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Sunbelt Personal Firewall 4.6.1845
نزل مؤخراً احدث وأشهر برنامج حماية من الهكرز والاختراق
يعرف باسم ( Sunbelt Personal Firewall ) والبرنامج رائع في
حاماية الجهاز , فهو يعمل على التحكم بكافة الداخل لجهازك
ويراقبها وخصوصاً الشبكة حيث انه يقوم بإقفال جميع البورتات
ولا يسمح بأي تسريب لأي نوع من الانواع وخصوصاً البرامج
التي تذهب مباشرة لبدء التشغيل , وهناك العديد من المزايا
اكتشفوها بأنفسكم ..
The Sunbelt Personal Firewall helps you control how your
computer exchanges data with other computers on the
Internet or local network. Even if you have a router that has
a built-in firewall, you will still benefit from using Sunbelt
Personal Firewall on your PC(s). It's the principle of "belt-
and-suspenders" (being double-safe) which is a strongly
recommended strategy to deal with these 'Internet Bad
Guys'. The Sunbelt Personal Firewall also protects your PC
from attacks initiated by other PC's on your network that
might have been compromised. Sunbelt Personal Firewall is
a necessity for all desktop computers connected to
broadband Internet, using DSL, cable, ISDN, WiFi or
satellite modems. Within an organization, Kerio Personal
Firewall prevents a single computer from attacks initiated by
internal users. Remote workstations and laptops running
KPF are protected from Internet born attacks. And if you
have a notebook PC, you definitely should use the Sunbelt
Personal Firewall on that notebook as well. Notebooks are
especially easy to compromise because of built-in wireless
الصفحة الام
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كلمة السر لفك الضغط
حمل البرنامج من المرفقات
نزل مؤخراً احدث وأشهر برنامج حماية من الهكرز والاختراق
يعرف باسم ( Sunbelt Personal Firewall ) والبرنامج رائع في
حاماية الجهاز , فهو يعمل على التحكم بكافة الداخل لجهازك
ويراقبها وخصوصاً الشبكة حيث انه يقوم بإقفال جميع البورتات
ولا يسمح بأي تسريب لأي نوع من الانواع وخصوصاً البرامج
التي تذهب مباشرة لبدء التشغيل , وهناك العديد من المزايا
اكتشفوها بأنفسكم ..
The Sunbelt Personal Firewall helps you control how your
computer exchanges data with other computers on the
Internet or local network. Even if you have a router that has
a built-in firewall, you will still benefit from using Sunbelt
Personal Firewall on your PC(s). It's the principle of "belt-
and-suspenders" (being double-safe) which is a strongly
recommended strategy to deal with these 'Internet Bad
Guys'. The Sunbelt Personal Firewall also protects your PC
from attacks initiated by other PC's on your network that
might have been compromised. Sunbelt Personal Firewall is
a necessity for all desktop computers connected to
broadband Internet, using DSL, cable, ISDN, WiFi or
satellite modems. Within an organization, Kerio Personal
Firewall prevents a single computer from attacks initiated by
internal users. Remote workstations and laptops running
KPF are protected from Internet born attacks. And if you
have a notebook PC, you definitely should use the Sunbelt
Personal Firewall on that notebook as well. Notebooks are
especially easy to compromise because of built-in wireless
الصفحة الام
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كلمة السر لفك الضغط
حمل البرنامج من المرفقات