other language program or school is as quick, convenient, and effective as the Pimsleur Language Programs.:
Rich (BB code):
Learn German with Pimsleur: Level I, II, III and IV
Pimsleur German lessons make advanced language training accessible to any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur German language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn German more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you sleepy. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Over thirty years ago, Dr. Pimsleur and his partner Charles Heinle (who founded Pimsleur Direct) created the Pimsleur German tapes to help people learn German fast. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone.
With Pimsleur Language Programs you don't just study a language, you learn it -- the same way you mastered English! And because the technique relies on interactive spoken language training, the Pimsleur Language Programs are totally audio -- no book is needed!
The Pimsleur programs provide a method of self-practice with an expert teacher and native speakers in lessons specially designed to work with the way the mind naturally acquires language information. The various components of language -- vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar -- are all learned together without rote memorization and drills. Using a unique method of memory recall developed by renowned linguist, Dr. Paul Pimsleur, the programs teach listeners to combine words and phrases to express themselves the way native speakers do. By listening and responding to thirty minute recorded lessons, students easily and effectively achieve spoken proficiency.
No other language program or school is as quick, convenient, and effective as the Pimsleur Language Programs.
Pimsleur German Plus IV (CD)
The Pimsleur "Plus" is an additional, sophisticated level of language use consisting of 10 units that build upon the language corpus acquired in Levels I, II, and III. It takes the learner into some fascinating, exciting, real-life situations (in this case working in a publishing company and attending a trade fair). The learner will be able to move into a more interpersonal exchange of language at a higher level, conversing in a clearly participatory fashion, using diverse language strategies. The subtleties of the language will be apparent in the learner's speech.:
Rich (BB code):
Learn Greek (Modern) with Pimsleur: Level I
Pimsleur Greek lessons make advanced language training accessible to any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Greek language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Greek more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you sleepy. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Over thirty years ago, Dr. Pimsleur and his partner Charles Heinle (who founded Pimsleur Direct) created the Pimsleur Greek tapes to help people learn Greek fast. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone.
This set contains the complete 15 hours of Pimsleur's Comprehensive Greek (Modern) foreign language training, Course I. This set of compact discs includes 30 half-hour lessons designed to introduce the language and encourage native-like pronunciation, to enable basic survival skills, travel and courtesy.
Rich (BB code):
Learn Haitian (Creole) with Pimsleur: Compact
Pimsleur Haitian Creole lessons make advanced language training accessible to any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Haitian Creole language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Haitian Creole more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you sleepy. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Over thirty years ago, Dr. Pimsleur and his partner Charles Heinle (who founded Pimsleur Direct) created the Pimsleur Haitian Creole tapes to help people learn Haitian Creole fast. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone.
Compact Haitian Creole contains ten units of Pimsleur training on five CDs. This set of compact discs, a stand-alone program featuring ten half-hour lessons, teaches beginning language strategies for essential communication and traveling needs.:
Rich (BB code):
Learn Hebrew (Modern) with Pimsleur: Level I
Pimsleur Hebrew lessons make advanced language training accessible to any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Hebrew language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Hebrew more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you sleepy. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Over thirty years ago, Dr. Pimsleur and his partner Charles Heinle (who founded Pimsleur Direct) created the Pimsleur Hebrew tapes to help people learn Hebrew fast. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone.
This set contains the complete 15 hours of Pimsleur's Comprehensive Hebrew (Modern) foreign language training, Course I. This set of compact discs includes 30 half-hour lessons designed to introduce the language and encourage native-like pronunciation, to enable basic survival skills, travel and courtesy.:
Rich (BB code):
Learn Hebrew (Modern) with Pimsleur: Level II
This set contains the complete 15 hours of Pimsleur's Comprehensive foreign language training in Hebrew, Course II. This set of compact discs includes 30 half-hour lessons enabling listeners to build on Level I, adding to your conversational skills, dealing with concrete topics in past, present and future tense and sustain a minimal level of fluency.
