Organic Reaction Mechanisms ...1997 to 2004


Well-Known Member
Organic Reaction Mechanisms, 1997

by Edited by A.C. Knipe and W.E. Watts


Book Description

Includes such mechanisms as addition and elimination reactions, nucleophilic and electrophilic aromatic substitutions, and molecular rearrangements.
* Each chapter deals with specific reaction types, reviewing the previous year's developments in the area.
* Extensively referenced to previous volumes and primary journals.




Organic Reaction Mechanisms, 1999

By Chris Knipe, W. E. Watts


Book Description

th 35 volume in this highly successful series
A guide to the most recent developments in organic chemistry
Excellent references - Author and subject references
Well respected editors with many years experience in the field




Organic Reaction Mechanisms, 2000

By Chris Knipe, W. E. Watts


Book Description

Presents and surveys research described in literature between December 1999 and November 2000. As in previous volumes new mechanisms for the synthesis of all types of organic compounds will be included as well as such mechanisms as addition and elimination reactions, nucleophilic and electrophilic aromatic substitutions and molecular arrangements.

This annual series on organic reaction mechanisms reasearch provides concise and comprehensive coverage of the years literature as well as discussions on important results. Each volume is extensively referenced to previous volumes and primary journals




Organic Reaction Mechanisms, 2001
An annual survey covering the literature dated January to December 2001
(Organic Reaction Mechanisms Series)

By Chris Knipe


Book Description

This annual series on organic reaction mechanisms research provides concise, comprehensive coverage of the year's literature as well as discussions of important results, each volume is extensively referenced to previous volumes and primary journals
This the 37th book in the series will survey research on organic reaction mechanisms described in the literature between December 1999 to November 2000
As in previous volumes new mechanisms for the synthesis of all types of organic compounds will be included as well as such mechanisms as addition and elimination reactions, nucleophilic and electrophilic aromatic substitutions and molecular arrangements




Organic Reaction Mechanisms, 2002
An Annual Survey Covering the Literature Dated January to December 2002
(Organic Reaction Mechanisms Series)

By Chris Knipe


Book Description

This volume is the 38th in this classical series. In every volume the content is divided in the different classes of organic reaction mechanisms
  • Reaction of Aldehydes and Ketones and their Derivatives

  • Reactions of Carboxylic, Phosphoric, and Sulfonic Acids and their Derivatives

    Oxidation and Reduction

    Carbenes and Nitrenes

    Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution

    Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution


    Nucleophilic Aliphatic Substitution

    Carbanions and Electrophilic Aliphatic Substitution

    Elimination Reactions

    Radical Reactions

    Addition Reactions: Polar Addition

    Addition Reactions: Cycloadditions

    [*]Molecular Rearrangements

    An experienced team of authors is compiling these reviews every year, so that the reader can rely on a continuing quality of selection and presentation. As a new service to the reader all reaction mechanisms leading to stereospecific products are highlighted. This reflects the needs of the organic synthetic community with leads to chiral reactions.
Detailed author and subject indexes help the reader to find the information they are looking for.




Organic Reaction Mechanisms, 2003

(Organic Reaction Mechanisms Series)

By Chris Knipe


Book Description

In order to plan new organic syntheses the chemist has to understand organic reaction mechanisms. The latest volume in this Series highlights the new mechanisms published in the 2003 literature. An experienced team of authors compiles these reviews every year, so that the reader can rely on a continuing quality of selection and presentation




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Organic Reaction Mechanisms, 2004


Organic Reaction Mechanisms, 2004
(Organic Reaction Mechanisms Series)
Chris Knipe


Publisher: Wiley
Number Of Pages: 712
Publication Date: 2004-04-25
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 047001847X
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780470018477
Binding: Hardcover

BooK Description
The 40th annual volume in this highly successful and unique series surveying the advances in the understanding of organic reaction mechanisms.

In every volume the content is divided in the different classes of organic reaction mechanisms, including:
  • Reaction of Aldehydes and Ketones and their Derivatives
  • Reactions of Carboxylic, Phosphoric, and Sulfonic Acids and their Derivatives
  • Oxidation and Reduction
  • Carbenes and Nitrenes
  • Elimination Reactions
  • Radical Reactions
  • Molecular Rearrangements
An experienced team of authors compile these reviews every year, so that the reader can rely on a continuing quality of selection and presentation. As a new service to the reader all reaction mechanisms leading to stereospecific products are highlighted. This reflects the needs of the organic synthetic community with leads to chiral reactions
