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The following analyses have all been carried out by flow analysis, either air-segmented flow analysis or flow injection analysis. In the first table the analyses are divided into application areas and most of them are colorimetric. The second table lists analyses that have been reported using flame photometry, atomic absorption, inductively coupled plasma, fluorimetry, luminometry, ion selective electrodes. The list does not claimed to be exhaustive and Burkard Scientific welcomes any enquiry for the development of an analysis not on these lists. Concentration ranges down to p.p.b. levels for most analyses. Please contact us with your analytical requirements.
Clinical and veterinaryAlantoin, Albumin, Alkaline, phosphatase, Alpha-amylase, Total bilirubinDirect bilirubin, Calcium, Bicarbonate, Chloride, Cholesterol, Creatinine, DNAFatty acids, Glucose, Glutamic acid, Gamma-glutamyl transferase, GlycerineHistamine, Hydroxyproline, Total iron, Magnesium, N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase, Neuraminidase, Peroxidase, Phenylalanine, Phosphate, Total protein, Urea, Uric acid, Sodium/potassium
Pharmaceutical, biotechnology and biochemicalAlpha-amino nitrogen, P-aminohippuric acid, Creatinine, Ethanol, Glucose, Lactate, Protein, Reducing sugarsFood and drinkAcetaldehyde, Acetic acid, Acetone, Acidity, Alginic acid, Alpha-amino, nitrogen, Ascorbic acid, Beta-Glucan, Bitterness (beer), Carbohydrate, Carbon dioxide, Colour (beer), Diacetyl, Diastatic power, Ethanol, Glucose, Hydroxyproline, Lactose, Malic acid, Nitrogen (kjeidahl), Phosphate, Polyphenols, Reducing sugars, Sucrose, Sulphur dioxideSoils and plantsAmmonia, Nitrogen (kjeldahl), Boron, Bromide, Calcium, lodide, Magnesium, Molybdenum, Nitrate, Phosphate, Potassium, Sodium, Sulphate
FertilizersAmmonia, Biuret, Calcium, Nitrate, Phosphate, Potassium, Thiosulphate, UreaTobaccoAlpha-aminonitrogen, Nitrogen (kjeldahl), Chloride Nicotine, Reducing sugars, Total sugars, Total oxidised nitrogen, Citrate (papers)IndustrialBoron, Chlorate, Chromate, Free cyanide, Hydrogen peroxide, Hydroxyproline, Magnesium, Peracetic acid, Percarbonate, Phosphate, PotassiumBoiler water and condensatesAlkalinity, Ammonia, Copper, Total hardness, Hydrazine, lron, Free phenol, Silicate
Sea waterAmmonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, Phosphate, Silicate
Water and effluentsAlkalinity, Free aluminium, Total aluminium, Ammonia, Anionic detergents, Arsenic, Bromate, Calcium hardness, Cationic detergents, Chloride, Chlorine, Conductivity, Free cyanide, Total cyanide, Dissolved organic carbon, Fluoride, Formaldehyde, Total hardness, Haxamine, Iron, Lead, Magnesium, Manganese, Mercury, Molybdenum, Nickel, Total oxidised nitrogen, Total Nitrogen, Nitrite, Non-ionic detergents, pH, Free phenol, Total Phenol, Phosphate, Thiocyanate, Total phosphate, Silicate, Sulphate, Uranium, Zinc
Flow analysis applications using flame photometry, atomic absorption and inductively coupled plasmaSodium, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum, Cobalt, Chromium, Cadmium, Aluminium, Nickel, Zinc, Copper
Flow analysis applications using fluorescenceDNA, Histidine, Histamine, Aluminium, Phenylalanine, Glycine, Albumin, Gallium, Glucose, Lactate, IgG, Terbium, Boron, Copper, Cyanide, Bile acids, Pyridoxal, Pyridoxal-5-phosphate, Mercury, Manganese, Iron, Hydrogen peroxide, Ochratoxin A, Cerium(111), Cerium(IV), Vitamin B1, Cyclophosphamide, Urea, Quinine, Phosphate , Galactosidase, Rhodamine G
Flow analysis applications using luminometryManganese, ATP, NAD, Cobalt(II), Lactate, NADPH, Iron(II), Glucose, ADP, Iron(III), L-amino acids, Co-enzyme A, Gold(III), Thyroxine, Creatine, Titanium(II), Thiourea, Creatine phosphate, Titanium(IV), Ethanol, CTP, Copper(II), Glycarol, GTP, Chromium(III + IV), Indole, Phosphoenol pyruvate, Zinc, Albumin, Apyrase, Cadmium, Cysteine, ATPase, Silver, Ferritin, ATP sulphurase, Osmium, Cytochrome C, Creatine kinase, Mercury, Myoglobin, Hexokinase, Thallium, Creatinine, Myokinase, Lead, Pyrophosphate, Nucleotide phosphokinases, Bismuth, Triglycerides, Pyruvate kinase, Zirconium, UTP, Alcohol dehydrogenase, Thorium, cAMP, ATP-NMN adenyl transferase, Cerium, AMP, Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, Vanadium, Vitamin B12, Isocitrate dehydrogenase, Hydrogen peroxide, 3-ethylaniline, Lactate dehydrogenase, Sulphite, Uric acid, Malate dehydrogenase, Sulphide, Urea, Proteolytic enzymes, Sulphur dioxide, Trypsin, 9,10-diphenylanthracene, Cyanide, Morphine, Catalase, Nitrite, Tetracycline, FAD, Chlorine, Thiamine, FMN, lodine, 3-hydroxybutyrate, FMNH2, Hypochlorite, Malate, Glucose-6-phosphate, Ferrocyanide, Pyruvate, Glucose-1-phosphate
Flow analysis applications using ion selective electrodesAmmonia, Bromide, Cadmium, Calcium, Carbon Dioxide, Chloride, Chlorine, Copper, Cyanide, Fluoride, lodide, Lead, Nitrate, Oxygen, Potassium, Silver/sulphide, Sodium, Thiocyanate

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