Oil and Gas Journal -2008

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Oil and Gas Journal - Jul 07, 2008
by Oil and Gas Journal - Vol. 106 : Issue 25


Volume: 106
Issue: 25
Jul 07, 2008
General Interest
‘Silent disruption’ limiting oil supply
Recent increases in the price of oil result largely from a collision of demand growth with what might be called a “silent disruption” to worldwide supply.

Constraints in worldwide refining capacity
The US currently consumes about 20.5 million b/d of petroleum and produces about 8.5 million b/d, including natural gas liquids and processing gains.

Barbs fly as House ‘Use it or lose it’ bill headed to floor
US House Democrats and Republicans accused each other of indifference to record gasoline prices as the week-long Independence Day recess drew closer.

WATCHING GOVERNMENT: The rest of the Western Hemisphere
Jorge R. Pinon does not want US politicians to become so concerned about Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez or a possible Chinese presence in Cuba that they overlook the rest of the Western Hemisphere.

GOP Senate bill would improve energy market regulation
US Senate Republicans introduced legislation that they said would balance developing domestic fossil fuel sources with promoting alternatives and improve energy commodity market regulation.

EIA: Biggest energy demand growth in developing countries
The world’s total energy consumption could grow by 50% in the 25 years from 2005 to 2030, with most of the increase coming in developing countries, reported the US Energy Information Administration in its latest International Energy Outlook (IEO) June 25.

CAPP alters Canadian oil sands production outlook
The Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP) has released its annual crude oil production from oil sands outlook, which is slightly altered from its earlier report.

SEC proposes updated reserves reporting rules
The US Securities and Exchange Commission has released a proposed set of revised oil and natural gas reserves reporting requirements, and proposed changes include disclosure of estimated probable and possible reserves.

E&Y study: US oil reserves holding flat, costs rising
US proved oil reserves for 40 exploration and production companies increased 2% during 2003-07, reported Ernst & Young in a benchmark study released in Houston.

Survey shows US favorable for oil and gas investment
The US had 9 of the top 10 jurisdictions worldwide that oil and gas executives ranked as attractive destinations for upstream investment, according to results of a survey conducted by Fraser Institute, an independent research and educational organization.

Brazil sets sights on increasing oil production
Brazil will at least triple its oil reserves by exploring the new Tupi offshore area, and will use the future revenues on healthcare and education for the country, according to Brazilian President Luiz Ignacio Lula da Silva.

WATCHING THE WORLD: Khodorkovsky’s independence
Last week, just as millions of Americans—many of them in the oil and gas industry—were preparing for their July 4 Independence Day celebrations, the Russian government announced new charges against former OAO Yukos head Mikhail Khodorkovsky and his associate Platon Lebedev.

Japan to aid Iraq in rebuilding oil, gas industry
Iraqi Oil Minister Hussain Al Shahristani and Japanese Minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry Akira Amari—voicing concerns over global oil prices—agreed that both countries would cooperate in a variety of measures aimed at reconstructing Iraq’s oil and natural gas industry.

Supreme Court overturns Exxon Valdez $2.5 billion punitive damages award
The US Supreme Court has overturned the $2.5 billion in punitive damages against ExxonMobil Corp. for an oil spill from the tanker Exxon Valdez in Alaska’s Prince William Sound in 1989.

BP: Free markets effective where allowed to work
Despite high prices, above-average economic growth drove robust global energy-demand growth last year, according to BP’s latest statistical review of world energy.

Exploration & Development
MODELING GULF OF MEXICO LOST PRODUCTION—1: Field redevelopment economics and storm impact assessment
The oil and gas industry in the Gulf of Mexico has the greatest weather exposure in the world and is vulnerable to a range of losses that include physical damage and destruction, business interruption, and pollution liability.

Drilling & Production
SPECIAL REPORT: ERCB update expects bitumen production doubling by 2017
Bitumen production will more than double by 2017 to 3.23 million b/d from 1.32 million b/d in 2007, according to the latest Energy Resources Conservation Board of Alberta update on Alberta oil sands.

SPECIAL REPORT: Markets evolving for oil sands bitumen, synthetic crude
As Canadian oil sands production increases, producers are adopting varied strategies in marketing the bitumen blends and synthetic crude oil (SCO).

US OLEFINS—FIRST-HALF 2008: High ethane demand tightens coproduct propylene supply
An increase in ethane cracking contributed to reduced coproduct propylene supply during first-quarter 2008.

Nelson-farrar cost indexes

Nelson-Farrar indexes for finished steels changed drastically during 2004-07. Generally speaking, the alloy steels changed less than carbon steel products.

US NATURAL GAS—1: Increased Texas-to-Southeast deliveries affect price bases
The Texas-Gulf Coast natural gas pipeline buildout during the last year has caused price and flow changes offering a glimpse into what will likely take place as the construction boom continues.

