برنامج صيانة الريجستري المرعب Registry Compressor 2.01.69
Registry Compressor for Windows 9X/NT/ME/2000/XP will enhance your system's performance by removing registry gaps and empty entries, and then compressing and defragmenting the registry file. Microsoft Windows® includes no tool to perform this function!
Why do you need Registry Compressor?
Over time the registry becomes larger and larger as new programs are installed, used and removed. The design of the registry is such that when you add some data into the registry it becomes larger, but when you remove this data the registry will not shrink back to its previous size. Why? When a registry entry is removed, that entry is simply marked as blank but remains in place, introducing a gap into the registry. In this way the registry becomes more and more fragmented over time.
Registry Compressor will optimize, compact and defragment your registry. With Registry Compressor you will :
- Improve overall system performance. With a compacted and optimized registry, Windows and applications will be able to get needed data from the registry in a more efficient manner.
- Reduce the amount of time it takes your system to boot. By not needing to load "empty" registry entries at startup, Windows will take less time to start.
- Save memory by compacting the registry. By reducing the overall size of the registry, more memory will be available for other applications, reducing the likelihood that your system will need to resort to using Virtual Memory (Virtual Memory is much slower than physical memory).
- Protect your privacy by permanently erasing previously deleted entries. Confidential information in deleted registry entries will no longer be stored on your system.
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Registry Compressor for Windows 9X/NT/ME/2000/XP will enhance your system's performance by removing registry gaps and empty entries, and then compressing and defragmenting the registry file. Microsoft Windows® includes no tool to perform this function!
Why do you need Registry Compressor?
Over time the registry becomes larger and larger as new programs are installed, used and removed. The design of the registry is such that when you add some data into the registry it becomes larger, but when you remove this data the registry will not shrink back to its previous size. Why? When a registry entry is removed, that entry is simply marked as blank but remains in place, introducing a gap into the registry. In this way the registry becomes more and more fragmented over time.
Registry Compressor will optimize, compact and defragment your registry. With Registry Compressor you will :
- Improve overall system performance. With a compacted and optimized registry, Windows and applications will be able to get needed data from the registry in a more efficient manner.
- Reduce the amount of time it takes your system to boot. By not needing to load "empty" registry entries at startup, Windows will take less time to start.
- Save memory by compacting the registry. By reducing the overall size of the registry, more memory will be available for other applications, reducing the likelihood that your system will need to resort to using Virtual Memory (Virtual Memory is much slower than physical memory).
- Protect your privacy by permanently erasing previously deleted entries. Confidential information in deleted registry entries will no longer be stored on your system.
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