Level II will double your vocabulary and grammatical structures while increasing your spoken proficiency exponentially. Upon completion of a Level II, you will be able to:
- engage in fuller conversations involving yourself, your family, daily activities, interests and personal preferences;
- combine known elements into increasingly longer sentences and strings of sentences;
- create with language and function in informal situations;
- deal with concrete topics in the past, present, and future;
- meet social demands and limited job requirements;
- begin reading for meaning.
In order for the Pimsleur Method to work correctly, you must first complete the Level I language program before proceeding to the Level II language program.:
Rich (BB code):
Learn Hindi with Pimsleur: Compact
Pimsleur Hindi lessons make advanced language training accessible to any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Hindi language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Hindi more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you sleepy. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Over thirty years ago, Dr. Pimsleur and his partner Charles Heinle (who founded Pimsleur Direct) created the Pimsleur Hindi tapes to help people learn Hindi fast. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone.
Compact Hindi contains ten units of Pimsleur training on five CDs. This set of compact discs, a stand-alone program featuring ten half-hour lessons, teaches beginning language strategies for essential communication and traveling needs.:
Rich (BB code):
Learn Hungarian with Pimsleur
Pimsleur Hungarian lessons make advanced language training accessible to any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Hungarian language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Hungarian more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you sleepy. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Over thirty years ago, Dr. Pimsleur and his partner Charles Heinle (who founded Pimsleur Direct) created the Pimsleur Hungarian tapes to help people learn Hungarian fast. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone.
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Learn Indonesian with Pimsleur: Compact
Pimsleur Indonesian lessons make advanced language training accessible to any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Indonesian language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Indonesian more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you sleepy. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Over thirty years ago, Dr. Pimsleur and his partner Charles Heinle (who founded Pimsleur Direct) created the Pimsleur Indonesian tapes to help people learn Indonesian fast. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone.
Compact Indonesian contains ten units of Pimsleur training on five CDs. This set of compact discs, a stand-alone program featuring ten half-hour lessons, teaches beginning language strategies for essential communication and traveling needs.:
Rich (BB code):
Learn Irish with Pimsleur: Quick & Simple
Pimsleur Irish lessons make advanced language training accessible to any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Irish language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Irish more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you sleepy. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Over thirty years ago, Dr. Pimsleur and his partner Charles Heinle (who founded Pimsleur Direct) created the Pimsleur Irish tapes to help people learn Irish fast. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone.
This set of compact discs contains the complete 4 hours of Pimsleur's Quick & Simple Irish foreign language training. The set of four compact discs has 8 lesson sets designed to enable listeners to speak basic Irish with native-like pronunciation, enabling basic survival skills, travel and courtesy
Rich (BB code):
Learn Italian with Pimsleur: Level I, II and III
Pimsleur Italian lessons make advanced language training accessible to any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Italian language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Italian more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you sleepy. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Over thirty years ago, Dr. Pimsleur and his partner Charles Heinle (who founded Pimsleur Direct) created the Pimsleur Italian tapes to help people learn Italian fast. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone.
With Pimsleur Language Programs you don't just study a language, you learn it -- the same way you mastered English! And because the technique relies on interactive spoken language training, the Pimsleur Language Programs are totally audio -- no book is needed!
The Pimsleur programs provide a method of self-practice with an expert teacher and native speakers in lessons specially designed to work with the way the mind naturally acquires language information. The various components of language -- vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar -- are all learned together without rote memorization and drills. Using a unique method of memory recall developed by renowned linguist, Dr. Paul Pimsleur, the programs teach listeners to combine words and phrases to express themselves the way native speakers do. By listening and responding to thirty minute recorded lessons, students easily and effectively achieve spoken proficiency.:
Rich (BB code):
Learn Japanese with Pimsleur: Level I, II and III
Pimsleur Japanese lessons make advanced language training accessible to any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Japanese language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Japanese more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you sleepy. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Over thirty years ago, Dr. Pimsleur and his partner Charles Heinle (who founded Pimsleur Direct) created the Pimsleur Japanese tapes to help people learn Japanese fast. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone.
