كيمياء فيزيائية Adsorption on New and Modified Inorganic Sorbents


مستشار كلية العلوم النهرالخالد
طاقم الإدارة

Adsorption on New and Modified Inorganic Sorbents
(Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis)
A. Dabrowski, V.A. Tertykh


Publisher: Elsevier Science
Number Of Pages: 944
Publication Date: 1996-01-01
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0444821791
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780444821799
Binding: Hardcover

Product Description

There has been a lack of authoritative, current information on the structure, investigation and preparation of inorganic sorbents, their numerous applications as well as the adsorption from gaseous and liquid phases on new and chemically modified inorganic solids. This volume deals with the above-mentioned themes and presents 34 up-to-date comprehensive and critical reviews written by well-recognized authorities. The sorbents discussed are primarily mineral ones. Each contribution treats a problem critically by showing its development, presenting documentation on the state-of-the-art and identifying subjects for further research.
The book will be of interest to researchers in academic institutes and industrial laboratories engaged in the fields of surface chemistry, inorganic chemistry, adsorption, ion-exchange, catalysis, chromatography and spectroscopy of the surface phenomena, as well as to students attending graduate and postgraduate courses
Section 1
Preparation, Structure and Properties of New
and Modified Inorganic Sorbents
Chapter 1.1
Computational studies on the design of synthetic sorbents for selective
adsorption of molecules
Chapter 1.2
Controlled porosity glasses (CPGs) as adsorbents, molecular sieves,
ion-exchangers and support materials
Chapter 1.3
Influence of pH of precipitation of
hydroxides on the structure of co-precipitated adsorbents
Chapter 1.4
Colloidal silicas
Chapter 1.5
Complex carbon-mineral adsorbents:
preparation, surface properties and their modification.
Chapter 1.6
Solid-phase hydrosilylation reactions with participation of modified silica
Chapter 1.7
Structure and molecular organization of bonded layers of chemically
modified silicas
Chapter 1.8
The chemical basis of surface modification technology of silica and
alumina by molecular layering method
Chapter 1.9
Kinetics of organic compounds chemisorption from the gas phase on
oxides surface
Chapter 1.10
Functionalized polysiloxane sorbents:
preparation, structure, properties and use
Chapter 1.11
Surface structure and molecular adsorption of apatites
T. Ishikawa
Chapter 1.12
Surface chemistry and adsorption properties of Al13 colloids
Section 2
Adsorption from Gaseous Phase
Chapter 2.1
Computer simulation of adsorption on amorphous oxide surface
Chapter 2.2
On the nature of the energetic heterogeneity of water/oxide interface in
adsorption phenomena occurring at oxide surfaces
Chapter 2.3
Energetic heterogeneity of porous inorganic oxides:
Adsorption and chromatographic studies
Chapter 2.4
Adsorption kinetics on real surfaces
Chapter 2.5
Inverse gas chromatography in the examination of acid-base and some
other properties of solid materials
Chapter 2.6
Chemical and morphological characteristics of inorganic sorbents with
respect to gas adsorption
Chapter 2.7
Structure and properties of the films formed by organic substances on
silica gel surface. Investigations by inverse gas chromatography (IGC)
Chapter 2.8
The use of gas chromatography to study the adsorption from gaseous
phase at the infinite dilution
Chapter 2.9
Molecular statistic and gas chromatographic study of hydrocarbons
adsorption on the modified layer silicates and silica in the Henry region
Chapter 2.10
Micropore filling mechanism in inorganic sorbents
Chapter 2.11
Phase transitions in adsorbed layers
Chapter 2.12
Drying of gases and liquids by activated alumina
Section 3
Adsorption from Solution
Chapter 3.1
Characterization of inorganic sorbents by means of adsorption at the
liquid - solid interface
Chapter 3.2
Study of adsorption from solutions by chromatography
Chapter 3.3
Equilibria of adsorption from solutions on the silica surface
Chapter 3.4
Adsorption from dilute solutions - some novel aspects
Chapter 3.5
Ion adsorption on mineral oxide surfaces
Chapter 3.6
Recent progress in the studies of adsorption of ionic surfactants from
aqueous solutions on mineral substrates
Chapter 3.7
The reaction of anions and cations with metal oxides as models for their
reaction with soil
Chapter 3.8
Problems in modelling the electrical interracial layer in metal/oxide
aqueous systems
Chapter 3.9
Adsorption and immersional wetting on hydrophilic and hydrophobic
Chapter 3.10
Liquid chromatography of fullerenes and study of adsorption properties
of fullerenes crystals


كتاب راااااااائع جدا اخي chemistry ومهم
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