The Facts on File Chemistry Handbook


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The Facts on File Chemistry Handbook (Facts on File)
By The Diagram Group


  • Publisher: Facts on File
  • Number Of Pages: 272
  • Publication Date: 2006-03-30
  • ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0816058784
  • ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780816058785
  • Binding: Hardcover


Book Description:
Featuring easy-to-read and -understand chronologies, biographies, glossary entries, and charts, measurements, and formulas, students, teachers, and general readers will consider these books primary one-stop resources for quick answers to frequently asked science questions. Among the topics covered are: alkaline Earth metals, bromides, dehydration, helium, the law of multiple proportions, molecules, potassium nitrate. Biographies include: Archimedes, Robert Wilhelm Bunsen, Marie Curie, Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre, Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, Alfred Bernhard Nobel, Louis Pasteur. Tables, charts, and diagrams include: periodic table, elements by group, metals and alloys, chemical reaction types, hydrocarbons, polymers.

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