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فى أحد المنتديات فأحضرتها ربما تنفع أخوتى (ان لم تكن مفيده أحذفوها ولن أزعل )

المكتبه منقوله كامله كما هى (كما وجدتها حتى بمقدمتها وتقسيماتها )

(و لم أتحقق من الروابط ) (وما أردت إلا الخير )


أقدم لكم فيما يلي روابط لكتب رياضيه في مختلف المجالات

كل رابط منها يحوي مجموعة من الكتب

وستشتمل هذه المكتبه على:

( 1 ) الجبر بفروعه المتعدده.
( 2 ) الهندسة الجبرية.
( 3 ) التحليل الرياضي.
( 4 ) الرياضيات التطبيقية.
( 5 ) التفاضل والتكامل.
( 6 ) موسوعة CRC الرياضية.
( 7 ) التشفير.
( 8 ) الجبر التفاضلي.
( 9 ) الهندسة التفاضلية.
( 10 ) المعادلات التفاضلية.
( 11 ) الرياضيات المتقطعة.
( 12 ) المنظومات الديناميكية.
( 13 ) موسوعة الرياضيات - مجموعة GALE.
( 14 ) الترفيه
( 15 ) الهندسه.
( 16 ) نظرية الرسوم (نظرية البيان) .
( 17 ) نظرية الزمر.
( 18 ) الرياضيات للمهندسين.
( 19 ) نظرية الأعداد.
( 20 ) الإحصاء والاحتمالات.
( 21 ) دفاتر ريمانجَن.
( 22 ) الطوبولوجي.
( 23 ) منوعات مفيده.


باسم الله نبدأ ...

( الــجــبــر )
:: Algebra ::


A Computational Introduction To Number Theory And Algebra - Victor Shoups

A course in computational algebraic number theory - Cohen

A Course in Homological Algebra - P. Hilton, U. Stammbach

A Course In Universal Algebra - S. Burris and H.P. Sankappanavar

A First Course In Linear Algebra - Robert A. Beezer

A First Course in Noncommutative Rings - T. Lam

A Primer of Algebraic D-modules - S. Coutinho

Abel's Theorem in Problems and Solutions - V.B. Alekseev

Abstract Algebra - the Basic Graduate Year - R. Ash

Advanced Modern Algebra - Joseph J. Rotman

Algebra & Trigonometry Graphs & Models 3rd ed - Marvin L. Bittinger

Algebra Abstract - Robert B. Ash

Algebra Demystified - Rhonda Huettenmueller

Algebra I Basic Notions Of Algebra - Kostrikin A I , Shafarevich I R

Algebra Sucsess In 20 Minutes a Day - LearningExpress

Algebraic D-modules - A. Borel et. al

Algebraic Groups and Discontinuous Subgroups - A. Borel, G. Mostow

Algebraic Surfaces and Holomorphic Vector Bundles - R. Friedman

Algorithmic Algebra - B. Mishra

Algorithms for Computer Algebra - K. Geddes, S. Czapor, G. Labahn

An Elementary Approach to Homological Algebra - L. Vermani

An Introduction To Linear Algebra - Kenneth Kuttler

Applications of Abstract Algebra with MAPLE - R. Klima, N. Sigmon, E. Stitzinger

Applied Linear Algebra And Matrix Analysis - Thomas S. Shores

Applied Numerical Linear Algebra - James W. Demmel

Bialgebraic Structures - W. Kandasamy

Calculus approach to matrix eigenvalue algorithms - Hueper

Commutative Algebra 2nd ed. - H. Matsumura

Commutative Ring Theory - H. Matsumura

Compact Numerical Methods for Computers Linear Algebra and Function Minimisation 2Ed - Adam Hilger
Computational Commutative Algebra - Kreuzer and Robbiano

Computer Algebra and Differential Equations - E. Tournier

Determinants and Their Applications in Mathematical Physics - R. Vein, P. Dale

Differential Galois Theory - M. van der Put, M. Singer

Elementary Linear Algebra - K. R. MATTHEWS

Elements of Abstract and Linear Algebra - E. H. Connell

Fileds and Galois Theory [jnl article] - J. Milne
fundamental problems in algorithmic algebra - chee keng yap

