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Hybrid and Incompatible Finite Element Methods (Modern Mechanics and Mathematics)
By Theodore H.H. Pian, Chang-Chun Wu
[FONT=Verdana, helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]"… is useful for graduate students in computational mechanics." ? Mathematical Reviews, Issue 2006m. Many engineers and mathematicians consider the uniqueness of multivariable elements too abstract and impractical. Beginning with an introduction to the variational formulation of finite element methods in solid mechanics, this book introduces the advancement of the theory and applications of incompatible and multivariable finite element methods. A discussion of fundamental theories follows, laying the theoretical foundation for incompatible elements and their application in plasticity theory, and introducing new ideas in the development of hybrid finite elements. They conclude with applications in fracture problems and implementation of the methods in a finite element analysis program.
[/FONT][/FONT]Programming the Finite Element Method
By I. M. Smith, D. V. Griffiths
Product Description:
This title demonstrates how to develop computer programmes which solve specific engineering problems using the finite element method. It enables students, scientists and engineers to assemble their own computer programmes to produce numerical results to solve these problems. The first three editions of Programming the Finite Element Method established themselves as an authority in this area. This fully revised 4th edition includes completely rewritten programmes with a unique description and list of parallel versions of programmes in Fortran 90. The Fortran programmes and subroutines described in the text will be made available on the Internet via anonymous ftp, further adding to the value of this title.
The Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method
by John P. Wolf
A novel computational procedure called the scaled boundary finite-element method is described which combines the advantages of the finite-element and boundary-element methods : Of the finite-element method that no fundamental solution is required and thus expanding the scope of application, for instance to anisotropic material without an increase in complexity and that singular integrals are avoided and that symmetry of the results is automatically satisfied. Of the boundary-element method that the spatial dimension is reduced by one as only the boundary is discretized with surface finite elements, reducing the data preparation and computational efforts, that the boundary conditions at infinity are satisfied exactly and that no approximation other than that of the surface finite elements on the boundary is introduced. In addition, the scaled boundary finite-element method presents appealing features of its own : an analytical solution inside the domain is achieved, permitting for instance accurate stress intensity factors to be determined directly and no spatial discretization of certain free and fixed boundaries and interfaces between different materials is required. In addition, the scaled boundary finite-element method combines the advantages of the analytical and numerical approaches. In the directions parallel to the boundary, where the behaviour is, in general, smooth, the weighted-residual approximation of finite elements applies, leading to convergence in the finite-element sense. In the third (radial) direction, the procedure is analytical, permitting e.g. stress-intensity factors to be determined directly based on their definition or the boundary conditions at infinity to be satisfied exactly.
In a nutshell, the scaled boundary finite-element method is a semi-analytical fundamental-solution-less boundary-element method based on finite elements. The best of both worlds is achieved in two ways: with respect to the analytical and numerical methods and with respect to the finite-element and boundary-element methods within the numerical procedures.
The book serves two goals: Part I is an elementary text, without any prerequisites, a primer, but which using a simple model problem still covers all aspects of the method and Part II presents a detailed derivation of the general case of statics, elastodynamics and diffusion.
Finite Element Method Using MATLAB (Mechanical Engineering)
By Young W. Kwon, Hyochoong Bang
Product Description:
The finite element method (FEM) has become one of the most important and useful tools for scientists and engineers. This new book features the use of MATLAB to present introductory and advanced finite element theories and formulations. MATLAB is especially convenient to write and understand finite element analysis programs because a MATLAB program manipulates matrices and vectors with ease. The book is suitable for introductory and advanced courses in the Finite Element Method, as well as a reference for practicing engineers.
Understanding And Implementing the Finite Element Method
By Mark S. Gockenbach
Product Description:
The finite element method is the most powerful general-purpose technique for computing accurate solutions to partial differential equations. Understanding and Implementing the Finite Element Method is essential reading for those interested in understanding both the theory and the implementation of the finite element method for equilibrium problems. This book contains a thorough derivation of the finite element equations as well as sections on programming the necessary calculations, solving the finite element equations, and using a posteriori error estimates to produce validated solutions. Accessible introductions to advanced topics, such as multigrid solvers, the hierarchical basis conjugate gradient method, and adaptive mesh generation, are provided. Each chapter ends with exercises to help readers master these topics. Understanding and Implementing the Finite Element Method includes a carefully documented collection of MATLAB® programs implementing the ideas presented in the book. Readers will benefit from a careful explanation of data structures and specific coding strategies and will learn how to write a finite element code from scratch. Students can use the MATLAB codes to experiment with the method and extend them in various ways to learn more about programming finite elements. This practical book should provide an excellent foundation for those who wish to delve into advanced texts on the subject, including advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students in mathematics, engineering, and the physical sciences. Preface; Part I: The Basic Framework for Stationary Problems. Chapter 1: Some Model PDEs; Chapter 2: The weak form of a BVP; Chapter 3: The Galerkin method; Chapter 4: Piecewise polynomials and the finite element method; Chapter 5: Convergence of the finite element method; Part II Data Structures and Implementation. Chapter 6: The mesh data structure; Chapter 7: Programming the finite element method: Linear Lagrange triangles; Chapter 8: Lagrange triangles of arbitrary degree; Chapter 9: The finite element method for general BVPs; Part III: Solving the Finite Element Equations. Chapter 10: Direct solution of sparse linear systems; Chapter 11: Iterative methods: Conjugate gradients; Chapter 12: The classical stationary iterations; Chapter 13: The multigrid method; Part IV: Adaptive Methods. Chapter 14: Adaptive mesh generation; Chapter 15: Error estimators and indicators; Bibliography; Index. "Upon completion of this book a student or researcher would be well prepared to employ finite elements for an application problem or proceed to the cutting edge of research in finite element methods. The accuracy and the thoroughness of the book are excellent." Anthony Kearsley, research mathematician, National Institute of Standards and Technology.
