طلب مساعدة:احتاج الى محاظرات في مبادىء واساسيات الهندسة الكيمياوية

انا عندى الحل يا اخى و عندى كتابين فى اساسيات الالكترونيات ولكن ليس عندى الخبره ان ارسلهم لك ممكن تعلمنى

Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering -- year 2006
(Teoreticheskie Osnovy Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii)
by Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia


Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering
(Teoreticheskie Osnovy Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii)
ISSN PRINT: 0040-5795
ISSN ONLINE: 1608-3431

Pavel D. Sarkisov
Academician, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
The journal Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering (Teoreticheskie osnovy khimicheskoi tekhnologii) publishes original articles on transport phenomena, chemical hydrodynamics, nonlinear processes in chemistry and chemical engineering, surface phenomena (e.g., the Marangoni effect), self-organization in nonequilibrium systems, synergetics, macrokinetics of chemical reactions, and the theory and methods for calculating chemical reactors. Processes where the separation of mixtures are encountered play the key role in processing industries. Still of current importance are the theory and practice of diffusion processes (distillation, gas absorption, adsorption, drying, liquid extraction, dissolution, and crystallization), among which the maximum attention is drawn to integrated reaction-mass-transfer processes and all types of membrane processes. An important field is the intensification of heat and mass transfer processes under the action of various factors such as electric and magnetic fields, ultrasonic waves, vibrations and pulsations, and increased velocities of interacting phases. The journal publishes articles on large-scale chemical engineering systems (energy-closed, resource-saving, economically optimized, etc.) as well as works devoted to automated system design and flexible automated production systems.
transport phenomena, chemical hydrodynamics, nonlinear processes in chemistry and chemical engineering; surface phenomena; self-organization in nonequilibrium systems; macrokinetics of chemical reactions; theory and methods for the calculating chemical reactions; separation of mixtures; diffusion processes (distillation, gas absorption, adsorption, drying, liquid extraction, dissolution, crystallization, etc.); integrated reaction - mass-transfer processes; membrane processes; intensification of heat and mass transfer; energy-closed, resource-saving, economically optimized chemical engineering systems; automated system design.
Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering is abstracted and/or indexed in Chemical Abstracts, INSPEC Information Services, and SCOPUS

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