كتاب Dynamic Mechanical Analysis: A Practical Introduction


مشرف عام سابق
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

كتاب Dynamic Mechanical Analysis: A Practical Introduction
Price: $83.50


Dynamic mechanical analysis has left the exclusive domain of the rheologist, becoming a prevalent tool in the analytical laboratory. This practical introduction to the field provides a starting point from which to delve into the applications of DMA, its workings, and its advantages and limitations. Discussions include rheological concepts, stress—strain relationships, data handling, experimental techniques and considerations, test methods such as frequency sweeps and time—temperature curves, data analysis, and more. The book includes a strong presentation of real-life DMA applications.

From the Preface: “...In many ways, DMA is the most accessible and usable rheological test available to the laboratory. Often its results give clear insights into material behavior. However, DMA data is most useful when supported by other thermal data, and the use of DMA data to complement thermal analysis is often neglected. I have tried to emphasize this complementary approach to get the most information for the cost in this book, as budget constrints seem to tighten each year. DMA can be a very cost-effective tool when done properly, as it tells you quite a bit about material behavior quickly...”

Target Audience: Chemists, polymer chemists, chemical and mechanical engineers, materials scientists working in rheology or thermal analysis, and students in these disciplines.

Table of Contents:

An Introduction to Dynamic Mechanical Analysis

Basic Rheological Concepts: Stress, Strain, and Flow

Rheology Basics: Creep—Recovery and Stress Relaxation

Dynamic Testing

Time—Temperature Scans: Transitions in Polymers

Time and Temperature Studies: Thermosets

Frequency Scans

DMA Applications to Real Problems: Guidelines


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    337 بايت · المشاهدات: 150

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