Water Crystals in Motion- Messages From Water


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Water Crystals in Motion- Messages From Water

by Masaru Emoto


  • Publisher: I.H.M. General Institute
  • Number Of Pages:
  • Publication Date:
  • Binding: DVD

See how spoken and written words change the structure of water. This ground breaking work from Dr Masuro Emoto shows us that what we say, and feel and well as what we listen to has an effect on water, and because we are made up of water, it has an effect on us. This DVD shows how the water crystals are formed and the process used to capture the images of water as it is exposed to written and spoken words as well as music. This imagry was recently utilized in the movie What The Bleep Do we Know. This work has also been referenced by Wayne Dyer, Lee Carol, Gregg Braden, Drunvalo Melchizedek, and Jonathan Goldman to name a few.


part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

part 5

هذا الكتاب هو كتاب رساله من الماء

للعالم اليابانى أيمو تو وهو كتاب

قمه فى الروعه يبحث فى تأثر

و تغير شكل كريستالات الماء

بالدعاء (سواء بالخير او الشر )

وهو المذكور شرحه فى موضوعى

للدخول اليه اضغط اسم الموضوع

الكتاب هديه لعشاق الماء

أمثالى (أرجوا ان تستمتعوا به )


بارك الله فيك أخى دمت فى حفظ الله ورعايته

فعلا ابداع ... بارك الله فيك

و جعلنا من الماء كل شيءٍ حي ... جزاك الله كل خير أخي محمد

بارك الله فيكم اخوتى جميعا

وشكر خاص لاستاذنا واخى الحبيب المهاجر

على تشريفه لى بالزياره (party)