The Finite Element Method: Its Basis and Fundamentals, Sixth Edition
By O. C. Zienkiewicz, R. L. Taylor, J.Z. Zhu
Product Description:
The Sixth Edition of this influential best-selling book delivers the most up-to-date and comprehensive text and reference yet on the basis of the finite element method (FEM) for all engineers and mathematicians. Since the appearance of the first edition 38 years ago, The Finite Element Method provides arguably the most authoritative introductory text to the method, covering the latest developments and approaches in this dynamic subject, and is amply supplemented by exercises, worked solutions and computer algorithms.
. The classic FEM text, written by the subject's leading authors
. Enhancements include more worked examples and exercises, plus a companion website with a solutions manual and downloadable algorithms
. With a new chapter on automatic mesh generation and added materials on shape function development and the use of higher order elements in solving elasticity and field problems
Active research has shaped The Finite Element Method into the pre-eminent tool for the modelling of physical systems. It maintains the comprehensive style of earlier editions, while presenting the systematic development for the solution of problems modelled by linear differential equations.
Together with the second and third self-contained volumes (0750663219 and 0750663227), The Finite Element Method Set (0750664312) provides a formidable resource covering the theory and the application of FEM, including the basis of the method, its application to advanced solid and structural mechanics and to computational fluid dynamics.
* The classic introduction to the finite element method, by two of the subject's leading authors
* Any professional or student of engineering involved in understanding the computational modelling of physical systems will inevitably use the techniques in this key text
* Enhancements include more worked examples, exercises, plus a companion website with a worked solutions manual for tutors
and downloadable algorithms
The Finite Element Method in Engineering, Fourth Edition
By Singiresu S. Rao
Product Description:
Finite Element Analysis is an analytical engineering tool developed in the 1960's by the Aerospace and nuclear power industries to find usable, approximate solutions to problems with many complex variables. It is an extension of derivative and integral calculus, and uses very large matrix arrays and mesh diagrams to calculate stress points, movement of loads and forces, and other basic physical behaviors. Students will find in this textbook a thorough grounding of the mathematical principles underlying the popular, analytical methods for setting up a finite element solution based on those mathematical equations. It quickly bridges that knowledge to a host of real-world applications--from structural design, to problems in fluid mechanics and thermodynamics. Professional engineers will benefit from the introduction to the many useful applications of finite element analysis, and will gain a better understanding of its limitations and special uses.
New to this edition:
· New sections added on the assemblage of element equations, and an important new comparison between finite element analysis and other analytical methods.showing advantages and disadvantages of each
· Updated solutions manual available
· Improved sample and end-of-chapter problems
* The only book to provide a broadoverview of the underlying principles of finite element analysis and where it fits into the larger context of other mathematically based engineering analytical tools.
* New sections added on the assemblage of element equations, and an important new comparison between finite element analysis and other analytical methods, showing the advantages and disadvantages of each.
* New Companion website that will host usable finite element programs and sample engineering problems, as well as a Solutions Manual for end-of-chapter problems.
Nonlinear Continuum Mechanics for Finite Element Analysis
By Javier Bonet, Richard D. Wood
Product Description:
The first edition of this successful text considered nonlinear geometrical behavior and nonlinear hyperelastic materials, and the numerics needed to model such phenomena. By presenting both nonlinear continuum analysis and associated finite element techniques in one, Bonet and Wood provide, in the new edition of this successful text, a complete, clear, and unified treatment of these important subjects. New chapters dealing with hyperelastic plastic behavior are included, and the authors have thoroughly updated the FLagSHyP program, freely accessible at www.flagshyp.com.
Finite Element Methods and Their Applications (Scientific Computation)
By Zhangxin Chen
Product Description:
This book serves as a text for one- or two-semester courses for upper-level undergraduates and beginning graduate students and as a professional reference for people who want to solve partial differential equations (PDEs) using finite element methods. The author has attempted to introduce every concept in the simplest possible setting and maintain a level of treatment that is as rigorous as possible without being unnecessarily abstract. Quite a lot of attention is given to discontinuous finite elements, characteristic finite elements, and to the applications in fluid and solid mechanics including applications to porous media flow, and applications to [COLOR=orange ! important][COLOR=orange ! important]semiconductor[/COLOR][/COLOR] modeling. An extensive set of exercises and references in each chapter are provided.
