اكثر من 350 كتاب Mathematics Complete سارعوا


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Differential Algebra :

Differential Algebra - Joseph Ritt
Differential Algebra and Algebraic Groups - E. Kolchin
Differential Algebra and Diophantine Geometry - A. Buium
Differential Algebraic Groups - E. Kolchin
Differential Algebraic Groups of Finite Dimension - A. Buium
Differential Function Fields and Moduli of Algebraic Varieties - A. Buium


Differential Geometry :

An Introduction To Differential Geometry With Use Of Tensor Calculus - Eisenhart L P.djv
Classical differential geometry of curves and surfaces - Varliron G.
Complex Analytic and Differential Geometry - J. Demailly
Complex Analytic Differential Geometry - Demailly
Course of Differential Geometry - R. Sharipov
Differential and Physical Geometry - J. Lee
Differential Geometry in Physics - G. Lugo (
Foundations Differential Geometry - Michor
Foundations of Differential Geometry - P. Michor
Foundations of Differential Geometry vol 1 - Kobayashi, Nomizu
Intro to Differential Geometry and General Relativity - S. Warner
Introduction to Differential Geometry & General Relativity - waner
Lectures on Differential Geometry - S. Chen, W. Chen, K. Lam
Minkowski Geometry - A. Thompson
Modern Differential Geometry for Physicists 2nd ed. - C. Isham
Natural Operations in Differential Geometry - Ivan ,Peter, Jan


differentials equations :

A First Course in Partial Differential Equations with complex variables and transform methods - H. Weinberger
A Treatise on Differential Equations 2nd ed. - A. Forsyth.djv
An Introduction to MultiGrid Methods - P. Wesseling
Difference Equations and Inequalities - Theory, Methods, and Applications 2nd ed. - P. Agarwal.djv
Differential Equations Crash Course - R. Bronson
Differential Equations From the Group Standpoint - L. Dickson.djv
Differential Equations with Mathematica - M. Abell, J. Braselton
Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems and Linear Algebra - M. Hirsch, S. Smale.djv
Differential Subordinations, Theory and Applications - S. Miller, P. Mocanu.djv
Elementary Differential Equations and boundry value problems 7th ed. - W. Boyce, R. Diprima
Exterior Diff Systems And Euler-Lagrange Partial Diff Eqns - Bryant, Griffiths and Grossman
Galois Theory of Linear Differential Equations - M. van der Put, M. Singer
Generalized Difference Methods for Differential Equations - R. Li, Z. Chen, W. Wu
Hilbert Space Methods For Partial Differential Equations - R. Showalter
Introduction to Partial Differential Equations - A Computational Approach - A. Tveito, R. Winther
Introduction to Stochastic Differential Equations v1.2 (Berkeley lecture notes) - L. Evans
Introduction To Tensor Calculus & Continuum Mechanics - J. Heinbockel
Linear Diff Eqns in the Complex Domain - Problems of Analytic Continuation Y. Sibuya.djv
Mesh-free Methods - Moving Beyond Finite Element Methods - G. Liu
Nonlinear Analysis & Differential Equations, An Introduction - Schmitt & Thompson
Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations - G. Chen, E. DiBenedetto.djv
Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations - J.C. Butcher
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 2nd ed. - W. Ames
Ordinary Differential Equations - P. Hartman.djv
Ordinary Differential Equations - V. Arnold.djv
Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems - G. Teschl
Ordinary Differential Equations, with Intro to Lie Theory - J. Page
Partial Differential Equations - L. Evans
Partial Differential Equations and Mathematica - P. Kythe
Partial differential equations and the finite element method - Pave1 Solin
Partial Differential Equations Vol 1 - Basic Theory - M. Taylor.djv
Partial Differential Equations Vol 2 - Qualitative Studies of Linear Equations - M. Taylor.djv
Partial Differential Equations Vol 3 - Nonlinear Equations - M. Taylor.djv
Partial Differential Equations, (MA3132 lecture notes) - B. Neta (
Singular Perturbation Theory - Math and Analyt Technique w. appl to Engineering - R. Johnson
Stochastic Differential Equations 5th ed. - B. Oksendal
The Qualitative Theory of Ordinary Diff. Equations - F. Brauer, H. Nohel


Discrete Mathematics :