Galois Theory 2nd ed. - E. Artin

Group Characters, Symmetric Functions and the Hecke Algebras - D. Goldschmidt

Handbook of Algebra Vol 1 - M. Hazewinkel

Handbook of Algebra Vol 2 - M. Hazewinkel

Hankel and Toeplitz Matrices and Forms - I. Iohvidov

Homotopical Algebra - D. Quillen

Intro Abstract Algera - P.Garret

Introduction to Commutative Algebra - M. Atiyah, I. Macdonald

Invitation to Higher Local Feilds - I. Fesenko, M. Kurihara

Lectures on Matrices - wedderburn

Linear Algebra - Jim Hefferon

Linear algebra 3ed - Greub, W.H

Linear Algebra And Its Applications - David C Lay

Linear Algebra and Its Applications 3e - Gilbert Strang

Linear Algebra and Multidimensional Geometry - R. Sharipov


Linear Algebra Done Right, 2nd Ed - Sheldon Axler

Linear Algebra Gateway to Mathematics - Robert Messer

Linear Algebra with Applications 3rd Edition - Nicholson, W. Keith

Linear Algebra, 2Nd Edition - Kenneth Hoffmann And Ray Kunze

Linear algebraic groups 2ed - Borel A

Logic and Boolean Algebra - Kathleen and Hilbert Levitz

Matrices Over Commutative Rings - W. Brown

Matrices theory and applications - Serre D.

Matrix Analysis & Applied Linear Algebra - Carl D Meyer

Matrix Theory - [jnl article] - T. Banks

Methods of Homological Algebra - S. Gelfand, Y. Manin

Modern Algebra With Applications 2Ed - Gilbert, Nicholson

Modern Computer Algebra - Von Zur Gathen, Gerhard

Operator Algebras and Quantum Statistical Mechanics V1 2nd ed. - O. Bratelli.djv

Operator Algebras and Quantum Statistical Mechanics V2 2nd ed. - O. Bratelli.djv

Polynomials and Polynomial Inequalities

Quadratic Forms and their Applications

Ring of Quotients - Introduction to Methods of Ring Theory - Bo Stenstrom


Schemes - D. Eisenbud, J. Harris


Smarandache Loops - W. Kandasamy

Smarandache Near-Rings - W. Kandasamy

Smarandache Rings - W. Kandasamy

Smarandache Semirings, Semifields,Semi Vector Spaces - W. Kandasamy

Structure and Representation of Jordan Algebras - N. Jacobson

The Algebraic Theory of Spinors and Clifford Algebras - C. Chevalley

The Theory Of Algebraic Numbers 2nd ed. - H. Pollard, H. Diamond

Toposes, Triples and Theories - M. Barr, W. Wells

Treatise on Quantum Clifford Algebras - Fauser

Vector Math for 3D Computer Graphics - Interactive Tutorial

Workbook in Higher Algebra - David Surowski

روابط التحميل:

( الـهـنـدسـة الــجــبــريــة)

:: Analysis::

A Course of Higher Mathematics vol 1 - V. Smirnov.djv

A Course of Higher Mathematics vol 2 - V. Smirnov.djv

A Course of Modern Analysis 4th ed. - E. Whittaker, G. Watson.djv

A Quick Introduction to Tensor Analysis - R. Sharipov

Acourse of pure mathematics - Hardy

Algebraic Numbers and Fourier Analysis - Salem

An Introduction to Complex Analysis for Engineers - M. Adler

An Introduction To Functional Analysis - Vitali Milman

An Introduction to Numerical Analysis for Electrical and Computer Engineers - Wiley

Analysis - Hyland

Analysis and Simulation of Chaotic Systems 2nd ed. - F. Hoppensteadt

Applied and Computational Complex Analysis Vol 1 - P. Henrici

Applied and Computational Complex Analysis Vol 2 - P. Henrici

Applied Nonlinear Analysis - A. Sequeira, H. da Vega, J. Videman.djv

Automorphic Forms on GL(2) - H. Jacquet, R. Langlands

Automorphic Forms, Representations and L-Functions Part 1 - A. Borel, W. Casselman

Automorphic Forms, Representations and L-Functions Part 2 - A. Borel, W. Casselman

