برنامج تجميد النظام Deep Freeze Enterprise


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برنامج تجميد النظام Deep Freeze Enterprise


Building on the power of Deep Freeze Professional, Deep Freeze Enterprise
offers centralized deployment and flexible management control for large
computing environments.

The Enterprise Console allows administrators to install, control, and
manage Deep Freeze workstations from a single remote location, and hundreds
or thousands of workstations can be protected across a distributed LAN, WAN
or over the Internet.

Deep Freeze’s reboot-to-restore concept significantly lowers Total Cost of
Ownership for technology assets because of a vast reduction in time and
cost spent maintaining and rebuilding machines. Deep Freeze workstations
can be easily controlled and configured via the GUI Enterprise Console, and
require no maintenance or definition file updates.

Enterprise Console

* User Workstation Seed for workstation communication and installation
* Create customized installation files using the Configuration Administrator
* Change maintenance and restart/shutdown schedules on the fly
* Power-on workstations using Wake-on-LAN technology
* Manage workstations easily with User Defined Groups
* Quickly populate groups with smart automatic filters
* Update all pre-existing installation files automatically

Expanded Network Options

* Communicate with workstations over a LAN, WAN, or combination
* Set a custom port number for use with the Enterprise Console
* Create Remote and Multiple Consoles with the Deep Freeze Server Service Manager
* Preset passwords with activation and expiration dates

Powerful and secure, Deep Freeze is a robust software solution that offers
protection and security for all computing environments.

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  • برنامج تجميد النظام Deep Freeze Enterprise
    412 بايت · المشاهدات: 265

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