Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution


Well-Known Member
Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution

Publisher: TF-CRC
Language: English
ISBN: 0849392926
Paperback: 512 pages
Data: May 2007
Format: PDF
Description: Part of the second edition of The Electric Power Engineering Handbook, Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution offers focused and detailed coverage of all aspects concerning the conventional and nonconventional methods of power generation, transmission and distribution systems, electric power utilization,

and power quality. Contributed by worldwide leaders under the guidance of one of the world’s most respected and accomplished authorities in power engineering, this carefully crafted reference provides convenient access to both overviews and detailed information on a diverse array of topics. Updates to nearly every existing chapter keep this book at the forefront of developments in modern power systems, reflecting international standards, practices, and technologies. Additionally, three new chapters examine the environmental impact of transmission lines, real-time control of distributed generation, and distribution system characteristics and protection. New material ensures up-to-date information on highly active areas including advanced energy technologies, distributed utilities, load characterization and modeling, and power quality issues such as power system harmonics, voltage sags, and power quality monitoring. Remaining relevant in a rapidly evolving field, Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution helps you develop and maintain safe, efficient, and economical power generation and delivery in today’s dynamic and high-demand environment.



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