Picasa 2.7 Build 37.63


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Find, organise and share your photos. Picasa is software that makes it easy and fun to view, organise, edit and share the digital photos on your PC. Picasa will not delete your pictures or put them online without your permission.
Picasa automatically finds and organizes all of your pictures including: jpeg, tiff, bmp, psd, and standard camera movie files. Sending pictures with e-mail used to mean five steps just to get it right. Picasa lets you pick the size and then automatically attaches your pictures. Browse through all your pictures and view slideshows of your albums with the click of a button. Enhance, fix red-eye, and even crop without losing data or permanently changing your original picture. Take your photos further with Picasa from Google.

Picasa is free photo management software from Google that helps you find, edit and share your pictures in seconds. We recommend that you print out this brief overview of Picasa's main features and consult it as you use the programme for the first time to learn about new features quickly.
Picasa helps you find and organise all your pictures: you start Picasa, it scans your hard drive to find and automatically organise all your pictures. Picasa finds the following image and movie file types:
* Image file types: JPG, GIF, TIF, PSD, PNG, BMP, RAW (including NEF and CRW). GIF and PNG files are not scanned by default, but you can enable them in the options dialogue.
* Film file types: MPG, AVI, ASF, WMV, and MOV
Picasa features:
* Organise - Picasa instantly locates and organises all the pictures on your computer.
* Edit - Turn a grey sky into a picture-perfect day.
* Share - The hardest part of sharing your pictures is choosing your favourites.
* Prints & Products - Print beautiful pictures at home with more custom sizes or order prints, gifts and books from your favourite online companies.
* Backup - Do not lose your digital memories. Safely back up your photos with Picasa 2.
* Create - Enjoy your pictures in fun, creative ways – it is what photography is all about!
Homepage - http://picasa.google.com
Size: 5.82 MB


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برنامج ظريف و رائع مهمته عرض جميع الصّور التي عندك بالجهاز حتّى التي لا تعرف عنها شيئا بطريقة جميلة و عصرية وعنده مهمة أخرى و هي إزالة البقع الحمراء من العين.
اختيار موفق مرّة اخرى.
جزاك الله خيرا أخي أسامة.