Introduction to the Finite Element Method in Electromagnetics (Synthesis Lectures on Computational Electromagnetics)
By Anastasis Polycarpou
Product Description:
This series lecture is an introduction to the finite element method with applications in electromagnetics. The finite element method is a numerical method that is used to solve boundary-value problems characterized by a partial differential equation and a set of boundary conditions. The geometrical domain of a boundary-value problem is discretized using sub-domain elements, called the finite elements, and the differential equation is applied to a single element after it is brought to a "weak" integro-differential form. A set of shape functions is used to represent the primary unknown variable in the element domain. A set of linear equations is obtained for each element in the discretized domain. A global matrix system is formed after the assembly of all elements. This lecture is divided into two chapters. Chapter 1 describes one-dimensional boundary-value problems with applications to electrostatic problems described by the Poisson's equation. The accuracy of the finite element method is evaluated for linear and higher order elements by computing the numerical error based on two different definitions. Chapter 2 describes two-dimensional boundary-value problems in the areas of electrostatics and electrodynamics (time-harmonic problems). For the second category, an absorbing boundary condition was imposed at the exterior boundary to simulate undisturbed wave propagation toward infinity. Computations of the numerical error were performed in order to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of the method in solving electromagnetic problems. Both chapters are accompanied by a number of Matlab codes which can be used by the reader to solve one- and two-dimensional boundary-value problems. These codes can be downloaded from the publisher's URL: www.morganclaypool.com/page/polycarpou This lecture is written primarily for the nonexpert engineer or the undergraduate or graduate student who wants to learn, for the first time, the finite element method with applications to electromagnetics. It is also targeted for research engineers who have knowledge of other numerical techniques and want to familiarize themselves with the finite element method. The lecture begins with the basics of the method, including formulating a boundary-value problem using a weighted-residual method and the Galerkin approach, and continues with imposing all three types of boundary conditions including absorbing boundary conditions. Another important topic of emphasis is the development of shape functions including those of higher order. In simple words, this series lecture provides the reader with all information necessary for someone to apply successfully the finite element method to one- and two-dimensional boundary-value problems in electromagnetics. It is suitable for newcomers in the field of finite elements in electromagnetics.
password: twilightzone
Partial Differential Equations and the Finite Element Method (Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Wiley-Interscience Series of Texts, Monographs and Tracts)
By Pavel Ŝolín
Product Description:
A systematic introduction to partial differential
equations and modern finite element methods for their efficient numerical solution
Partial Differential Equations and the Finite Element Method provides a much-needed, clear, and systematic introduction to modern theory of partial differential equations (PDEs) and finite element methods (FEM). Both nodal and hierachic concepts of the FEM are examined. Reflecting the growing complexity and multiscale nature of current engineering and scientific problems, the author emphasizes higher-order finite element methods such as the spectral or hp-FEM.
A solid introduction to the theory of PDEs and FEM contained in Chapters 1-4 serves as the core and foundation of the publication. Chapter 5 is devoted to modern higher-order methods for the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) that arise in the semidiscretization of time-dependent PDEs by the Method of Lines (MOL). Chapter 6 discusses fourth-order PDEs rooted in the bending of elastic beams and plates and approximates their solution by means of higher-order Hermite and Argyris elements. Finally, Chapter 7 introduces the reader to various PDEs governing computational electromagnetics and describes their finite element approximation, including modern higher-order edge elements for Maxwell's equations.
The understanding of many theoretical and practical aspects of both PDEs and FEM requires a solid knowledge of linear algebra and elementary functional analysis, such as functions and linear operators in the Lebesgue, Hilbert, and Sobolev spaces. These topics are discussed with the help of many illustrative examples in Appendix A, which is provided as a service for those readers who need to gain the necessary background or require a refresher tutorial. Appendix B presents several finite element computations rooted in practical engineering problems and demonstrates the benefits of using higher-order FEM.
Numerous finite element algorithms are written out in detail alongside implementation discussions. Exercises, including many that involve programming the FEM, are designed to assist the reader in solving typical problems in engineering and science.
Specifically designed as a coursebook, this student-tested publication is geared to upper-level undergraduates and graduate students in all disciplines of computational engineeringand science. It is also a practical problem-solving reference for researchers, engineers, and physicists.
password: twilightzone
Error-controlled Adaptive Finite Elements in Solid Mechanics
By Ekkehard Ramm, E. Rank, R. Rannacher, K. Schweizerhof, E. Stein, W. Wendland, G. Wittum, Peter Wriggers, Walter Wunderlich
Product Description:
Finite Element Methods are used for numerous engineering applications where numerical solutions of partial differential equations are needed. As computers can now deal with the millions of parameters used in these methods, automatic error estimation and automatic adaptation of the utilised method (according to this error estimation), has become a hot research topic.
This text offers comprehensive coverage of this new field of automatic adaptation and error estimation, bringing together the work of eight outstanding researchers in this field who have completed a six year national research project within the German Science Foundation. The result is a state-of-the-art work in true reference style. Each chapter is self-contained and covers theoretical, algorithmic and software presentations as well as solved problems. A main feature consists of several carefully elaborated benchmarks of 2D- and 3D- applications.
