Zinc Oxide Bulk, Thin Films and Nanostructures: Processing, Properties, and Applications

Chennupati Jagadish, Stephen J. Pearton “Zinc Oxide Bulk,
Thin Films and Nanostructures: Processing, Properties, and Applications"
| 2006-11-08 | | 589 pages | PDF | 6,2 MB
Thin Films and Nanostructures: Processing, Properties, and Applications"
| 2006-11-08 | | 589 pages | PDF | 6,2 MB
Book Description
Covers the broad uses of zinc oxide within the fields of materials science and engineering
Covers the broad uses of zinc oxide within the fields of materials science and engineering
Product Description
With an in-depth exploration of the following topics, this book covers the broad uses of zinc oxide within the fields of materials science and engineering:
With an in-depth exploration of the following topics, this book covers the broad uses of zinc oxide within the fields of materials science and engineering:
- Recent advances in bulk , thin film and nanowire growth of ZnO (including MBE, MOCVD and PLD),
- The characterization of the resulting material (including the related ternary systems ZgMgO and ZnCdO),
- Improvements in device processing modules (including ion implantation for doping and isolation ,Ohmic and Schottky contacts , wet and dry etching),
- The role of impurities and defects on materials properties
- Applications of ZnO in UV light emitters/detectors, gas, biological and chemical-sensing, transparent electronics, spintronics and thin film
- The characterization of the resulting material (including the related ternary systems ZgMgO and ZnCdO),
- Improvements in device processing modules (including ion implantation for doping and isolation ,Ohmic and Schottky contacts , wet and dry etching),
- The role of impurities and defects on materials properties
- Applications of ZnO in UV light emitters/detectors, gas, biological and chemical-sensing, transparent electronics, spintronics and thin film