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كتاب Chemical Muscle Enhancement
Chemical Muscle Enhancement Ebook
"How you can safely take the drugs used by today's mass monsters to create the cartoon-proportioned, superhero physique most men will only dream of..."
"For those who are insistent in knowing just what the champs take, Chemical Muscle Enhancement is THE Ebook to read. The author, Mr. Author L. Rea, has over 16 years of academic background, but more importantly, he has worked with athletes for over 20 years. I found it virtually error-free in the aspect of scientific facts."
"Trust me, this Ebook is not for the squeamish, and Mr. Rea is a definite drug "guru" bringing to mind the late Dan Duchaine in his early days of hardcore writing. Rea shares Dan's hands-on experience, not merely armchair philosophy. The Ebook discusses every anabolic drug available, and also describes real-world methods of using such drugs. You will learn what can go wrong when making yourself a one-person scientific experiment. But if you so choose, I can't think of a better guidebook to current anabolic drug usage than Chemical Muscle Enhancement. This book is without question, the Underground Steroid Handbook of the 21st Century."
-- Jerry Brainium, bodybuilding journalist Ironman Magazine
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نسألكم الدعاء لنا ولكم وللمجاهدين في سبيل الله في كل مكان وللمسلمين اجمعين
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
كتاب Chemical Muscle Enhancement

Chemical Muscle Enhancement Ebook
"How you can safely take the drugs used by today's mass monsters to create the cartoon-proportioned, superhero physique most men will only dream of..."
"For those who are insistent in knowing just what the champs take, Chemical Muscle Enhancement is THE Ebook to read. The author, Mr. Author L. Rea, has over 16 years of academic background, but more importantly, he has worked with athletes for over 20 years. I found it virtually error-free in the aspect of scientific facts."
"Trust me, this Ebook is not for the squeamish, and Mr. Rea is a definite drug "guru" bringing to mind the late Dan Duchaine in his early days of hardcore writing. Rea shares Dan's hands-on experience, not merely armchair philosophy. The Ebook discusses every anabolic drug available, and also describes real-world methods of using such drugs. You will learn what can go wrong when making yourself a one-person scientific experiment. But if you so choose, I can't think of a better guidebook to current anabolic drug usage than Chemical Muscle Enhancement. This book is without question, the Underground Steroid Handbook of the 21st Century."
-- Jerry Brainium, bodybuilding journalist Ironman Magazine
حمل من المرفقات
نسألكم الدعاء لنا ولكم وللمجاهدين في سبيل الله في كل مكان وللمسلمين اجمعين