* First book to go beyond the Finite Element Method in itself
* Covers material from a new research area
* Presents benchmarks of 2D- and 3D- applications
* Fits with the new trend for genetic strategies in engineering
Finite Element Analysis: Thermomechanics of Solids
By David W. Nicholson
Product Description:
Finite element modeling has developed into one of the most important tools at an engineer's disposal, especially in applications involving nonlinearity. While engineers coping with such applications may have access to powerful computers and finite element codes, too often they lack the strong foundation in finite element analysis (FEA) that nonlinear problems require. Finite Element Analysis: Thermomechanics of Solids builds that foundation. It offers a comprehensive, unified presentation of FEA applied to coupled mechanical and thermal, static and dynamic, and linear and nonlinear responses of solids and structures. The treatment first establishes the mathematical background, then moves from the basics of continuum thermomechanics through the finite element method for linear media to nonlinear problems based on a unified set of incremental variational principles. As the use of FEA in advanced materials and applications continues to grow and with the integration of FEA with CAD, rapid prototyping, and visualization technology, it becomes increasingly important that engineers fully understand the principles and techniques of FEA. This book offers the opportunity to gain that understanding through a treatment that is concise yet comprehensive, detailed, and practical.
A First Course in Finite Elements
By Jacob Fish, Ted Belytschko
Product Description:
Developed from the authors, combined total of 50 years undergraduate and graduate teaching experience, this book presents the finite element method formulated as a general-purpose numerical procedure for solving engineering problems governed by partial differential equations.
Focusing on the formulation and application of the finite element method through the integration of finite element theory, code development, and software application, the book is both introductory and self-contained, as well as being a hands-on experience for any student.
This authoritative text on Finite Elements:
Finite Elements: Theory, Fast Solvers, and Applications in Solid Mechanics
By Dietrich Braess
Product Description:
This definitive introduction to finite element methods has been thoroughly updated for a third edition which features important new material for both research and application of the finite element method. The discussion of saddle-point problems is a highlight of the book and has been elaborated to include many more nonstandard applications. The chapter on applications in elasticity now contains a complete discussion of locking phenomena. The numerical solution of elliptic partial differential equations is an important application of finite elements and the author discusses this subject comprehensively. These equations are treated as variational problems for which the Sobolev spaces are the right framework. Graduate students who do not necessarily have any particular background in differential equations, but require an introduction to finite element methods will find this text invaluable. Specifically, the chapter on finite elements in solid mechanics provides a bridge between mathematics and engineering.
Fundamentals of Finite Element Analysis
By David V. Hutton, David Hutton
Product Description:
This new text, intended for the senior undergraduate finite element course in mechanical, civil and aerospace engineering departments, gives students a solid, practical understanding of the principles of the finite element method within a variety of engineering applications.
Hutton discusses basic theory of the finite element method while avoiding variational calculus, instead focusing upon the engineering mechanics and mathematical background that may be expected of senior engineering students. The text relies upon basic equilibrium principles, introduction of the principle of minimum potential energy, and the Galerkin finite element method, which readily allows application of finite element analysis to nonstructural problems.
The text is software-independent, making it flexible enough for use in a wide variety of programs, and offers a good selection of homework problems and examples.
A Book Website is also included, with book illustrations for class presentation; complete problem solutions (password protected); the FEPC 2-D finite element program for student use; instructions on FEPC and its use with the text; and links to commercial FEA sites.
Discontinuous Finite Elements in Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer (Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics)
By Ben Q. Li
Product Description:
The discontinuous finite element method (also known as the discontinuous Galerkin method) embodies the advantages of both finite element and finite difference methods. It can be used in convection-dominant applications while maintaining geometric flexibility and higher local approximations throught the use of higher-order elements. Element-by element connection propagates the effect of boundary conditions and the local formulation obviates the need for global matrix assembly. All of this adds up to a method which is not unduly memory-intensive and uniquely useful for working with computational dynamics, heat transfer and fluid flow calculations.
Discontinuous Finite Elements in Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer offers its readers a systematic and practical introduction to the discontinuous finite element method. It moves from a brief review of the fundamental laws and equations governing thermal and fluid systems, through a discussion of different approaches to the formulation of discontinuous finite element solutions for boundary and initial value problems, to their applicaton in a variety of thermal-system and fluid-related problems, including:
Each chapter features worked examples and exercises illustrating situations ranging from simple benchmarks to practical engineering questions.
This textbook is written to form the foundations of senior undergraduate and graduate learning and also provides scientists, applied mathematicians and research engineers with a thorough treatment of basic concepts, specific techniques and methods for the use of discontinuous Galerkin methods in computational fluid dynamics and heat transfer applications.
Enjoy !
By Theodore H.H. Pian, Chang-Chun Wu
[FONT=Verdana, helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]"… is useful for graduate students in computational mechanics." ? Mathematical Reviews, Issue 2006m. Many engineers and mathematicians consider the uniqueness of multivariable elements too abstract and impractical. Beginning with an introduction to the variational formulation of finite element methods in solid mechanics, this book introduces the advancement of the theory and applications of incompatible and multivariable finite element methods. A discussion of fundamental theories follows, laying the theoretical foundation for incompatible elements and their application in plasticity theory, and introducing new ideas in the development of hybrid finite elements. They conclude with applications in fracture problems and implementation of the methods in a finite element analysis program.
