

* ضيف شرف *
طاقم الإدارة

Robert B. Bates & John P. Schaefer


الكتاب قديم شوية بس ممكن يفيد ...
This book is intended to serve as a guide for students who have completed
at least two semesters of organic laboratory and are beginning organic
research as advanced undergraduates or first year graduate students. In a
short book on a broad topic, an attempt has been made to include many
bits of information useful at this stage of expertise and to provide a
reasonably complete survey of the laboratory techniques currently most
important to organic chemists. The emphasis in presenting the techniques
is on practical aspects. Thus, the scope of each method is discussed and,
where expensive equipment is required,

حمل الكتاب مباشرة من المرفقات



  • Research_Techniques_in_Organic_Chemistry.rar
    1.6 MB · المشاهدات: 161

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