كيمياء تحليلية Environmental Sampling for Trace Analysis


مستشار كلية العلوم النهرالخالد
طاقم الإدارة

Environmental Sampling for Trace Analysis
Bernd Markert



Publisher: VCH Publishers
Number Of Pages: 525
Publication Date: 1994-08
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 3527300511
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9783527300518

Table of content
Frontmatter (p i-xxx)
Part I: Historical Aspects
Chapter 1:
History of Sampling Demonstrated on the Ore Mining Industry - Empirical and Theoretical Approaches (p 2-7)
Part II: General Aspects
Chapter 2:
General Aspects of Environmental Sampling (p 10-71)
Chapter 3:
Trace Elements Need Trace Analysis (p 73-91)
Chapter 4:
Error Estimation in Environmental Sampling and Analysis (p 93-10
Chapter 5:
Estimation with Varying Detection Limits (p 109-121)
Part III: Examples for Sampling: Air
Chapter 6:
Particle and Gas Measurements on Filters (p 124-161)
Chapter 7:
Organic Gas Sampling (p 163-184)
Part III: Examples for Sampling: Water
Chapter 8:
Sampling of Freshwaters for Estimation of all Detectable Elements (p 186-202)
Chapter 9:
Guidelines for Sampling Freshwater for Eutrophication Management Programs (p 203-221)
Chapter 10:
The Sampling Strategy in the River Elbe Experiences (p 223-24
Chapter 11:
Sampling Treated Wastewaters and Receiving Streams (p 249-254)
Chapter 12:
Water and Wastewater Sampling for Environmental Analysis (p 255-27
Chapter 13:
Sampling of Groundwater for General Quality Monitoring (p 279-285)
Chapter 14:
Groundwater Sampling for Metals (p 287-302)
Part III: Examples for Sampling: Soils and Sediments
Chapter 15:
Representative Soil Sampling (p 305-320)
Chapter 16:
Problems and Results in the Development of International Standards for Sampling and Pretreatment of Soils (p 321-334)
Chapter 17:
Fixed and Hypothesis-Guided Soil Sampling Methods-Principles, Strategies, and Examples (p 335-345)
Chapter 18:
Sampling for Trace Analysis of Lake Sediments (p 347-364)
Chapter 19:
Sampling Design for Studying the Relationships between Heavy Metals in Soils, Sediments, and Discharged Wastewaters (p 365-37
Part III: Examples for Sampling: Plants and Animals
Chapter 20:
Sampling of Plants for Environmental Trace Analysis in Terrestrial, Semiterrestrial and Aquatic Environments (p 380-394)
Chapter 21:
On the Sampling of Vascular Plants for Monitoring of Heavy Metal Pollution (p 395-414)
Chapter 22:
Sampling of Terricolous Lichen and Moss Species for Trace Element Analysis, with Special Reference to Bioindication of Air Pollution (p 415-434)
Chapter 23:
Comparative Investigation of the Distribution of Chemical Elements in an Aceri tatarico-Quercetum Plant Community and in Stands of Cultivated Plants (p 435-442)
Chapter 24:
Sampling of Tropical Terrestrial Plants with Particular Reference to the Determination of Trace Elements (p 443-447)
Chapter 25:
Sampling in the Stemflow and Throughfall Areas of Forests (p 449-464)
Chapter 26:
Sampling of Different Social Categories of Red Wood Ants (Formica s. str.) for Biomonitoring (p 465-489)
Part IV: Literature Survey
Chapter 27:
Overview of References for Sampling and Related Topics (p 493-509)


اخي فعلا انت رائع جدا كانت يوما من الايام معضلتي
ان اجمع طرق sampling و شرحها بالتفصيل وكذلك كتابه بحثي حول هذا الموضوع بالذات
ولكنها ذكريات مضت.

الحمدلله ....اسعدتُ بكرمك اخي لاتحرمنا من عطاياك

اخي فعلا انت رائع جدا كانت يوما من الايام معضلتي

ان اجمع طرق sampling و شرحها بالتفصيل وكذلك كتابه بحثي حول هذا الموضوع بالذات
ولكنها ذكريات مضت.​

الحمدلله ....اسعدتُ بكرمك اخي لاتحرمنا من عطاياك​
بارك الله فيكِ أختنا الكريمة الطيبه
أسعد والله دائما بتشريفك موضوعاتى
دمتِ فى فضل الله ورعايته

بارك الله فيك دكتورنا فعلا كتاب رائع لانه احد اساسيات عملى

جزاك الله خيرا

بارك الله فيك دكتورنا فعلا كتاب رائع لانه احد اساسيات عملى

جزاك الله خيرا

أى خدمة ياعم محمد كل عام وانت بخير