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Anslyn and Dougherty ,"Modern physical organic

Peter Sykes , Mechanisms in Organic chemistry , Longman scientific Technical 6th ed.(1993)

W.C.Groutas, Organic reaction Mechanisms, Wiley, Newyork (2000).

R. Bruckner, Advanced Organic Chemistry, Reaction Mechanisms, A Harcourt Science and technology Company, new york (2002)

N. Isaacs, Physical Organic Chemistry , 2nd Ed., Longman Scientific & Technical, UK (1995).

J Clayden, N. Greeves, S. Warren and P. Wothers, Organic Chemistry, Oxford Univ . Press, New York (2001).
B. Mill, Advanced Organic Chemistry , Prentice-Hall International, UK (1998).

I. Flimming, Frontier Orbitals and Organic chemical REactions, Wiley, New York (1996).

هذا أهم كتاب فى الكتب المطلوبة

Modern Physical Organic Chemistry
Eric V. Anslyn; Dennis A. Dougherty


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