Arrow-Pushing in Organic Chemistry


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Arrow-Pushing in Organic Chemistry
An Easy Approach to Understanding Reaction Mechanisms


Publisher: Wiley-Interscience
Number Of Pages: 302
Publication Date: 2008-08-18
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0470171103
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780470171103
Binding: Paperback

Look at any typical organic chemistry book and you'll probably be intimidated by its sheer size, the encyclopedic presentation of reactions, and the huge amount of material to memorize. As this book explains, there is a better and easier way to approach the subject --- the arrow-pushing strategy that reduces organic chemistry to the study of interactions between organic acids and bases and builds from there. This approach helps you develop deductive or predictive insight into the progression of starting materials to products and by what mechanisms the transformations occurred.