With Pimsleur Language Programs you don't just study a language, you learn it -- the same way you mastered English! And because the technique relies on interactive spoken language training, the Pimsleur Language Programs are totally audio -- no book is needed!
The Pimsleur programs provide a method of self-practice with an expert teacher and native speakers in lessons specially designed to work with the way the mind naturally acquires language information. The various components of language -- vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar -- are all learned together without rote memorization and drills. Using a unique method of memory recall developed by renowned linguist, Dr. Paul Pimsleur, the programs teach listeners to combine words and phrases to express themselves the way native speakers do. By listening and responding to thirty minute recorded lessons, students easily and effectively achieve spoken proficiency.
No other language program or school is as quick, convenient, and effective as the Pimsleur Language Programs.:
Rich (BB code):
Learn Korean with Pimsleur: Compact
Pimsleur Korean lessons make advanced language training accessible to any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Korean language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Korean more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you sleepy. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Over thirty years ago, Dr. Pimsleur and his partner Charles Heinle (who founded Pimsleur Direct) created the Pimsleur Korean tapes to help people learn Korean fast. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone.
Compact Korean contains ten units of Pimsleur training on five CDs. This set of compact discs, a stand-alone program featuring ten half-hour lessons, teaches beginning language strategies for essential communication and traveling needs.:
Rich (BB code):
Learn Lithuanian with Pimsleur: Compact
Pimsleur Lithuanian lessons make advanced language training accessible to any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Lithuanian language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Lithuanian more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you sleepy. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Over thirty years ago, Dr. Pimsleur and his partner Charles Heinle (who founded Pimsleur Direct) created the Pimsleur Lithuanian tapes to help people learn Lithuanian fast. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone.
Compact Lithuanian contains ten units of Pimsleur training on five CDs. This set of compact discs, a stand-alone program featuring ten half-hour lessons, teaches beginning language strategies for essential communication and traveling needs.:
Rich (BB code):
Learn Norwegian with Pimsleur: Compact
Pimsleur Norwegian lessons make advanced language training accessible to any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Norwegian language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Norwegian more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you sleepy. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Over thirty years ago, Dr. Pimsleur and his partner Charles Heinle (who founded Pimsleur Direct) created the Pimsleur Norwegian tapes to help people learn Norwegian fast. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone.
Compact Norwegian contains ten units of Pimsleur training on five CDs. This set of compact discs, a stand-alone program featuring ten half-hour lessons, teaches beginning language strategies for essential communication and traveling needs.:
Rich (BB code):
Learn Ojibwe with Pimsleur: Level I
Pimsleur Ojibwe lessons make advanced language training accessible to any adult learner. Based on Dr. Paul Pimsleur's years of research, the Pimsleur Ojibwe language courses combine scientific techniques of memory recall with spoken instruction from native speakers. You can learn Ojibwe more quickly and effectively than you've ever thought possible with Pimsleur. The difference? Other language programs try to drill in vocabulary with boring repetition and rote memorization, which only makes you sleepy. Using proven research from one of the first language labs in the country, Dr. Pimsleur discovered exactly how students learn languages, and realized that there was a pattern to retaining new vocabulary and knowledge. After reporting his findings to journals and university lectures, Pimsleur developed coursework and released his approach to learning as the Pimsleur series we know today. Over thirty years ago, Dr. Pimsleur and his partner Charles Heinle (who founded Pimsleur Direct) created the Pimsleur Ojibwe tapes to help people learn Ojibwe fast. Sold exclusively to university language programs for years, the Pimsleur method is now accessible to everyone.
This set contains the complete 16 hours of Pimsleur's Ojibwe foreign language training. This set of compact discs includes 30 half-hour lessons designed to introduce the language and encourage native-like pronunciation, to enable basic survival skills, travel and work.