Digital Signal Processing with Field Programmable Gate Arrays


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Digital Signal Processing with Field Programmable Gate Arrays

Author: U. Meyer-Baese
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Edition: Bk&CD-Rom edition (September 15, 2001)
Hardcover: 422 pages
URL: /
Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are on the verge of revolutionizing digital signal processing. Novel FPGA families are replacing ASICs and PDSPs for front end digital signal processing algorithms more and more. The efficient implementation of these algorithms is the main goal of this book. It starts with an overview of today's FPGA technology, devices, and tools for designing state-of-the-art DSP systems. A case study in the first chapter is the basis for more than 30 design examples. The following chapters deal with computer arithmetic concepts, theory and the implementation of FIR and IIR filters, multirate digital signal processing systems, DFT and FFT algorithms, and advanced algorithms with high future potential. Each chapter contains exercises. The VERILOG source code and a glossary are given in the appendices.
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أرجوا المساعدة .محتاج فعلا كتاب يشرح لى FPGAوإن شاء الله لو حد أرسله لى من فضله يبلغنى فى أقرب وقت