برنامج التصميم الهندسي الميكانيكي الصناعي Dassault Systemes CATIA V5R10

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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
برنامج التصميم الهندسي الصناعي Dassault Systemes CATIA V5R10

CATIA is Dassault Systemes’ PLM solution for digital product definition and simulation.
CATIA V5 is the leading product development solution for all manufacturing organizations, from OEMs through their supply chains to small independent producers. The range of its capabilities allows CATIA V5 to be applied in a wide variety of industries, such as aerospace, automotive, industrial machinery, electrical, electronics, shipbuilding, plant design, and consumer goods, including design for such diverse products as jewelry and clothing.
CATIA V5 is the only solution capable of addressing the complete product development process, from product concept specifications through product-in-service, in a fully integrated and associative manner. It facilitates true collaborative engineering across the multi-disciplinary extended enterprise, including style and form design, mechanical design and equipment and systems engineering, managing digital mock-up, machining, analysis, and simulation.
Mechanical Design
Provides specification-driven modeling for part design, assembly design and integrated drafting.
Shape Design and Styling
Enables creation and modification of complex engineered and free-form surfaces.
Product Synthesis
Provides automation and validation of design and manufacturing data.
Equipment and Systems Engineering
Enables design and integration of electrical, fluid and mechanical systems within a 3D digital mock-up.
Enables easy and fast structural analysis of any type of assembly.
Offers a 3D knowledge-based product portfolio, built on an integrated single infrastructure and covering all specialized CAM applications.
Provides a scalable platform for collaborative product creation and product data management.
Education (Web-based Learning)
Provides learning, anytime from anywhere, with everyday companion.
Application Development (CAA RADE)
Enables developers and customers to extend the PLM application portfolio
حمل من المرفقات
نسألكم الدعاء لنا ولكم وللمجاهدين في سبيل الله في كل مكان وللمسلمين اجمعين
اعيرونا بيانكم لتقديم التقدير الكبير لهذا المجمع الراقى والقائمين علية جزاهم اللة خير الجزاء لما فية اطلالة واسعة و مشرقة لمستقبل اجيال وامة وفقكم اللة وسدد خطاكم

الله يعطيك العافية ولكن هناك مشكلة وهي كيف أحمل البرنامج وشكرا

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته :)
اعرفكم بنفسي انا مهندسة ميكانيكية ولكني ومنذ فترة اتجهت الى التصميم الهندسي عبر الحاسوب وكنت مهتمة ببرامج التصميم مثل Auto Cad و 3Dmax وقد لفت انتباهي برنامج كاتيا كبرنامج تطبيقي للتصميم ولكني اسال هل بالامكان اجراء التحاليل الهندسية من خلاله أي تحليل الاجهادات والشد الخ
ولكم جزيل الشكر
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