Regular Features
OGJ Newsletter

OGJ Newsletter

Journally Speaking

Formula for energy security
The National Petroleum Council (NPC) 10 months ago presented to the US Department of Energy its comprehensive study, “Hard Truths,” which addressed maintaining US and world energy security without jeopardizing economic growth.


Global warming response
It is well known that the hydrocarbon industry, by its very nature, is responsible for a large share of the production of products which go on to become greenhouse gases.


Oil sands: the short view
Canadians know energy short-sightedness when they see it. This quality distinguishes them from their neighbors to the south.

Area Drilling

Area Drilling

Editor's Perspective

McCain more like Democrats than Bush on energy
In another display of confusion about energy, Democratic leaders in Congress responded to oil-supply initiatives from the US president and the Republican who would succeed him as though they were identical.

Market Journal

Markets ignore rumors of war
There was virtually no reaction in world oil markets when Iran denied the rumor that Israeli aircraft had attacked its nuclear facilities on June 23, saying such an act would be “impossible.”

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Oil and Gas Journal - Jul 14, 2008
by PennWell (Volume 106 : Issue 26)


Volume: 106
Issue: 26
Jul 14, 2008
General Interest
SPECIAL REPORT: Energy demand takes diverse paths in 2008
While US energy demand this year will be limited by weak economic growth and improved fuel-use efficiency, China, Latin America, and the Middle East will sustain worldwide oil demand growth despite high global prices and keep pressure on supply.

SPECIAL REPORT: Drilling on upswing in US as Canada pulls from slump
Oil and gas drilling is on the upswing in the US in 2008, and drilling in Canada is coming back after slumping in 2007.

Petrobras revising projects for new business plan
The chief executive officer of Brazil’s Petroleo Brasileiro SA (Petrobras), revisiting proposed changes in the country’s oil law, said the state firm will present a new business plan later this year.

Former Saudi oil minister says world reaching third oil crisis
Speculation is contributing to higher world oil prices, not imbalances between supply and demand, according to Saudi Arabia’s former minister of oil, Sheik Ahmed Zaki Yamani, in a published interview.

Court overturns Texaco’s $100 million tax refund
A federal appeals court reversed a US district court’s decision granting Texaco Inc. a more than $100 million tax refund, the US Department of Justice said on June 17.

Aramco to hike oil production capacity by 850,000 b/d
Saudi Aramco, repeating long-announced plans, will increase production by yearend by a combined 850,000 b/d from its Khursaniyah, Nuayyim, and Shaybah fields, according to a senior official.

WATCHING GOVERNMENT: EIA’s short-term outlook
The US Energy Information Administration on July 8 increased its predicted decline in domestic petroleum consumption for 2008 by 100,000 b/d to 400,000 b/d in its latest short-term energy outlook.

COMPANY NEWS: Chesapeake, Plains plan Haynesville venture
Plains Exploration & Production Co. agreed to acquire a 20% interest in Chesapeake Energy Corp.’s Jurassic Haynesville shale play leasehold for $1.65 billion in a new joint venture.

PERSONNEL MOVES AND PROMOTIONS: EnCana names executives for newly split companies
Canadian oil and gas firm EnCana Corp., which in May announced a bifurcation of its oil and gas businesses into separate companies, has designated the executives who will head the new firms.

WATCHING THE WORLD: A victory for Colombia
Colombia’s oil and gas industry doubtlessly got a shot in the arm last week when the Colombian military completed a daring raid to release some 15 hostages held by rebels of the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC).

Exploration & Development
MODELING GULF OF MEXICO LOST PRODUCTION—2: Model framework can aid decision on redevelopment
Most of the destroyed infrastructure from the 2004 and 2005 hurricane seasons in the Gulf of Mexico were mature assets low on their production curve.

Drilling & Production
PUT RIVER—1BP evaluates, develops North Slope reservoir
BP is developing a minor sand reservoir in the Prudhoe Bay field after appraising the potential by recompleting existing wells, building 3D stochastic reservoir models, and running VIP simulations.

Custom-designed process treats CBM produced water
A recently completed plant in the Power River basin in Wyoming uses a new method for treating water produced from coalbed methane (CBM) wells.

Changing feed conditions push Egyptian gas plant to upgrade CO2 membrane system
Changing feed operating conditions at Khalda Petroleum Co.’s Salam gas processing plant in Egypt’s Western Desert led the company to make changes to its membrane system for removing CO2.

US NATURAL GAS—Conclusion: Plans to add storage along US gulf threaten possibility of overbuild
Currently planned storage capacity increases in the Southeast US-Gulf Coast region would add nearly 30% to working-gas storage capacity and have an even greater effect on withdrawal capacity.

Regular Features
OGJ Newsletter

OGJ Newsletter

Journally Speaking

Oil-price decline? Maybe
High oil prices are certainly putting downward pressure on demand in the US and in other countries where the market is allowed to work, as opposed to countries that have fuel subsidies in place for consumers.


