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Automatic Dynamic Incremental Nonlinear Analysis
For displacement and stress analysis:
- State-of-the-art capablity for analysis of 2D and 3D linear and nonlinear problems, statics, and dynamics
- Versatile and generally applicable finite elements for solids, trusses, beams, pipes, plates, shells, and gaps
- Material models for metals, soils and rocks, plastics, rubber, fabrics, wood,ceramics, and concrete
- Efficient linear analysis
- Small and large deformations, large strains
- Elasto-plastic, creep analysis including thermal effects
- Buckling and post-buckling analysis
- Contact problems in statics and dynamics
- Automatic-time-stepping
- Substructuring in statics and dynamics
- Addition and/or deletion of elements during analysis
- Frequency and mode superposition solutions
- Response spectrum, random vibration analysis
- Linearized buckling analysis
- Wave propagation, shock wave analysis
- Structural vibration, harmonic analysis
- Fluid-structure interaction, coupled problems
- Fracture mechanics with crack propagation
- User-supplied elements, material models and loads
For analysis of heat transfer and field problems:
- 2D, 3D and shell steady-state and transient analyses, automatic-time-stepping
- Time or temperature dependent conductivity, temperature dependent specific heat
- Convection and radiation for nodes, lines, and surfaces
- Latent heat effects, e.g., freezing and melting conditions
- Addition and/or deletion of elements during analysis
- Thermal eigenvalues
- Electrostatic, seepage and piezo-electric analysis
- Coupling to ADINA
CFD, including heat transfer:
- 2D and 3D compressible and incompressible viscous fluid flows (with or without heat transfer)
- Steady-state and transient analysis, Newtonian and non-Newtonian flows
- Automatic-time-stepping
- Natural and forced convection, conjugate heat transfer
- Laminate and turbulent flows
- Flow through porous media
- Flow with constant, temperature or time dependent material properties
- Flow with viscous dissipation, flow with changing boundaries
- Fluid-structure interaction, coupled problems
The pre-processor of the ADINA system:
- Graphics user interface (AUI)
- Generation and checking of complete input files
- Geometry plotting features (mesh, windowing, views, hidden line removal)
- Mesh generation
- Bandwidth minimization
- Interfaces to other CAE systems
The post-processor of the ADINA system:
- Graphics user interface (AUI)
- Geometry plotting features (mesh, mode shapes, windowing, hidden line removal, views)
- Response spectrum analysis
- Results plotting features (isobands, contours, response vectors, graphs)
- Versatile lisings commands
- Assessment of mesh quality
- Integration with many graphics devices
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Password : arabsbook
Tutorial :
Finite Element Procedures
By Klaus-Jurgen Bathe
Book Description
Comprehensive - this text explores the full range of finite element methods used in engineering practice for actual applications in computer-aided design. It provides not only an introduction to finite element methods and the commonality in the various techniques, but explores state-of-the-art methods as well - with a focus on what are deemed to become “classical techniques” - procedures that will be standard and authoritative for finite element analysis for years to come. Features and Benefits
Presents in sufficient depth and breadth elementary concepts AND advanced techniques in statics, dynamics, solids, fluids, linear and nonlinear analysis.
Emphasizes both the physical and mathematical characteristics of procedures. Presents some important mathematical conditions on finite element procedures.
Contains an abundance of worked-out examples and various complete program listings.
Includes many exercises/projects that often require the use of a computer program. --Ce texte fait référence à une édition épuisée ou non disponible de ce titre.
The publisher, Prentice-Hall Engineering/Science/Mathematics
Comprehensive -- this text explores the full range of finite element methods used in engineering practice for actual applications in computer-aided design. It provides not only an introduction to finite element methods and the commonality in the various techniques, but explores state-of-the-art methods as well -- with a focus on what are deemed to become "classical techniques" -- procedures that will be standard and authoritative for finite element analysis for years to come.
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Enjoy !