A First Course in Discrete Mathematics 2nd ed - ANdersonn
Advanced Combinatorics (revised) - L. Comtet
Algorithm theory - Penttonen,Meineche
Algorithms - R. Sedgewick
Algorithms and Complexity - wilf
Combinatorics - Topics, Techniques and Algorithms - P. Cameron
Combinatorics 2nd ed. - R. Merris
Concrete Mathematics - R. Graham, D. Knuth, O. Patashnik
Discrete Math in Computer Science - Bogart , Stein
Discrete Mathematics - Chen
Discrete Mathematics - Yale
Discrete Mathematics And Its Applications 4Th Ed - Rosen
Discrete Mathematics for New Technology Second Edition - Garnier , Taylor
Generatingfunctionology - H. Wilf
Handbook of Combinatorics Vol 2 - R. Graham, M. Grotschel, L. Lovasz
Handbook of discrete and combinatorial mathematics - Crc Press
Introduction to Algorithms 2nd ed. - MIT Faculty
Introduction to Genetic Algorithms for Scientists and Engineers - D. Coley
Monte Carlo Concepts, Algorithms and Applications - G. Fishman
Probabilistic methods in algorithmic discrete mathematics - Springer
Representations for Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms 2nd ed. - F. Rothlauf


Dynamical Systems :

Dynamical Systems - G. Birkhoff
Dynamical Systems and Fractals - Computer Graphics Exper. in Pascal - K. Becker, M. Dorfler
Elementary Catastrophe Theory - P. Michor


Encyclopedia of Mathematics - Gale Group :

Encyclopedia of Mathematics - Gale Group (Vol.1 Ab-Cy)
Encyclopedia of Mathematics - Gale Group (Vol.2 Da-Lo)
Encyclopedia of Mathematics - Gale Group (Vol.3 Ma-Ro)
Encyclopedia of Mathematics - Gale Group (Vol.4 Sc-Ze)


Fun :

Abel's Proof - Essay on the Sources and Meaning of Mathematical Unsolvability - P. Pesic
Breakthroughs in Mathematics - P. Wolff
Math Wonders to Inspire Teachers and Students
Prime Numbers - The Most Mysterious Figures in Math
The Art of the Infinite - The Pleasures of Math
The Riemann Hypothesis The Greatest Unsolved Problem in Mathematics . - J. Derbyshire.djv
Wiley Mathematical Journeys


Geometry :

Euclid's Elements
Algebraic geometry a first course - Harris.J
Computational Geometry algorithms and applications 2d ed - De berg
Computational Geometry in C - J o'orourk
Computational Geometry Methods And Applications - chen
Conceptual Spaces The Geometry Of Thought - Gardenfors.chm
Exploring Analytic Geometry with Mathematica - D. Vossler
Exploring analytic geometry with Mathematica - Vossler
Fractal Geometry Mathematical Foundations & Applications - Falconer
Fundamentals of College Geometry 2nd ed. - E. M. Hemmerling
Fundamentals of Mathematics Vol.2, Geometry - Behnke, Bachmann
Geometric Models for Noncummutative Algebras - A.da Silva, A. Weinstein
Geometry Asymptotics - Guillemin,Sternberg
Glimpses of Algebra and Geometry, 2nd Edition - Verlag
Handbook of discrete and computational geometry and its applications - Rosen
Introduction to geometry 2ed - coxeter
Introduction to Lie groups and symplectic geometry - Bryant R.L.
Mirrors and Reflections- The Geometry of Finite Reflection Groups - A. Borovik, A. Borovik
Non-Euclidean Geometry 6th ed. - H.S.M. Coxeter
Plane Analytic Geometry With Differential Calculus - Maxime Bocher
Sphere Packings - C. Zong
The Geometry & Topology of 3-Manifold - Thurston
The Geometry of Hamilton and Lagrange Spaces - Miron, Hrimiuc, Shimara, Sabau.
The Geometry of Schemes - Eisenbud D., J.Harris.
Treatise of plane geometry through geometric algebra - Calvet R.G. -


Graph Theory :

Graph Theory - R. Diestel
Graph Theory With Applications - J. Bondy, U. Murty


Group Theory :

