كيمياء تحليلية Instrumental Methods in Metal Ion Speciation (Chromatographic Science


مستشار كلية العلوم النهرالخالد
طاقم الإدارة
Instrumental Methods in Metal Ion Speciation
Chromatographic Science
Imran Ali, Hassan Y. Aboul-Enein

Publisher: CRC
Number Of Pages: 376
Publication Date: 2006-03-14
Sales Rank: 1401462
ISBN / ASIN: 0849337364
EAN: 9780849337369
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: CRC

Book Description
Instrumental Methods in Metal Ion Speciation provides comprehensive coverage of the distribution, toxicities, and techniques of metal ion speciation. The authors discuss techniques such as gas and liquid chromatography, capillary electrophoresis, and both electrochemical and radiochemical methods. They present a range of liquid chromatographic approaches, including capillary electrochromatography and high-performance, ion, ion pair, micellar electrokinetic, size exclusion, chiral, and supercritical fluid chromatographies. The text also covers the principles of metal ion speciation, sample preparation, and metal ion speciation into environmental and biological samples using various techniques


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