[/FONT][/FONT]Programming the Finite Element Method
By I. M. Smith, D. V. Griffiths

Product Description:
This title demonstrates how to develop computer programmes which solve specific engineering problems using the finite element method. It enables students, scientists and engineers to assemble their own computer programmes to produce numerical results to solve these problems. The first three editions of Programming the Finite Element Method established themselves as an authority in this area. This fully revised 4th edition includes completely rewritten programmes with a unique description and list of parallel versions of programmes in Fortran 90. The Fortran programmes and subroutines described in the text will be made available on the Internet via anonymous ftp, further adding to the value of this title.
The Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method
by John P. Wolf

A novel computational procedure called the scaled boundary finite-element method is described which combines the advantages of the finite-element and boundary-element methods : Of the finite-element method that no fundamental solution is required and thus expanding the scope of application, for instance to anisotropic material without an increase in complexity and that singular integrals are avoided and that symmetry of the results is automatically satisfied. Of the boundary-element method that the spatial dimension is reduced by one as only the boundary is discretized with surface finite elements, reducing the data preparation and computational efforts, that the boundary conditions at infinity are satisfied exactly and that no approximation other than that of the surface finite elements on the boundary is introduced. In addition, the scaled boundary finite-element method presents appealing features of its own : an analytical solution inside the domain is achieved, permitting for instance accurate stress intensity factors to be determined directly and no spatial discretization of certain free and fixed boundaries and interfaces between different materials is required. In addition, the scaled boundary finite-element method combines the advantages of the analytical and numerical approaches. In the directions parallel to the boundary, where the behaviour is, in general, smooth, the weighted-residual approximation of finite elements applies, leading to convergence in the finite-element sense. In the third (radial) direction, the procedure is analytical, permitting e.g. stress-intensity factors to be determined directly based on their definition or the boundary conditions at infinity to be satisfied exactly.
In a nutshell, the scaled boundary finite-element method is a semi-analytical fundamental-solution-less boundary-element method based on finite elements. The best of both worlds is achieved in two ways: with respect to the analytical and numerical methods and with respect to the finite-element and boundary-element methods within the numerical procedures.
The book serves two goals: Part I is an elementary text, without any prerequisites, a primer, but which using a simple model problem still covers all aspects of the method and Part II presents a detailed derivation of the general case of statics, elastodynamics and diffusion.
Finite Element Method Using MATLAB (Mechanical Engineering)
By Young W. Kwon, Hyochoong Bang

Product Description:
The finite element method (FEM) has become one of the most important and useful tools for scientists and engineers. This new book features the use of MATLAB to present introductory and advanced finite element theories and formulations. MATLAB is especially convenient to write and understand finite element analysis programs because a MATLAB program manipulates matrices and vectors with ease. The book is suitable for introductory and advanced courses in the Finite Element Method, as well as a reference for practicing engineers.
Understanding And Implementing the Finite Element Method
By Mark S. Gockenbach

Product Description:
The finite element method is the most powerful general-purpose technique for computing accurate solutions to partial differential equations. Understanding and Implementing the Finite Element Method is essential reading for those interested in understanding both the theory and the implementation of the finite element method for equilibrium problems. This book contains a thorough derivation of the finite element equations as well as sections on programming the necessary calculations, solving the finite element equations, and using a posteriori error estimates to produce validated solutions. Accessible introductions to advanced topics, such as multigrid solvers, the hierarchical basis conjugate gradient method, and adaptive mesh generation, are provided. Each chapter ends with exercises to help readers master these topics. Understanding and Implementing the Finite Element Method includes a carefully documented collection of MATLAB® programs implementing the ideas presented in the book. Readers will benefit from a careful explanation of data structures and specific coding strategies and will learn how to write a finite element code from scratch. Students can use the MATLAB codes to experiment with the method and extend them in various ways to learn more about programming finite elements. This practical book should provide an excellent foundation for those who wish to delve into advanced texts on the subject, including advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students in mathematics, engineering, and the physical sciences. Preface; Part I: The Basic Framework for Stationary Problems. Chapter 1: Some Model PDEs; Chapter 2: The weak form of a BVP; Chapter 3: The Galerkin method; Chapter 4: Piecewise polynomials and the finite element method; Chapter 5: Convergence of the finite element method; Part II Data Structures and Implementation. Chapter 6: The mesh data structure; Chapter 7: Programming the finite element method: Linear Lagrange triangles; Chapter 8: Lagrange triangles of arbitrary degree; Chapter 9: The finite element method for general BVPs; Part III: Solving the Finite Element Equations. Chapter 10: Direct solution of sparse linear systems; Chapter 11: Iterative methods: Conjugate gradients; Chapter 12: The classical stationary iterations; Chapter 13: The multigrid method; Part IV: Adaptive Methods. Chapter 14: Adaptive mesh generation; Chapter 15: Error estimators and indicators; Bibliography; Index. "Upon completion of this book a student or researcher would be well prepared to employ finite elements for an application problem or proceed to the cutting edge of research in finite element methods. The accuracy and the thoroughness of the book are excellent." Anthony Kearsley, research mathematician, National Institute of Standards and Technology.
