من يستطيع مساعتي في إيجاد نسخة كاملة بالسريال أو الكراك لبرنامج 6 Igor pro5 ou Igor pro


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الأخوة الأعزاء أعضاء منتديات شبكة العرب​

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته​

برجاء من يستطيع مساعتي في إيجاد نسخة كاملة بالسريال أو الكراك لبرنامج 6 Igor pro5 ou Igor pro​

جزاكم الله خيراً على حسن المساعدة...​

وأبارك لأخي علم الدين لثقة الأخ محب الغالية لتعيينه مشرفاً على كل منتديات كتاب العرب وبصراحة يستحقها فلقد شهدنا منه في الآونة الأخيرة جهود لا مثيل لها من أجل النهوض بالمنتدى....وفقك الله و سدد خطاك​

والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته​

Wavemetrics IGOR Pro v6.0.1
RELEASE NAME ..... WaveMetrics IGOR Pro v6.0.1
SUPPLIER ......... Team EDGE
CRACKER .......... Team EDGE
PROTECTION ....... Custom Serial + Activation

SIZE ............. 17 x 5MB
URL .............. http://www.wavemetrics.com/



WaveMetrics IGOR Pro v6.0.1

IGOR Pro 6 is an extraordinarily powerful and extensible scientific
graphing, data analysis, image processing and programming software
tool for scientists and engineers.

IGOR Pro is an interactive software environment for experimentation
with scientific and engineering data and for the production of
publication-quality graphs and page layouts. IGOR has been used by
tens of thousands of technical professionals since its introduction
in 1989. Here are a few highlights...

IGOR Pro produces journal-quality scientific graphs and exports high-
resolution graphics formats such as Encapsulated PostScript (EPS).

IGOR Pro handles large data sets very quickly.

IGOR Pro includes a wide range of capabilities for scientific and
engineering analysis and graphing.

IGOR Pro has special support for time-series or other evenly-spaced

IGOR Pro includes a powerful suite of image processing operations for
image filtering, manipulation, and quantification.

IGOR Pro imports data in many formats, and can acquire data from
hardware devices.

IGOR Pro is completely programmable via a built-in programming
environment, and can be extended by external code (XOPs) written
in C.

IGOR Pro doesn't require any programming; most functionality is
available using standard menus, dialogs, and the mouse.



1. Unzip, Unrar, and run setupIgor6.exe

2. Use the keygen located in the EDGE dir to generate your Serial
and Activation Code and license the software.

3. Enjoy


crack from the attachment link



  • Wavemetrics.IGOR.Pro.v6.0.1-EDGE.zip
    33.5 KB · المشاهدات: 9