العلاج الطبيعي لو كنت مفكر حالك شاطر جاوب الاسئلة في العلاج الطبيعي :)

Question #1

A physical therapy plan of care for a child with spastic cerebral palsy who is three years-old chronologically and cognitively but at a six month-old gross developmental level would include

1) reaching for a black and white object while in the supine position.

2)reaching for a multicolored object while in an unsupported standing position.

3)reaching for a multicolored object while in an unsupported, guarded sitting position.

4)visually tracking a black and white object held nine inches from his face.


نظرا لأنني مشغول قليلا والسؤال جميل جدا فأنا أقول احتمال الاجابة الرابعة
جزاك الله خيرا على هذا النشاط الرائع ولدي سؤال : هل انت معالج طبيعي ام ان مواضيعك منقولة ؟؟
وتستاهل مني التقييم
وعلى فكرة لازم تنزل هذا الكتاب للاستفادة

نعم يا اخي انا معالج طبيعي ... وفرحت بوجود منتدى للعلاج الطبيعي ... ولكن ما في نشاط
بالنسبة للكتاب انا املكه ككتاب وليس ككتاب الكتروني ...

ونتنظر اجابات اخرى

اخى العزيز اشكرك على المجهود الرائع و لازم تنزل هذا الكتاب لاحتياج الكثير اليه و انا اول شخص احتاج هذا الكتاب ضرورى جدا
او كيفيه التواصل معاك

اخي كما اخبرت في الرد السابق لا املك الكتاب ككتاب الكتروني اي Ebook
ولا استطيع ان اعمل scan ل 700 صفحة اعذرني :)

Correct Answer 3
reaching for a multicolored object while in an unsupported, guarded sitting position.

The appropriate task would include the six month gross developmental level activity of working on unsupported sitting (standing and supine are not appropriate choices) .The use of multicolored object is more appropriate the a black and white object for a three year cognitive level.

Analysis :
In this question, the test taker must take into consideration the chronological, cognitive and gross developmental level of the child in order to arrive at the correct conclusion. In this scenario, the appropriate physical challenge fro a child developmentally functioning at six months in gross development, while providing activities that are appropriate for the three year cognitive level.


Question #2

A patient is receiving grade III mobilizations to regain normal midthoracic extension. After three sessions the patient complains of localized pain that persists for greater than 24 hours. The therapist's treatment would

1)continue with grade III mobilizations followed by a cold pack to the thoracic spine.

2)change to grade IV mobilizations to stretch through the pain

3)change to grade II mobilizations to reduce the joint and soft tissue irritation.

4)change to self stretching activities because the patient does not tolerate mobilization.


Correct Answer 3

change to grade IV mobilizations to stretch through the pain

Rational :
Changing to grade II mobilization will allow the soft tissue structure to more slowly adapt to mobilization. If pain persists for over 24 hours, the soft tissue and joint irritation may progress. Grade IV mobilization technique will cause further irritation and not allow the soft tissue to adapt to the stretch . Self stretching is not as efficient as mobilization techniques and would not be the optimum treatment strategy

This question requires one to understand joint mobilization coupled with the recognition of possible results that may occur when utilizing the technique.In this scenario the patients symptoms indicate that the joint mobilization grade III technique resulted in soft tissue and joint irritation.Therefore,the therapist should consider grade II mobilization for improved tolerance.


Question #3

A therapist wishes to use behavior modification techniques as part of a plan of care to help shape the behavioral responses of a patient recovering from traumatic brain injury. The BEST form of intervention is to:
1)reprimand the patient every time an undesirable behavior occurs.

2)use frequent reinforcements for all desired behaviors.

3)allow the patient enough time for self correction of the behavior.

4)encourage the staff to tell the patient which behaviors are correct and which are not.


