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الى الأخوة الأعزاء سدد الله خطاهم واثقل ميزان حسناتهم استسمحكم عدرا واطاب منكم ان امكن هده الكتب من اجل الإستعانة بها في تحضير رسالة الدكتورا ولكم منا جزيل الشكر والأحترام.

1 - A. Berkessel, H. Grِger
Asymmetric Organocatalysis
From Biomimetic Concepts to Applications in Asymmetric Synthesis

2- Rück-Braun, K. and Kunz, H.
Chiral Auxiliaries in Cycloadditions

3- Erno Pretsch, Jean-Thomas Clerc
Spectra Interpretation of Organic Compounds

Asymmetric Organocatalysis : From Biomimetic Concepts to Applications in Asymmetric Synthesis

By Albrecht Berkessel, Harald Gröger


Publisher: Wiley-VCH
Number Of Pages: 454
Publication Date: 2005-03-25
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 3527305173
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9783527305179

Asymmetric catalysis represents still one of the major challenges in modern organic chemistry. Besides the well-established asymmetric metal-complex-catalysed syntheses and biocatalysis, the use of "pure" organic catalysts turned out to be an additional efficient tool for the synthesis of chiral building blocks. In this handbook, the experienced authors from academia and industry provide the first overview of the important use of such metal-free organic catalysts in organic chemistry. With its comprehensive description of numerous reaction types, e.g., nucleophilic substitution and addition reactions as well as cycloadditions and redox reactions, this book targets organic chemists working in industry and academia, and deserves a place in every laboratory.

Rich (BB code):

Chiral Auxiliaries in Cycloadditions
By Karola Rück-Braun, Horst Kunz


Publisher: Wiley-VCH
Number Of Pages: 188
Publication Date: 1999-05-11
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 3527293868
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9783527293865

Since the days of Diels, Alder and Woodward, cycloadditions have been among the most versatile reactions for stereoselective synthesis ...

All relevant information is collected in this well-structured, practical handbook. Arranged according to the cycloaddition type, the suitable auxiliaries, reactants, stereoselectivities, yields, and references for each key reaction are compiled in compact tables. Scientists interested in the theoretical background of stereoselective cycloadditions will find an excellent selection of in-depth literature references.

... with this comprehensive data collection cycloadditions will become an even more powerful tool for every organic chemist working on stereoselective synthesis.

Rich (BB code):