The Finite Element Method: Its Basis and Fundamentals, Sixth Edition
By O. C. Zienkiewicz, R. L. Taylor, J.Z. Zhu

Product Description:
The Sixth Edition of this influential best-selling book delivers the most up-to-date and comprehensive text and reference yet on the basis of the finite element method (FEM) for all engineers and mathematicians. Since the appearance of the first edition 38 years ago, The Finite Element Method provides arguably the most authoritative introductory text to the method, covering the latest developments and approaches in this dynamic subject, and is amply supplemented by exercises, worked solutions and computer algorithms.
. The classic FEM text, written by the subject's leading authors
. Enhancements include more worked examples and exercises, plus a companion website with a solutions manual and downloadable algorithms
. With a new chapter on automatic mesh generation and added materials on shape function development and the use of higher order elements in solving elasticity and field problems
Active research has shaped The Finite Element Method into the pre-eminent tool for the modelling of physical systems. It maintains the comprehensive style of earlier editions, while presenting the systematic development for the solution of problems modelled by linear differential equations.
Together with the second and third self-contained volumes (0750663219 and 0750663227), The Finite Element Method Set (0750664312) provides a formidable resource covering the theory and the application of FEM, including the basis of the method, its application to advanced solid and structural mechanics and to computational fluid dynamics.
* The classic introduction to the finite element method, by two of the subject's leading authors
* Any professional or student of engineering involved in understanding the computational modelling of physical systems will inevitably use the techniques in this key text
* Enhancements include more worked examples, exercises, plus a companion website with a worked solutions manual for tutors
and downloadable algorithms
The Finite Element Method in Engineering, Fourth Edition
By Singiresu S. Rao

Product Description:
Finite Element Analysis is an analytical engineering tool developed in the 1960's by the Aerospace and nuclear power industries to find usable, approximate solutions to problems with many complex variables. It is an extension of derivative and integral calculus, and uses very large matrix arrays and mesh diagrams to calculate stress points, movement of loads and forces, and other basic physical behaviors. Students will find in this textbook a thorough grounding of the mathematical principles underlying the popular, analytical methods for setting up a finite element solution based on those mathematical equations. It quickly bridges that knowledge to a host of real-world applications--from structural design, to problems in fluid mechanics and thermodynamics. Professional engineers will benefit from the introduction to the many useful applications of finite element analysis, and will gain a better understanding of its limitations and special uses.
New to this edition:
· New sections added on the assemblage of element equations, and an important new comparison between finite element analysis and other analytical methods.showing advantages and disadvantages of each
· Updated solutions manual available
· Improved sample and end-of-chapter problems
* The only book to provide a broadoverview of the underlying principles of finite element analysis and where it fits into the larger context of other mathematically based engineering analytical tools.
* New sections added on the assemblage of element equations, and an important new comparison between finite element analysis and other analytical methods, showing the advantages and disadvantages of each.
* New Companion website that will host usable finite element programs and sample engineering problems, as well as a Solutions Manual for end-of-chapter problems.
Nonlinear Continuum Mechanics for Finite Element Analysis
By Javier Bonet, Richard D. Wood

Product Description:
The first edition of this successful text considered nonlinear geometrical behavior and nonlinear hyperelastic materials, and the numerics needed to model such phenomena. By presenting both nonlinear continuum analysis and associated finite element techniques in one, Bonet and Wood provide, in the new edition of this successful text, a complete, clear, and unified treatment of these important subjects. New chapters dealing with hyperelastic plastic behavior are included, and the authors have thoroughly updated the FLagSHyP program, freely accessible at www.flagshyp.com.
Finite Element Methods and Their Applications (Scientific Computation)
By Zhangxin Chen

Product Description:
This book serves as a text for one- or two-semester courses for upper-level undergraduates and beginning graduate students and as a professional reference for people who want to solve partial differential equations (PDEs) using finite element methods. The author has attempted to introduce every concept in the simplest possible setting and maintain a level of treatment that is as rigorous as possible without being unnecessarily abstract. Quite a lot of attention is given to discontinuous finite elements, characteristic finite elements, and to the applications in fluid and solid mechanics including applications to porous media flow, and applications to [COLOR=orange ! important][COLOR=orange ! important]semiconductor[/COLOR][/COLOR] modeling. An extensive set of exercises and references in each chapter are provided.
