ماهي الفائدة من دراسة خواص مادة السيراميك؟


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ماهي الفائدة من دراسة خواص مادة السيراميك؟
وهل بأمكاني الحصول على كتاب يخص هذا الموضوع.8-|

مادة السيراميك هامة في صناعة اشباه الموصلات و في خاصية
و في طب العظام و الاسنان و الدروع الحرارية في الصواريخ و الطائرات
ويجري دراسة على دادخالها في بعض المحركات التي تصل الى درجات حرارة عالية

اما الكتب فنرجوا كتابة عناوين لبعض الكتب ليتم البحث عنها

شكرا جزيلا على الرد وبصراحة ياخي انا قدمت للدراسات لهذه السنة ان شاء الله وعملت ان جزء من منهاجنا هي مادة السيرامك فاردت ان اتعرف على هذا الموضوع فليس لدي معلومات عن عناوين للكتب تخص هذا المجال واشكرك حقا على هذا العون الكبير الذي قدمته لي واتمنى من الله ان يوفقك الى الخير والصلاح واعتذر عن الازعاج
رد : ماهي الفائدة من دراسة خواص مادة السيراميك؟

Ceramic Materials: Science and Engineering
by C. Barry Carter, M. Grant Norton


Publisher: Springer
Number Of Pages: 716
Publication Date: 2007-04-20
Product Description:

Ceramic Materials: Science and Engineering is an up-to-date treatment of ceramic science, engineering, and applications in a single, integrated text. Building on a foundation of crystal structures, phase equilibria, defects and the mechanical properties of ceramic materials, students are shown how these materials are processed for a broad diversity of applications in today's society. Concepts such as how and why ions move, how ceramics interact with light and magnetic fields, and how they respond to temperature changes are discussed in the context of their applications. References to the art and history of ceramics are included throughout the text. The text concludes with discussions of ceramics in biology and medicine, ceramics as gemstones and the role of ceramics in the interplay between industry and the environment. Extensively illustrated, the text also includes questions for the student and recommendations for additional reading

الرابط :

رد : ماهي الفائدة من دراسة خواص مادة السيراميك؟

Ceramic Interconnect Technology Handbook
by III, Fred D. Barlow, Aicha Elshabini


Publisher: CRC
Number Of Pages: 456
Publication Date: 2007-01-24

Book Description:
Ceramics were among the first materials used as substrates for mass-produced electronics, and they remain an important class of packaging and interconnect material today. Most available information about ceramic electronics is either outdated or focused on their materials science characteristics. The Ceramic Interconnect Technology Handbook goes beyond the traditional approach by first surveying the unique properties of ceramics and then discussing design, processing, fabrication, and integration, as well as packaging and interconnect technologies
Collecting contributions from an outstanding panel of experts, this book offers an up-to-date overview of modern applications of ceramics coverage spans electrical design, testing, simulation, thermomechanical design, screen printing, multilayer ceramics, photo-defined and photo-imaged films, copper interconnects for ceramic substrates, and integrated passive devices in ceramic substrates. It also offers a detailed review of the surface, thermal, mechanical, and electrical properties of various ceramics as well as the processing of high- and low-temperature cofired ceramic (HTCC and LTCC) substrates. Opening new vistas and avenues of advancement, the Ceramic Interconnect Technology Handbook is the only source for comprehensive discussion and analysis of nearly every facet of ceramic interconnect technology and applications.

الرابط :

بارك الله فيك وادعوا ربي ان يحقق لك كل ما تتمنى لك فيه صالح في الاخرة والدنيا ان شاء الله وبحق ششششششششششكرا
للاسف اخواني الكرام الكتب غير موجودة لا في الرابط الاول ولا الثاني