Basic Analysis - K. Kuttler

Basic Elements of Real Analysis - M. Protter

Basic Math Conecpts - E. Zakon

Complex Analysis - Ahlfors

Complex Analysis - cain

Complex Analysis - K. Houston

Complex Analysis 2nd ed. - L. Alhford

Computer Analysis of Number Sequences - H. Ibstedt

Convex Analysis and Non Linear Optimization Theory and Examples - Borwein,Lewis

Differential Inequalities - J. Szarski.djv

Elementary Numerical Analysis An Algorithmic Approach, 3rd Ed - de Boor

Finite Element Analysis Theory and Application with ANSYS - S. Moaveni

Foundations of Algebra and Analysis - C. Dodge

Foundations of modern analysis - Friedman

Foundations of Real and Abstract Analysis - Axler , Gehring , Ribet

Fourier analysis on groups - Rudin, Walter

Fourier Theory - B. Clarke

Functional Analysis - K Yoshida

Functional Analysis - W. Rudin

Functional Analysis and Semi-Groups - E. Hille, R. Phillips

Functional Equations in a Single Variable - M. Kuczma.djv

Functional Operators, Vol.1 - Measures and Integrals - J. von Neumann

Functions of One Complex Variable 2nd ed. - J. Conway

Fundamental Numerical Methods and Data Analysis - G. W. Collins

Harmonic Analysis And Partial Differential Equations - B. Dahlberg, C. Kenig

Harmonic Analysis on Semisimple Lie Groups - V. Varadarajan.djv

Harmonic Analysis, Real Variable Methods Orthogonality & Oscillatory Integrals - Stein

Homeomorphisms in Analysis - C. Goffman, T. Nishiura, D. Waterman.djv

Integral Equations - A Practical Treatment - D. Porter, D. Stirling.djv

Integral Equations - H. Hochstadt.djv

Introduction to Complex Analysis - R. Nevanlinna, V. Paatero

Introduction to Complex Analysis Lecture notes - W. Chen

Introduction to Numerical Analysis 2 ed - J.Stoer,R.Bulirsch

Introduction To p-adic Numbers and p-adic Analysis - A. Baker

Introduction to the theory of Fourier's series and integrals 2ed- Carslaw H.S.

Introductory Real Analysis - A. Kolmogorov, S. Fomin

Manifolds, Tensor Analysis and Applications 3rd ed. - Marsden, Ratiu and Abraham

Mathematical analysis - Apostol T.M.

Mathematical Analysis - E. Zakon

Mathematical Methods of Engineering Analysis - E. Cinlar, R. Vanderbei

Mathematics of the Discrete Fourier Transform

Means of Hilbert Space Operators - F. Hiai, H. Kosaki

Measure And Integral an introduction to Real analysis - Wheeden and Zygmund,

Mixed Motives - M. Levine

Monotone Operators in Banach Space and Nonlinear partial differential equation - P. Showalter

Nonlinear System Theory - W. Rugh

Notions of Convexity - L. Hoermander

p-adic numbers, p-adic analysis, and zeta-functions 2nd ed. - N. Koblitz

Partial Differantial Equations and Fourier Analysis an Introduction - K. Tung

Principles and Applications of Tensor Analysis - M. Smith

Principles of Mathematical Analysis 3ed - Rudin W

Real And Complex Analysis International Student edn - W. Rudin

Real and complex analysis third edition - Rudin

Real Mathematical Analysis- Charles Chapman

Summation of Series 2nd rev. ed. - L. B. W. Jolley

The Elements of Real Analysis - R. Bartle

The Theory Of The Riemann Zeta-Function -Titshmarch

theory and Problems Of Fourier Analysis with Applications to Boundary value problems - Spiegel

Theory of Functions of a Real Variable - S. Sternberg

Vector and Tensor Analysis with Applications - A. Borisenko and I.Tarapov.djv


روابط التحميل:

( الــريــاضـيـات الـتـطـبـيـقـيـة)

:: Applied mathematics ::

ويشمل :

A First Course On Wavelets - E. Hernandez, G. Weiss

Applied Mathematics - P. Oliver, C. Shakiban

Chaos Theory Tamed - G. Williams

Classification of Nuclear C-algebras - Entropy in Operator Algebras

Explaining Chaos - P. Smith

Fundamentals of Wavelets - Theory, Algorithms, and Applications - J. Goswami, A. Chan