Higher fuel costs loom
While recent increases in US gasoline and diesel fuel prices result mainly from a global surge in the price of crude oil, room must be reserved in any explanation for regulatory changes that have lifted the costs of fuel manufacture and distribution.

Area Drilling

Area Drilling



Editor's Perspective

Energy politics follows laws like those of physics
Politics and physics have disparate meanings for the word “energy” yet adhere in their treatment of the subject to natural laws with interesting similarities.

Market Journal

Chinese demand pushes oil prices higher
Increased energy consumption in China and other developing countries is outstripping demand destruction in the US and Europe and is pushing oil prices still higher, analysts said.



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Oil and Gas Journal - June 02, 2008
by Oil and Gas Journal
General Interest
Refining margins dampen first-quarter earnings
Record-high worldwide oil prices and strong natural gas prices drove oil and gas company earnings in the first quarter of 2008, but weak downstream margins weighed on profits.

Indonesia leaves OPEC, unhappy with influential power
The Indonesian government, reportedly registering a protest at high global oil prices, has decided to terminate its membership in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, effective yearend.

WATCHING THE WORLD: Price hawks drive Indonesia away
Indonesia’s decision to leave the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries is thought to have been a long time in coming, and due to its inability to cast much influence over the group (see story, p. 22).

Aussie NWS condensate excise may herald tax breaks
The Australian government may use the $2.5 billion (Aus.) gained over the next 4 years from the imposition of excise taxes on North West Shelf condensate production to pay for a new round of assistance to get other struggling multibillion dollar gas project proposals off the ground (OGJ Online, May 14, 2008).

Deloitte: Call made for wider national energy debate
The national energy and environmental debate will need to widen notably if it intends to create necessary dramatic changes, said speakers at a leading energy conference May 19-20.

WATCHING GOVERNMENT: The worst time for a bad image
It’s not often that a message from a break-out session at a financial service company’s energy conference is dramatically illustrated within a few days.

Campaign aides: Motor fuel transition may be starting
Record high crude oil and gasoline prices may be starting a transition to clean fuels from renewable and alternative resources, energy advisors from the three leading US presidential campaigns said.

BLM: Most remaining federal onshore oil, gas off-limits
US onshore public lands contain an estimated 31 billion bbl of crude oil and 231 tcf of natural gas, reported the US Bureau of Land Management in its latest inventory.

Maari field FPSO completed at Jurong shipyard
Sembcorp Marine Inc.’s Jurong shipyard delivered the Raroa floating production, storage, and offloading (FPSO) vessel to Tanker Pacific Offshore Terminals Pte. Ltd. in early April 2008.

Hofmeister suggests means for US to control its energy destiny
Congress could take a decisive step to reduce energy prices by lifting some or all of the oil and gas exploration and production restrictions it has imposed, Shell Oil Co. Pres. John D. Hofmeister told a US House committee May 22.

Kempthorne says polar bear threatened, not endangered
The polar bear will be listed as a threatened species under the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA), announced US Interior Secretary Dirk A. Kempthorne on May 14.

House Republicans reveal energy legislation package
US House Republicans announced a legislative package on May 22 to increase domestic oil and gas production, encourage construction of new oil refineries, and facilitate coal-to-liquids research and oil shale development.

Exploration & Development
SPECIAL REPORT: Integrating surface seismic velocity into subsurface interpretation in the gulf
The critical role played by accurate seismic velocity measurements in imaging is well documented.

Drilling & Production
DeSoto drilling for Southwestern Energy
Houston-based Southwestern Energy Production Co. is drilling a four-state portfolio after forming its own drilling company and building a new fleet of rigs.

New NMR approach evaluates tight gas sand reservoirs
A new approach for evaluating neutron magnetic resonance (NMR) logs can determine permeability in tight gas reservoirs.

Ethanol from wood waste an opportunity for refiners
A recent prefeasibility study explored wood waste-to-ethanol as a significant, ready source of second-generation biofuels, as well as the opportunities for refiners and marketers to participate with pulp and paper mills in these biofuels projects.

Nelson-farrar cost indexes

Remote digital temperature monitoring aids hydrotests
A new system allows real-time remote temperature monitoring along the length of a pipeline during hydrotesting.

Regular Features
OGJ Newsletter

OGJ Newsletter

Journally Speaking

CCS is a question of scale
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is being touted as a promising method of reducing carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.


Global warming risks
The present news and government-sponsored furor about global warming has ignored all facts that do not follow their desires blindly (OGJ, May 5, 2008, Newsletter).


Salaries as bludgeons
For their latest trek to Capitol Hill May 21 to absorb empty-headed insults from politicians, oil company executives merit little pity.



Editor's Perspective

Yes, the world’s running out of oil; what’s new?
The oil market seems to have panicked over the possibility that the end of oil availability has come into view.

Market Journal

Politicians ponder price peak
The July contract for benchmark US light, sweet crudes traded above $135/bbl on the New York Mercantile Exchange just prior to the May 26 Memorial Day holiday that marked the unofficial start of the summer driving season in the US.



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