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Felson's Principles of Chest Roentgenology CD-ROM ONLY (no book)
by Lawrence R. Goodman
Felson's Principles of Chest Roentgenology CD-ROM ONLY
By Lawrence R. Goodman
Product Description:
This classic text is the must-have primer of chest radiology. The Third Edition reflects the latest imaging approaches and terminology while retaining the easy-to-use format that has always made this book so popular. Images and diagrams appear on the left-hand pages while text and multiple-choice review questions appear on the corresponding right-hand pages. An accompanying CD-ROM includes additional images plus self-assessment tests representing three different levels of difficulty - to help you build your diagnostic skills regardless of your current degree of expertise.
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by Lawrence R. Goodman

Felson's Principles of Chest Roentgenology CD-ROM ONLY
By Lawrence R. Goodman
- Publisher: Saunders
- Number Of Pages: 272
- Publication [COLOR=orange ! important][COLOR=orange ! important]Date[/color][/color]: 2006-12-07
- ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1416029230
- ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781416029236
- Binding: Paperback
Product Description:
This classic text is the must-have primer of chest radiology. The Third Edition reflects the latest imaging approaches and terminology while retaining the easy-to-use format that has always made this book so popular. Images and diagrams appear on the left-hand pages while text and multiple-choice review questions appear on the corresponding right-hand pages. An accompanying CD-ROM includes additional images plus self-assessment tests representing three different levels of difficulty - to help you build your diagnostic skills regardless of your current degree of expertise.
- Uses the popular "programmed learning" approach to promote fast learning and reference.
- Covers every aspects of chest radiology, including basic [COLOR=orange ! important][COLOR=orange ! important]science[/color][/color], image interpretation, and terminology.
- Features CT and MR images as well as traditional radiographs, for easy comparison between modalities.
- Introduces [COLOR=orange ! important][COLOR=orange ! important]PET[/color][/color] imaging, now widely used for diagnosing chest diseases.
- Provides complete explanations of new terminology.
- Replaces old images with the new, digital-quality radiographs.
- Includes a CD-ROM with additional images and tests of varying levels of difficulty...perfect for beginning medical students through fourth-year residents.
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