Information Theory - R. Ash

Intro to the Math. and Stat. Foundations of Econometrics - H. Bierens

Introduction To Finite Mathematics, 3Rd Edition

Inverse Problem Theory and Methods for Model Parameter Estimation - A. Tarantola

Linear Programming - Foundation and Extensions 2nd ed. - R. vanderbei

Mathematics of Quantum Computation - Chen and Brylinski

Probabilistic Inference Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods - R. Neal

Renormalization Groups - G. Benfatto, G. Gallavotti

The Mathematical Theory Of Cosmic Strings - M. Anderson

Theory and Problems of Finite Mathematics

(Schaums Outlines) - S. Lipschutz


روابط التحميل:


الموضوع مكرر أرجو المعذرة الموضوع مغلق

بارك الله بجهودك
( الــتـفـاضـل والـتـكـامــل)
:: Calculus ::


A Treatise On The Differential Calculus with numerous examples - Todd Hunter

Advanced Calculus - a Differential Forms Approach - H. Edwards

Advanced Calculus - Widder D.V.

Advanced Calculus 2Ed , 1990 - Loomis L H , Sternberg S

Advanced Calculus 2Nd Ed - wrede & Spiegel

Advanced Calculus 3rd Edition - Taylor Angus & Wiley.Fayez

Advanced Calculus and Analysis - Ian craw

Advanced Calculus fifth edition - Wilfred Kaplan

Advanced Calculus of real valued functions of real variable and vectored valued functions of a vector variable - Sagan

Advanced Calculus With Applications In Statistics - A Khuri

An introduction to the fractional calculus and fractional differential equations - Miller K.S., Ross B.

Calculus 5th Edition - James Stewart solution

Calculus 5th Edition - James Stewart

Calculus Bible

Calculus Concepts and Contexts 2nd Ed - James Stewart

Calculus Demystified - Krantz

Calculus for the Clueless - Calc.I - Bob Miller's

Calculus for the Clueless, Calc II - Bob Millers

Calculus For The Utterly Confused - Oman


Calculus of Variations & Optimal Control - Sasane

Calculus of Variations & Solution Manual - Russak

Calculus Of Variations, With Applications To Physics And Engineering - Weinstock R

Calculus on manifolds - Spivak, M.

Calculus With Complex Numbers - Read

Calculus Workbook For Dummies - Mark Ryan

Calculus, applications and theory - K Kuttler

Derivatives and Integrals Chart (basic)

Dictionary of analysis, calculus, and differential equations - Gibilisco

Differential Forms, a Complement to Vector Calculus - S. Weintraub

Elementary calculus an infinitesimal approach 2ed - Keisler H.J.

Elementary Textbook on the Calculus - Snyder

Foundations Of Differential Calculus - Euler

Foundations Of Infinitesimal Calculus 2nd ed. - K. Stroyan

From Calculus to Chaos - D. Acheson

Functional Calculus of Pseudo-Differential Boundary Problems - Birkhauser

Geometric Approach to Differential Forms - D. Bachman

Handbook Of Integral Equations - A. Polyanin, A. Manzhirov

How To Solve Word Problems In Calculus - Don


Introduction To The Calculus Of Variations - Byerly 1917

Master Math Pre-Calculus And Geometry - Debra Ross

Mathematical Background Foundations of Infinitesimal Calculus 2nd Ed - K. D. Stroyan

Mlulti Variable Calculus and Linear Algebra, with Applications to DifFeren tial Equations and Probability SECOND EDITION - Apostol

Multivariate Calculus - Alder

On the Shoulders of Giants A Course in Single Variable Calculus - Smith & Mcleland

One-Variable Calculus, with an Introduction to Linear Algebra SECOND EDITION vol I - Apostol

Quantum calculus - Kac V. & Cheung P.

Rings of Differential Operators - J. Bjoerk.djv

Ryerson Calculus & Advanced Functions - McGraw-Hill

Selected Chapters In The Calculus Of Variations - Moser J

The Fractional Calculus Theory And Applications Of Differentiation And Integration To Arbitrary Order - Oldham K B , Spanier J

Theory and Problems of ADVANCED CALCULUS Second Edition - WREDE & SPIEGE

Theory and Problems of Beginning Calculus Second Edition - Elliott Mendelson


Vector Calculus - Theodore Voronov


روابط التحميل:

مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.