Planar Graph Drawing - T. Nishizeki, M. Rahman
Abstract Theory of Groups - O. Schmidt
An Elementary Introduction to Groups and Representations - B. Hall
Buildings and Classical Groups - P. Garrett
Cohomological Topics in Group Theory - K. Gruenberg
Galois Theory 2nd ed. - E. Artin
Group Theory (Lie's, Tracks and Exceptional Groups) - P. Cvitanovic
Group Theory Exceptional Lie Groups As Invariance Groups - P. Cvitanovic
Group Theory [jnl article] - J. Milne
Groupoids. and Smarandache Groupoids - W. Kandasamy
Introduction To Groups, Invariants and Particles
Introduction to the Theory of Groups - G. Polites
Isometric Actions of Lie Groups and Invariants [jnl article] - P. Michor
Lectures on Lie Groups - D. Milicic
Lie Algebras - S. Sternberg
Linear Algebraic Groups - A. Borel
Problems in Group Theory - J. Dixon
Quantum Groups and Knot Algebra - T. Dieck
Representation Theory - A First Course - W. Fulton, J. Harris
Representation Theory of Lie groups - M. Atiyah et al.
Smarandache Semigroups - W. Kandasamy
The Classification of the Finite Simple Groups - D. Greenstein, R. Lyons, R. Solomon
The Theory of Groups - H. Bechtell
the Theory of Groups 2nd ed. Vol.1 - A. Kurosh
Theory Of Groups of Finite Order - W. Burnside


Math For Engineers :

Advanced Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers - C. Bender, S. Orszag.djv
CRC Press - Dictionary of Applied Math for Engineers and Scientists - D. Clark
CRC Press - Elem. Math. and Comp. Tools for Engineers using MATLAB - J. Manassah
Engineering Mathematics 4th ed. - J. Bird
Essential Math Skills for Engineering, Science and Appl Math - S. Barry, S. Davis.djv
Intro to Methods of Appl. Math - Adv Math Methods for Scientists and Engineers - S. Mauch
Math - Functional and Structural Tensor Analysis for Engineers - Brannon
Math methods in physics and engineering with Mathematica - F. Cap
Math. and Phys. Data - Equations and Rules of Thumb - S. Gibilisco
Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics, 2nd ed., - V. I. Arnold
Mathematics for Electrical Engineering and Computing - M. Attenborough
Mathematics of Quantum Computation - G. Chen, R. Brylinski (eds)
Methods of Mathematical Physics Vol 3 - Scattering Theory - M. Reed


Number theory :

A Computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra - Victor Shoup
A Concise Introduction to the Theory of Numbers- Baker A.
A Course in Arithmetic (graduate level) - J. Serre
A course in computational algebraic number theory - Cohen H.
A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography 2 ed - Neal Koblitz
A Course In Number Theory And Cryptography 2Ed - Koblitz N
Advanced Number Theory - Cohn
Algebra and number theory - Baker A.
Algebraic Groups and Number Theory - Platonov & Rapinchuk
Algebraic Number Theory - IYANAGA
Algorithmic Methods In Algebra And Number Theory - Pohst M
Algorithmic number theory - Cohen H.
Algorithmic number theory, vol. 1 Efficient algorithms - Bach E., Shallit J.
An Explicit Approach To Elementary Number Theory - stein
An Introduction to Conformal Field Theory [jnl article] - M. Gaberdiel
An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers - Leo Moser
An introduction to the theory of numbers 5ed - Niven I., Zuckerman H.S., Montgomery H.L.
Analytic number theory - Iwaniec H.,Kowalski E.
Analytic Number Theory - Newman D.J.
Analytic Number Theory- Jia & Matsumoto
Arithmetic Theory of Elliptic Curves - J. Coates
Computational Algebraic Number Theory - Pohst M E
Computational excursions in analysis and number theory - Borwein P.
Contributions to the Founding of the Theory of Transfinite Numbers - Georg Cantor
Definitions, Solved And Unsolved Problems, Conjectures and Theorems, In Number Theory And Geometry - Smarandache F
Elementary Methods in Number Theory - Nathanson M.B
Elementary Number Theory - Clark
Elementary Number Theory - David M. Burton
Elementary Number Theory And Primality Tests
Elementary Number Theory Notes - santos
Elementary theory of numbers - Sierpinski W.
Elliptic Curves - Notes for Math 679 - J. Milne, U. Michigan
Elliptic Curves 2nd ed. - D. Husemoeller
Geometric Theorems, Diophantine Equations and Arithmetic Functions - J. Sandor
History of the theory of numbers Vol.2. - Dickson L.E.
Introduction To Analytic Number Theory - Apostol
Introduction to Modern Number Theory Fundamental Problems, Ideas and Theories 2nd Edition - Manin I., Panchishkin A
Introduction to p-adic numbers and valuation theory- Bachman G.
Introduction to the Theory of Numbers 4th ed. - G. Hardy, E. Wright
Lectures on topics in algebraic number theory - Ghorpade
Mainly Natural Numbers - Studies on Sequences - H. Ibstedt
Math. problems and proofs combinatorics, number theory and geometry - B. Kisacanin
Mathematical Problems And Proofs Combinatorics, Number Theory, and Geometry - Kluwer Academic
My Numbers, My Friends - Popular Lectures on Number Theory
My Numbers,My Friends Popular Lectures On Number Theory - Ribenboim
Number Theory - Z.Borevitch, I. Shafarevich
Number theory for beginners - Weil A.
Number theory for computing - Yan S Y.
Numerical Mathematics - A. Quarteroni, A. Sacco, F. Saleri
Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists 2nd ed. - J. Hoffman
Numerical Optimization - J. Nocedal, S. Wright
Numerical Recipes in C - The Art Of Scientific Computing 2nd ed.
Numerical Recipes in Fortran 77 2nd ed. Vol 1
Old And New Problems And Results In Combinatorial Number Theory - Erdos, P.&Graham, R.L
Only Problems Not Solutions - F. Smarandache
Prime Numbers The Most Mysterious Figures in Math - D. Wells
Problems In Algebraic Number Theory 2Ed - Murty M , Esmonde J
SOlved and unsolved problems in Number Theory - Daniel Shanks
Surfing on the Ocean of Numbers - H. Ibstedt
Survey Of Diophantine Geometry - Serge Lang
The elements of the theory of algebraic numbers - Hilbert.djv
The Foundations of Arithmetic 2nd ed. revised - G. Frege
The New Book Of Prime Number Records 3rd ed. - P. Ribenboim
The Theory of algebraic numbers sec ed - Pollard H., Diamond H.G.
the theory of functions and sets of natural numbers - Odifreddi, P
Three Pearls of Number Theory - Khinchin
Transcendental number theory - Baker A.
Unsolved Problems In Number Theory 2 Ed - R K Guy.djv


Probability and statistics :

A Course In Probability Theory - Chung K L
An Introduction to Probability Theory - Geiss
An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications Vol I - Feller W.
Applied Bayesian Modelling - P. Congdon
Applied Probability - Lange K.
Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes - Bryc
Applied Statistics And Probability For Engineers - Montgomery && Runger
Applied Statistics And Probability For Engineers solution - Montgomery && Runger
CRC - standard probability and Statistics tables and formulae - DANIEL ZWILLINGER
Foundations of Modern Probability - Olav Kallenberg
Foundations of the Theory of Probability - A.N. KOLMOGOROV
Fundamentals of Probability and Statistics for Engineers - T T Soong
Introduction to Mathematical Statistics 6th ed. - P. Hoel
Introduction To Probability - Dimitri Bertsekas And John N Tsitsiklis
Introduction to Probability - Grinstead & Snell
Introduction to Probability 2nd Ed - C M Grinstead & J L Snell
Introduction To Probability Models Sixth Ed -Sheldon M ross
Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition 2nd ed. - K. ~censored~
Lectures on Probability Theory and Statistics - Jean Picard
Markov Random Fields And Their Applications - kinderman & snell
Mathematics, Pre-Calculus and Introduction to Probability
Measure Integral & Probability - Capinski & Kopp
Multivariable Bayesian Statistics - D. Rowe.djv
Probability and Finance It's only a game
Probability and its applications - Ollav Kallenberg
Probability and measurements - Tarantola A.
Probability And Statistical Inference - NITIS MUKHOPADHYAY
Probability Demystified - bluman
Probability Theory and Examples second edition - Durrett R
Probability Theory The Logic Of Science - E. T. Jaynes
Probability, random processes and ergodic properties - Gray
Probability, Random Processes, and Ergodic Properties - R. Gray
Probability, Random Variables and Random Signal Principles 2nd ed. - P. Peebles
Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes 3rd ed- Papoulis
Radically Elementary Probability Theory - edward Nelson
Recent Advances in Applied Probability - Springer
Schaum's Outlines - Theory and Problems of Statistics 3rd ed. - M. Spiegel, L. Stephens
Six Sigma and Beyond Statistics and Probability, Volume III - satamtis.chm
Statistics and Probability for Engineering Applications With Microsoft® Excel - W.J. DeCoursey
Statistics for Dummies - D. Rumsey.chm
Statistics Hacks - B. Frey.chm
The Basic Practice of Statistics 3rd ed. - D. S. Moore
Theory and problems of probability - Lipschutz, Seymour
Theory and Problems of Probability, Random Variables, and Random Processes - Hwei P. Hsu
Tutorials in Probability


