جرافيك آخر إصدار لعملاق التصميم Adobe Photoshop CS4 11.0 Extended


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برنامج غني عن التعريف ..ممتاز جدا في التصميم .عيوبه تتمثل في :
كبر حجمه ..ومشكلة تفعيله

Create powerful images with the professional standard!
Adobe Photoshop - the essential software for perfecting your images, Adobe® Photoshop® CS4 now offers productivity and workflow enhancements, powerful new editing tools, and breakthrough compositing capabilities. Adobe® Photoshop® CS4 software accelerates your path from imagination to imagery. Ideal for photographers, graphic designers, and web designers, the professional standard delivers new features such as automatic layer alignment and blending that enable advanced compositing. Live filters boost the comprehensive, nondestructive editing toolset for increased flexibility. And a streamlined interface and new timesaving tools make your work flow faster.
Adobe® Photoshop® CS4 Extended software delivers all the features in Photoshop CS4, plus new features for working with 3D imagery, motion-based content, and advanced image analysis. If you work in film, video, multimedia, 3D, manufacturing, architecture, engineering, medicine, or science, Photoshop Extended is for you.
Overall product features
• Revolutionary new features, a fluid user experience, and improved access to the unrivaled power of Photoshop
• A more intuitive user interface and new nondestructive editing features that put you in control, including the new Adjustments and Masks panels
• New and revolutionary Content-Aware Scaling, advanced auto-blending that extends depth of field, and industry-leading editing and compositing with reengineered color-correction tools
• Significant productivity enhancements that provide increased flexibility and enable you to leverage the power of today's faster graphics processors
• Breakthrough 3D editing and compositing capabilities and improved video controls to dramatically expand your creative options
• Comprehensive image analysis with enhanced measurement and counting tools, as well as support for DICOM images and MATLAB processing routines
Download Photoshop CS4 Extended Trial

CRACK For Cs4: 326 Kb

Photoshop CS4 11.0 Extended Crack

For easy download:
1) login to the site Adobe
2) go to _http: / / www.adobe.com/downloads/
3) Choose any commercial product available for download (LIGHTROOM)
4) begin downloading the file, it is important to start the download!
5) and then refuse to download a file, CANCEL.
6) in the address bar, IE or FF insert any of the above references and pump.
7) For the pumping of large files recommend using FIREFOX

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