Introduction to the Finite Element Method in Electromagnetics (Synthesis Lectures on Computational Electromagnetics)
By Anastasis Polycarpou

Product Description:
This series lecture is an introduction to the finite element method with applications in electromagnetics. The finite element method is a numerical method that is used to solve boundary-value problems characterized by a partial differential equation and a set of boundary conditions. The geometrical domain of a boundary-value problem is discretized using sub-domain elements, called the finite elements, and the differential equation is applied to a single element after it is brought to a "weak" integro-differential form. A set of shape functions is used to represent the primary unknown variable in the element domain. A set of linear equations is obtained for each element in the discretized domain. A global matrix system is formed after the assembly of all elements. This lecture is divided into two chapters. Chapter 1 describes one-dimensional boundary-value problems with applications to electrostatic problems described by the Poisson's equation. The accuracy of the finite element method is evaluated for linear and higher order elements by computing the numerical error based on two different definitions. Chapter 2 describes two-dimensional boundary-value problems in the areas of electrostatics and electrodynamics (time-harmonic problems). For the second category, an absorbing boundary condition was imposed at the exterior boundary to simulate undisturbed wave propagation toward infinity. Computations of the numerical error were performed in order to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of the method in solving electromagnetic problems. Both chapters are accompanied by a number of Matlab codes which can be used by the reader to solve one- and two-dimensional boundary-value problems. These codes can be downloaded from the publisher's URL: www.morganclaypool.com/page/polycarpou This lecture is written primarily for the nonexpert engineer or the undergraduate or graduate student who wants to learn, for the first time, the finite element method with applications to electromagnetics. It is also targeted for research engineers who have knowledge of other numerical techniques and want to familiarize themselves with the finite element method. The lecture begins with the basics of the method, including formulating a boundary-value problem using a weighted-residual method and the Galerkin approach, and continues with imposing all three types of boundary conditions including absorbing boundary conditions. Another important topic of emphasis is the development of shape functions including those of higher order. In simple words, this series lecture provides the reader with all information necessary for someone to apply successfully the finite element method to one- and two-dimensional boundary-value problems in electromagnetics. It is suitable for newcomers in the field of finite elements in electromagnetics.
password: twilightzone
Partial Differential Equations and the Finite Element Method (Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Wiley-Interscience Series of Texts, Monographs and Tracts)
By Pavel Ŝolín

Product Description:
A systematic introduction to partial differential
equations and modern finite element methods for their efficient numerical solution
Partial Differential Equations and the Finite Element Method provides a much-needed, clear, and systematic introduction to modern theory of partial differential equations (PDEs) and finite element methods (FEM). Both nodal and hierachic concepts of the FEM are examined. Reflecting the growing complexity and multiscale nature of current engineering and scientific problems, the author emphasizes higher-order finite element methods such as the spectral or hp-FEM.
A solid introduction to the theory of PDEs and FEM contained in Chapters 1-4 serves as the core and foundation of the publication. Chapter 5 is devoted to modern higher-order methods for the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) that arise in the semidiscretization of time-dependent PDEs by the Method of Lines (MOL). Chapter 6 discusses fourth-order PDEs rooted in the bending of elastic beams and plates and approximates their solution by means of higher-order Hermite and Argyris elements. Finally, Chapter 7 introduces the reader to various PDEs governing computational electromagnetics and describes their finite element approximation, including modern higher-order edge elements for Maxwell's equations.
The understanding of many theoretical and practical aspects of both PDEs and FEM requires a solid knowledge of linear algebra and elementary functional analysis, such as functions and linear operators in the Lebesgue, Hilbert, and Sobolev spaces. These topics are discussed with the help of many illustrative examples in Appendix A, which is provided as a service for those readers who need to gain the necessary background or require a refresher tutorial. Appendix B presents several finite element computations rooted in practical engineering problems and demonstrates the benefits of using higher-order FEM.
Numerous finite element algorithms are written out in detail alongside implementation discussions. Exercises, including many that involve programming the FEM, are designed to assist the reader in solving typical problems in engineering and science.
Specifically designed as a coursebook, this student-tested publication is geared to upper-level undergraduates and graduate students in all disciplines of computational engineeringand science. It is also a practical problem-solving reference for researchers, engineers, and physicists.
password: twilightzone
Error-controlled Adaptive Finite Elements in Solid Mechanics
By Ekkehard Ramm, E. Rank, R. Rannacher, K. Schweizerhof, E. Stein, W. Wendland, G. Wittum, Peter Wriggers, Walter Wunderlich

Product Description:
Finite Element Methods are used for numerous engineering applications where numerical solutions of partial differential equations are needed. As computers can now deal with the millions of parameters used in these methods, automatic error estimation and automatic adaptation of the utilised method (according to this error estimation), has become a hot research topic.
This text offers comprehensive coverage of this new field of automatic adaptation and error estimation, bringing together the work of eight outstanding researchers in this field who have completed a six year national research project within the German Science Foundation. The result is a state-of-the-art work in true reference style. Each chapter is self-contained and covers theoretical, algorithmic and software presentations as well as solved problems. A main feature consists of several carefully elaborated benchmarks of 2D- and 3D- applications.