Ramanujan's Notebooks :

Ramanujan's Notebooks vol 1 - B. Berndt.djv
Ramanujan's Notebooks vol 2 - B. Berndt.djv
Ramanujan's Notebooks vol 3 - B. Berndt.djv
Ramanujan's Notebooks vol 4 - B. Berndt.djv
Ramanujan's Notebooks vol 5 - B. Berndt.djv


Topology :

A concise course in algebraic topology - May J.P.
A Panoramic View of Riemannian Geometry - M. Berger
Algebraic Topology A Computational Approach - Kaczynski , Mischaikow , Mrozek
Algebraic Topology - A. Hatcher
Algebraic Topology - S. Lefschetz
Algebraic Topology an Intuitive Approach - H. Sato
Algebraic Topology From A Homotopical Viewpoint - SPringer
Cohomology of Arithmetic Groups, L-Functions and Automorphic - T. Venkatamarana
Counterexamples In Topology - Steen , Seebach
Curvature and Homology, Revised Ed. - S. Goldberg
differential topology - Dundas
Differential Topology - Morris
Elementary Concepts In Topology - P. Alexandroff
Elementary topology a first course - Viro, Ivanov
general topology - muller
Geometry and Topology of 3-Manifolds - W. Thurston
Index Theory, Coarse Geometry, and Topology of Manifolds - J. Roe
Intorduction to Topology and Modern Analysis - G. Simmons
Introduction to Algebraic Topology and Algebraic Geometry - U. Bruzzo
Introduction to Differential Topology - Brin
Introduction to Smooth Manifolds - J. Lee
K-theory for Operator Algebras 2nd ed. - B. Blackadar
Lecture Notes On Elementary Topology And Geometry - Singer,Thorpe
Lectures on Algebraic Topology 2nd ed. - A. Dold
Notes on basic 3-manifold topology - Hatcher, Allen
Notes On The Topology Of Complex Singularities - Nicolaescu
Open Problems In Topology-Jan Van Hill, George Reed
Operator algebras and topology - Schick
Riemannian Geometry - M. doCarmo
Riemannian Geometry, a Beginners Guide - F. Morgan
Theory and problems of general topology - Lipschutz, Seymour
Topics In Topology And Homotopy Theory - Warner
topology 2Ed - James Munkres
Topology & Sobolev Spaces - Brezis
topology - Yan
Topology and functional analysis - Driver
Topology Course lecture notes - A. McCluskey, B. McMaster
Topology for Computing - ZOMORODIAN
Topology Lecture Notes - Ward, Thomas
Topology Without Tears - SIDNEY A. MORRIS
Vector Bundles and K-Theory - A. hatcher


useful :

Daves Math Tables
Dictionary of Algebra, Arithmetic and Trigonometry - S. Krantz
Dictionary of Classical and Theoretical Mathematics
Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables - M. Abramowitz, I. Stegun
McGraw Hill Mastering Technical Mathematics 2Ed
Real Analysis, Quantitative Topology, and Geometric Complexity - S. Semmes
Schaum's Mathematical Handbook of Formulas and Tables - Murray R Spiegel
Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae 31st Edition - Zwillinger
Tables of Integrals and Other Math. Data 3rd ed. - H. Dwight
The Seven Famous Unsolved Math Puzzles
Well-Posed Linear Systems - O. Staffans



في البداية شكراً على هذا العمل جعله الله في موازين حسناتك


Abel's Proof - Essay on the Sources and Meaning of Mathematical Unsolvability - P. Pesic
Breakthroughs in Mathematics - P. Wolff
Math Wonders to Inspire Teachers and Students
Prime Numbers - The Most Mysterious Figures in Math
The Art of the Infinite - The Pleasures of Math
The Riemann Hypothesis The Greatest Unsolved Problem in Mathematics . - J. Derbyshire.djv
Wiley Mathematical Journeys


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