Advances in Isotopic Dilution Techniques in Trace Element


مستشار كلية العلوم النهرالخالد
طاقم الإدارة

Advances in Isotopic Dilution Techniques in Trace Element
A Review of Methodologies, Benefits, and Limitations


1. Introduction 290
2. The Isotopic Dilution Principle 293
3. Methodologies 306
3.1. Choice of isotope 306
3.2. Isotope ‘‘spiking’’ 308
3.3. Choice of suspension matrix in E-value determinations 309
3.4. Equilibration time 310
3.5. L-value determinations 313
4. Uncertainties and Sources of Errors 314
4.1. Accuracy and precision 314
4.2. Spike-derived artifacts 315
4.3. Error propagation 317
4.4. Uncertainties and sources of error specific to L-value
determination 318
4.5. Colloidal interferences 320
4.6. Changes in oxidation state 321
5. Interpretation of E-Values 325
6. Interpretation of L-Values 327
7. Future Applications 335
Acknowledgments 336
ملحوظه : هذا جزء من كتاب تحت عنوان
Advances in Agronomy, volume 90
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