البرنامج الهندسي Aptech GAUSS Data Tool v7.0.12.630


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البرنامج الهندسي Aptech GAUSS Data Tool v7.0.12.630

GAUSS Data Tool is a stand-alone program for working with GAUSS data sets. GAUSS Data Tool loads the columns of the data sets into a workspace as vectors where they can be transformed or modified using simple intuitive statements. Data sets can also be created by simulation using a variety of models, e.g., probit, logit, GARCH, linear. A new version of a data set can be generated where missing data are replaced by single or multiple imputations from a maximum likelihood extimation using EM algorithm

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  • البرنامج الهندسي Aptech GAUSS Data Tool v7.0.12.630.txt
    420 بايت · المشاهدات: 28

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