(hi)مرحبا اخوي slk55v6

انا عضوة جديدة بالمنتدى و قريت الاسئلة الحين

بصراااحة الكتاااب حلو مرررررة

ومشاااركة مبدعة ماشاء الله عليك

لكن للأسف مافي تفاعل:|

حاولت ابحث عن الكتاب في موقع امازون بس طلع لي اكثر من اصدار

ممكن لو تكرمت تكتب لي اسم المؤلف وتعرض صورة الغلاف

وفضلا وليس امرا ممكن اعرف من وين اشتريت الكتاب .. يعني لو كان متوفر في السعودية

لأني مرررة حابة اشتري الكتاب

وهل في اصدار جديد لعام 2009

ارجو التكرم بالرد



الاجابة الصحيحة هيا الثانية وذلك لسببين :
the first i will reinforce every part that i want to can increase blood flow in the
muscles and improve his movement
the second i want to leave impression in his brain to can do the right position and movement
ومشكور فى كل حال لانك جعلتنا نفكر بارك الله فيك وارجو منك ان تساعدنى لكى اصل الى امتحانات مزاولة المهنة فى دولة الامارات وجزاك الله كل خير

جزاكم الله خيرا على مشاركتكم واشكر الاخ SIK55v6 على تعاونه الممتاز
الموضوع مثبت
كما ارجوا من اعضاء هذا المنتدى وخصوصا اخصائي العلاج الطبيعي المشاركة في كتابة اي موضوع او بحث علمي يتعلق بهذه المهنة

100% tigger_of_arab

The Correct Answer is
2)use frequent reinforcements for all desired behaviors

Behavioral modification is best achieved through use of positive reinforcement for all desired behaviors.Negative behaviors should be ignored. Self correction is not a form of behavior modification
The test taker utilizes knowledge of behavioral modification techniques to choose the correct answer in this scenario . Using evaluative skills,in determines the value of each of the four choices and which choice is most aligned with behavioral modification guidelines to promote positive behaviors via positive reinforcement techniques

ميرسى جدا لذوقك انا بكون سعيد بمعرفة الناس العبقرية اللى زيك وارجو اننا كلنا نستفيد من علمك وبارك الله فيك

Section A
Question #1

A patient sustained a fracture to the left proximal humerus which is now healed. Treatment is proceeding well except that with left shoulder flexion the therapist notices the scapula protracts and elevates early and it continues to move excessively. Physical therapy intervention should emphasize:

1) stretching of scapular stabilizers and strengthening of the pectoralis major and minor muscles to regain muscle balance.

2)scapulothoracic mobilization and strengthening of the pectoralis major and minor muscles to regain normal scapulohumeral rhythm.

3) glenohumeral mobilization and strengthening of scapular stabilizers to regain normal scapulohumeral movement.

4)glenohumeral mobilization, and strengthening of the rotator cuff muscles to regain muscle balance.


Question #2

Which of the following exercises would be most appropriate for a patient two weeks post transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) without complications?

1)Kegel exercises.
2) Trunk stabilization.
3) hip and leg presses.
4) proprioception retraining.

Question #3

A therapist is supervising the exercise of cardiac rehabilitation outpatient class on a very hot day, with temperatures expected to be above 90 degrees F. The class is scheduled for 2 p.m. and the facility is not air conditioned. The strategy that is unacceptable is to:

1) decrease the exercise intensity by slowing the pace of exercise.

2) increase the warm-up period to equal the total aerobic interval in time.

3) change the time of the exercise class to early morning or evening..

4) make the exercise intermittent by adding rest cycles.

Question #4

A patient has a transtibial amputation and has recently been fitted with a PTB socket. During initial prosthetic checkout, the physical therapist instructs the patient to walk several times in the parallel bars and then sit down and take the prosthesis off. Upon inspection of the skin the therapist would expect no redness in the area of the:

1) anterior tibia and tibial crest.

2) patellar tendon and tibial tuberosity.

3) medial tibial and fibular plateaus.

4) medial and lateral distal ends of the residual limb.

