Depleted Uranium: Properties, Uses, and Health Consequences


مستشار كلية العلوم النهرالخالد
طاقم الإدارة

Mi Alexandra C.

Publisher: Informa HealthCare
Number Of Pages: 288
Publication Date: 2006-12-15
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0849330475
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780849330476
Binding: Hardcover

Product Description

A compilation of published scientific information, including human, animal, cellular, and theoretical studies, Depleted Uranium: Properties, Uses and Health Consequences provides the most current and comprehensive collection of information on depleted uranium health hazards. The editor and her international panel of contributors are clinical and basic researchers at the forefront of toxicology, carcinogenesis, and human epidemiology. They review key findings on DU biological and health effects and comprehensively describe the research progress made during the last 11 years. The book's coverage ranges from cellular malignant transformation and carcinogenesis to animal toxicity and neurotoxicity, and concludes with human medical surveillance studies, uranium measurement methodologies, risk modeling, and environmental modeling. The chapters provide information on cellular and animal studies, in vivo carcinogenesis, risk modeling, uranium measurement methodologies, medical surveillance programs, and environmental monitoring. Focusing on current, peer-reviewed data, this volume is the only available compilation book on the current understanding of the potential health hazards of depleted uranium exposure
Chapter 1
Depleted Uranium Biological Effects: Introduction and Early Studies ……….1
Chapter 2
Characteristics, Biokinetics, and Biological Effects of Depleted
Uranium Used in Weapons and the French Nuclear Industry ..........21
Chapter 3
Carcinogenesis of Depleted Uranium: Studies in Animals...............55
Chapter 4
Neurotoxicology of Depleted Uranium in Adult
and Developing Rodents ....................................................................67
Chapter 5
Colorimetric Determination of Uranium ...........................................75
Chapter 6
Chemical and Histological Assessment of Depleted Uranium
in Tissues and Biological Fluids........................................................85
Chapter 7
Exposure and Health Surveillance in Gulf War
Veterans Exposed to Depleted Uranium..........................................105
Chapter 8
Health Hazards of Depleted Uranium Munitions: Estimates
of Exposures and Risks in the Gulf War, the Balkans, and Iraq....121
Chapter 9
Canadian Forces Uranium Testing Program....................................143
Chapter 10
Biokinetics of Uranium in the Human Body ..................................163
Chapter 11
Application of ICRP Biokinetic Models to Depleted Uranium......183
Chapter 12
Depleted Uranium and Radiological Hazard during
Operations in Kosovo.......................................................................229
Chapter 13
United Nations Environment Programme Results Based
on the Three DU Assessments in the Balkans and the Joint
IAEA/UNEP Mission to Kuwait .....................................................239


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