Biocatalysis in Oil Refining, Volume 164

ابن العراق

مشرف قسم الهندسة الكيميائية و الكيمياء العامة
طاقم الإدارة
Biocatalysis in Oil Refining, Volume 164

(Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis)

by M. M. Ramirez-Corredores (Editor), Abhijeet P. Borole

Book Description
Enabling researchers and technologists catch up on previous/current research in biocatalytic processes for oil refining.

Product Description
Biocatalysis in Oil Refining focuses on petroleum refining bioprocesses, establishing a connection between science and technology.
The micro organisms and biomolecules examined for biocatalytic purposes for oil refining processes are thoroughly detailed. Terminology used by biologists, chemists and engineers is brought into a common language, aiding the understanding of complex biological-chemical-engineering issues. Problems to be addressed by the future R&D activities and by new technologies are described and summarized in the last chapter.

* Updated references
* Studying bioprocessing problems, looking at opportunities for improvements and technology developments

Product Details

Hardcover: 400 pages
Publisher: Elsevier Science; 1 edition
(July 18, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0444522123
ISBN-13: 978-0444522122
Product Dimensions: 9.5 x 6.5 x 0.9 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.1 pounds


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