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مرحبا استاذنا الجليل .. قصدت هل يوجد كتاب يبين تفاعلات الادوية او المجاميع الفعالة التي توجد فيها أو طرق تقديرها على الاقل طريقة لكل عقار ؟؟؟ Determination of Drugs or Funcutional groubs or Reactions of Drugs اي كتاب يتوفر فيه احد هذه الخواص الثلاث احتاجه جدااا.. وشكرا

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أيه رأيك فى الكتب ده تنفع
Psychiatric Drug Reactions and Interactions

Jerome Z. Litt
Publication Date: 2005-11-03
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 041538379X


Product Description
The Pocketbook of Psychiatric Drug Eruptions and Interactions describes and catalogs the adverse effects of over 100 commonly prescribed and over-the-counter generic drugs and herbals used in psychiatry or having psychiatric side effects. The drugs have been listed and indexed by both their Generic and Trade (Brand) names for easy accessibility.

Side Effects of Drugs Annual 28, Volume 28: A worldwide yearly survey of new data and trends in adverse drug reactions (Side Effects of Drugs Annual)
Jeffrey K. Aronson

Publisher: Elsevier Science
Number Of Pages: 694
Publication Date: 2005-12-15
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0444515712
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780444515711
Binding: Audio Cassette

Product Description

Volume 28 in the series of Side Effects of Drugs Annuals (http://www.elsevier.com/locate/series/seda continues to serve its primary goal: to provide clinicians and medical investigators with a reliable and critical yearly survey of new data and trends in the area of Adverse Drug Reactions and Interactions. An international team of specialists has reviewed new data and trends by selecting from the year's writing all that is truly new and informative, by critically interpreting it, and by pointing to whatever is unproven or misleading. The use of the book is enhanced by separate indexes, allowing the reader to access the text via drug name, adverse effect, or drug interaction.
The current annual includes an essay by the editor, Dr Jeffrey Aronson, entitled 'Classifying Drug Adverse Reactions in the 21st Century.' In it he describes how the modern approach to classifying adverse drug reactions takes into account the dose that causes the reaction, the time-course of the reaction, and the susceptibility factors that increase the individual patient's risk, and shows how this analysis can facilitate regulatory decision making.

*Provides a critical yearly survey of new data and trends
*Includes an essay that describes the modern approach to classifying adverse drug reactions

*Special reviews in this Annual include, among other topics: Antipsychotic drugs and now-onset diabetes mellitus, Treating asthma during important]pregnancy a
nd MMR vaccine and autism

Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry : How Drugs Act and Why

Alex Gringauz

Publisher: Wiley-VCH
Number Of Pages: 736
Publication Date: 1996-12-27
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0471185450
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780471185451
Binding: Hardcover

Book Description
This work brigdges the compartmentalized undergraduate organic and biochemistry and [COLOR=orange! important]biologyhttp://gigapedia.org/v5/item:view_description?id=28595 subjects to the pharmacology and the clinical areas a modern pharmacy practice requires. The changes and constantly increasing responsibilities of today's [COLOR=orange! important]pharmacist[/COLOR] have dictated a restructuring of the pharmacy curriculum, including individual course content. This book reflects and addresses these developments. This is a well-written work that covers most major areas of pharmaceutical research. The text is presented in a logical and concise fashion being divided into chapters based upon therapeutic topic. This makes the work very useful for teaching a course in medicinal chemistry since therapeutic areas can be separately covered without having to make use of the entire book which overall contains a tremendous amount of information. This book is a significant contribution to understanding what medicinal chemistry is and how this [COLOR=orange! important]science[/COLOR] is used to develop new therapeutic agents.[/COLOR]​
pass: ebooksclub.org

Neurological Drug Reactions and Interactions
Jerome Z. Litt

Informa HealthCare
Number Of Pages: 304
Publication Date: 2005-11-03
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0415383803
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780415383806
Binding: Paperback

Product Description

A must-have resource for the doctor's office and hospital consultations, this handy pocket reference describes and []catalogs the adverse effects of commonly prescribed and over-the-counter generic drug and herbals used in neurology
