كيمياء فيزيائية Carbon Filtration for Reducing Emissions from Chemical Agent Incineration


مستشار كلية العلوم النهرالخالد
طاقم الإدارة

Carbon Filtration for Reducing Emissions from Chemical Agent Incineration

(Compass Series (Washington, D.C.))


Committee on Review and Evaluation of the Army Chemical Stockpile Disposal Program, National Research Council

Publisher: Natl Academy Pr
Number Of Pages: 87
Publication Date: 1999-08
Sales Rank: 5688219
ISBN / ASIN: 030906595X
EAN: 9780309065955
Binding: Paperback
Manufacturer: Natl Academy Pr
Studio: Natl Academy Pr

Table of Contents

Front Matter i-xiv

Executive Summary 1-5

1 Introuction and Background 6-10

2 Trace Gaseous Emissions from Agent Incineration 11-19

3 Controlling Trace Organics with Passive Activated Carbon Filters 20-30

4 Facility Design with a Carbon Filter System 31-39

5 Risk Assessments and Change Management: An Evaluation of the Army's Decision-Making Process 40-48

6 Findings and Recommendations 49-51

References 52-54

Appendix A Reports of the Committee on Review and Evaluation of the Army Chemical Stockpile Disposal Program (Stockpile Committee) 55-57

Appendix B Consolidated Exhaust Gas Characteristics for the JACADS and TOCDF Baseline Incineration Systems 58-69

Appendix C Commercial Application of Carbon Bed Filters to Combustion Sources 70-71

Appendix D Theoretical Modeling of Adsorption 72-79

Appendix E Adsorption Separations: Alternative Modes of Operation 80-81

Appendix F Alternative Flue Gas Cleaning Systems for Substances of Potential Concern 82-83

Appendix G Biographical Sketches of Committee Members 84-87



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شكرا اخى الحبيب وجزاك الله خيرا

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نتقابل كل خميس

دمت فى حفظ الله


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