* First book to go beyond the Finite Element Method in itself
* Covers material from a new research area
* Presents benchmarks of 2D- and 3D- applications
* Fits with the new trend for genetic strategies in engineering
Finite Element Analysis: Thermomechanics of Solids
By David W. Nicholson
Product Description:
Finite element modeling has developed into one of the most important tools at an engineer's disposal, especially in applications involving nonlinearity. While engineers coping with such applications may have access to powerful computers and finite element codes, too often they lack the strong foundation in finite element analysis (FEA) that nonlinear problems require. Finite Element Analysis: Thermomechanics of Solids builds that foundation. It offers a comprehensive, unified presentation of FEA applied to coupled mechanical and thermal, static and dynamic, and linear and nonlinear responses of solids and structures. The treatment first establishes the mathematical background, then moves from the basics of continuum thermomechanics through the finite element method for linear media to nonlinear problems based on a unified set of incremental variational principles. As the use of FEA in advanced materials and applications continues to grow and with the integration of FEA with CAD, rapid prototyping, and visualization technology, it becomes increasingly important that engineers fully understand the principles and techniques of FEA. This book offers the opportunity to gain that understanding through a treatment that is concise yet comprehensive, detailed, and practical.
A First Course in Finite Elements
By Jacob Fish, Ted Belytschko

Product Description:
Developed from the authors, combined total of 50 years undergraduate and graduate teaching experience, this book presents the finite element method formulated as a general-purpose numerical procedure for solving engineering problems governed by partial differential equations.
Focusing on the formulation and application of the finite element method through the integration of finite element theory, code development, and software application, the book is both introductory and self-contained, as well as being a hands-on experience for any student.
This authoritative text on Finite Elements:
- Adopts a generic approach to the subject, and is not application specific
- In conjunction with a web-based chapter, it integrates code development, theory, and application in one book
- Provides an accompanying Web site that includes ABAQUS Student Edition, Matlab data and programs, and instructor resources
- Contains a comprehensive set of homework problems at the end of each chapter
- Produces a practical, meaningful course for both lecturers, planning a finite element module, and for students using the text in private study.
- Accompanied by a book companion website housing supplementary material that can be found at http://www.wileyeurope.com/college/Fish
Finite Elements: Theory, Fast Solvers, and Applications in Solid Mechanics
By Dietrich Braess
Product Description:
This definitive introduction to finite element methods has been thoroughly updated for a third edition which features important new material for both research and application of the finite element method. The discussion of saddle-point problems is a highlight of the book and has been elaborated to include many more nonstandard applications. The chapter on applications in elasticity now contains a complete discussion of locking phenomena. The numerical solution of elliptic partial differential equations is an important application of finite elements and the author discusses this subject comprehensively. These equations are treated as variational problems for which the Sobolev spaces are the right framework. Graduate students who do not necessarily have any particular background in differential equations, but require an introduction to finite element methods will find this text invaluable. Specifically, the chapter on finite elements in solid mechanics provides a bridge between mathematics and engineering.
Fundamentals of Finite Element Analysis
By David V. Hutton, David Hutton

Product Description:
This new text, intended for the senior undergraduate finite element course in mechanical, civil and aerospace engineering departments, gives students a solid, practical understanding of the principles of the finite element method within a variety of engineering applications.
Hutton discusses basic theory of the finite element method while avoiding variational calculus, instead focusing upon the engineering mechanics and mathematical background that may be expected of senior engineering students. The text relies upon basic equilibrium principles, introduction of the principle of minimum potential energy, and the Galerkin finite element method, which readily allows application of finite element analysis to nonstructural problems.
The text is software-independent, making it flexible enough for use in a wide variety of programs, and offers a good selection of homework problems and examples.
A Book Website is also included, with book illustrations for class presentation; complete problem solutions (password protected); the FEPC 2-D finite element program for student use; instructions on FEPC and its use with the text; and links to commercial FEA sites.
Discontinuous Finite Elements in Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer (Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics)
By Ben Q. Li

Product Description:
The discontinuous finite element method (also known as the discontinuous Galerkin method) embodies the advantages of both finite element and finite difference methods. It can be used in convection-dominant applications while maintaining geometric flexibility and higher local approximations throught the use of higher-order elements. Element-by element connection propagates the effect of boundary conditions and the local formulation obviates the need for global matrix assembly. All of this adds up to a method which is not unduly memory-intensive and uniquely useful for working with computational dynamics, heat transfer and fluid flow calculations.
Discontinuous Finite Elements in Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer offers its readers a systematic and practical introduction to the discontinuous finite element method. It moves from a brief review of the fundamental laws and equations governing thermal and fluid systems, through a discussion of different approaches to the formulation of discontinuous finite element solutions for boundary and initial value problems, to their applicaton in a variety of thermal-system and fluid-related problems, including:
- heat conduction problems;
- convection-dominant problems;
- compressible and incompressible flows;
- external radiation problems;
- internal radiation and radiative transfer;
- free- and moving-boundary problems;
- micro- and nanoscale heat transfer and fluid flow;
- thermal fluid flow under the influence of applied magnetic fields.
Each chapter features worked examples and exercises illustrating situations ranging from simple benchmarks to practical engineering questions.
This textbook is written to form the foundations of senior undergraduate and graduate learning and also provides scientists, applied mathematicians and research engineers with a thorough treatment of basic concepts, specific techniques and methods for the use of discontinuous Galerkin methods in computational fluid dynamics and heat transfer applications.
Enjoy !