Groundwater in the Celtic Regions


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طاقم الإدارة

Groundwater in the Celtic Regions

Studies in Hard-Rock and Quaternary Hydrogeology

Geological Society Special Publication


N. S. Robins, D. R. Misstear



Publisher: Geological Society of London

Number Of Pages: 273

Publication Date: 2001-01

ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1862390770

ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781862390775

Binding: Hardcover

Book Description

Special Publication 182. Groundwater in the Celtic Regions: studies in hard-rock and Quaternary hydrogeology. This is the first attempt to bring together the hydrogeological issues facing Celtic regions, and to describe the prevailing hydrogeological environments in these areas. Lessons from these geographical areas can be applied to solve problems in similar geological terrain elsewhere.The book covers the diverse range of hydrogeological environments that occur in the Celtic regions of Britain and Ireland. These include hard-rock aquifers of Lower Palaeozoic and Precambrian age, generally dominated by fracture flow within a shallow zone of weathering; Carboniferous limestone aquifers, often characterized by conduit flow in karstic systems; dual-porosity Permo-Triassic sandstone aquifers; and Quaternary deposits, many of which form important shallow granular aquifers. The book addresses a number of current issues common to the Celtic regions, including: groundwater protection policies, groundwater management in karst aquifers, groundwater development in Quaternary aquifers, groundwater evaluation in data-scarce aquifers and groundwater supplies to small island communities.

Readership: Hydrogeologists, environmental scientists and water engineers working in the Celtic regions. Practitioners involved with solving problems in hard-rock and Quaternary hydrogeology. Suitable for postgraduates in hydrogeology and environmental science.




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