اعزائي الاعضاء في منتدى جامعه كتاب العرب يسعدني ان اقدم لكم برنامجيين
طبيين متميزين وحصريا على كتاب العرب وهما ضروريين في الطب والصيدله
Complete Guide to Prescription and Non-Prescription DRUGS
في هذا البرنامج الرائع الخفيف
معلومات عن الادويه مثل التقسيم واسم الواء العلمي وكل مايتعلق بالدواء
وايضا شرح وافي بالصور والكتابه عن الاسعافات الاوليه
وايضا عن بعض الحلات السميه
وبه ايضا عن اخطر الامراض وباء واين تنتشر
واشياء اخرى سترونها بعد التحميل ان شاء الله

Complete Guide to Prescription and Non-Prescription DRUGS is organized by drug generic name, and in a few instances, by drug-class name.
A generic name is the official chemical name for a drug.
A brand name is a drug manufacturer's registered trademark for a generic drug. A generic drug may have one or many brand names.
To find information about a generic drug:
1 From the Select Index menu, choose Index by Generic Drug.
2 Look in the alphabetical index for the drug you want, and double-click it.
3 The first screen of information will appear in the topic window on the right. This is the Basic Information topic for that generic drug.
To learn about a brand name drug:
1 From the Select Index menu, choose Index by Brand Name.
2 Look in the alphabetical index for the drug you want, and double-click it.
3 The first screen of information will appear in the topic window on the right. This is the Basic Information for the generic drug equivalent of the brand name drug you clicked on.
AtamA-Homeopathic Tool
البرنامج رائع ولتعرفوا ماهو انظر الى الصوره المرفقه

AtamA is a Homeopathic tool and resource designed to facilitate Repertory and Materia Medica investigation and assist determination of acute disease simillima.
Homeopathic software Contains James T. Kent's Repertory of the Homeopathic Materia Medica (sixth edition). Included rubrics have at least one high weight (bold) instance of one of the 100 remedies chosen for the Materia Medica.
William Boericke's Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica (ninth edition). AtamA has the complete text for 100 common remedies.
Samuel Hahnemann's Organon of Medicine (sixth edition). The standard translation by R.E. Dudgeon and William Boericke is included, with a special layout that helps the user read footnotes concurrently. It is a decent software.
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