كيمياء فيزيائية Progress in Nano-Electro Optics IV


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Progress in Nano-Electro Optics IV: Characterization of Nano-Optical Materials and Optical Near-Field Interactions


Progress in Nano-Electro Optics IV: Characterization of Nano-Optical Materials and Optical Near-Field Interactions
Springer | 2005-04-06 | ISBN: 3540232362 | 206 pages | PDF | 4,2 Mb
This volume focuses on the characterization of nano-optical materials and optical near-field interactions. It begins with the techniques for characterizing the magneto-optical Kerr effect and continues with methods to determine structural and optical properties in high-quality quantum wires with high spatial uniformity. Further topics include: near-field luminescence mapping in InGaN/GaN single quantum well structures in order to interpret the recombination mechanism in InGaN-based nano-structures; and theoretical treatment of the optical near field and optical near-field interactions, providing the basis for investigating the signal transport and associated dissipation in nano-optical devices. Taken as a whole, this overview will be a valuable resource for engineers and scientists working in the field of nano-electro-optics.

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    114 بايت · المشاهدات: 25

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