Wiley Series in Agrochemicals & Plant Protection)


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Optimising Pesticide Use
(Wiley Series in Agrochemicals & Plant Protection)

By Michael Wilson


Publisher: Wiley
  • Number Of Pages: 222
  • Publication Date: 2004-07-23
  • Binding: Hardcover

Product Description

Optimising Pesticide Use brings together the wide range of scientific disciplines necessary to ensure best practice through monitoring what is used and improving how it is formulated and applied. The book provides:
  • An in-depth exploration of pesticide optimisation from the view point of industry and research scientist
  • A case study on the development of a new range of active chemistries from bacteria
  • A discussion of complementary pest control methods
This text will provide essential information to workers in the pesticide industry and regulatory community who need to be aware of current thinking and advancements in the optimal use of pesticidal compounds and systems, as well as environmental organisations and aid development organisations.




Occupational and Residential Exposure Assessment for Pesticides
(Wiley Series in Agrochemicals & Plant Protection)

By Claire Franklin, John Worgan


Publisher: Wiley
  • Number Of Pages: 438
  • Publication Date: 2005-03-25
  • Binding: Hardcover
Product Description

This timely publication concentrates on the exposure to pesticides by agricultural workers and residential users of pesticides through inhalation and physical contact.

The book discusses more recently discovered risks such as pesticides on indoor carpets and includes new trends in data interpretation.
Occupational & Residential Exposure Assessment for Pesticides complements the other title on pesticide exposure in the series - Pesticide Residues in Drinking Water, by Hamilton/Crossley and is a must for all professionals in the Pesticide Industry as well as academics.






Pesticide Residues in Food and Drinking Water: Human Exposure and Risks

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Pesticide Residues in Food and Drinking Water: Human Exposure and Risks

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