[SIZE="6[COLOR="DarkOrange"][/COLOR]"]Essentials of Radiology[/SIZE]

The "Essentials of Radiology" is designed to teach the basics of current radiology practice to the non-radiologist. It is useful for medical students (starting at any level), residents of all specialties, clinical colleagues, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, technologists, hospital administrators, managed care administrators, lawyers, and lay support groups.
This program is the result of my more than 20 years of teaching radiology to medical students, colleagues, residents, technologists, and others. This CD-ROM contains over 330 INTERACTIVE cases using the well-established teaching methods of Dr. Lucy Squire. In every case, you are presented with a patient history and images and asked a series of multiple choice questions. It is important that you review all of the answers because most of the incorrect answers include information about why it is an incorrect response. Numerous pathology correlations are included to solidify the experience with colorful illustrations. This material can be used by individuals or in groups of 2 or 3.
The focus of "Essentials of Radiology" is not just on teaching the INTERPRETATION of radiographic images. I sought the input of my expert colleagues in Medicine, Surgery, and OB-GYN to help me develop teaching materials to explain the medical logic involved in the ORDERING of imaging examinations. In all, there are over 800 questions included in the course and over 2,300 images (including x-ray, CT, HRCT, MRI, nuclear imaging, static ultrasound, real-time ultrasound, and real-time fluoroscopy). This is truly a comprehensive overview of the "Essentials of Radiology" and represents over 50 hours of Radiology instruction for the beginning student. Before you begin, be sure and look at FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS to see how to use this CD-ROM.
After you have reviewed all of the material in this CD-ROM, it is useful as a reference source. The cases can be accessed by diagnosis. You may search for a specific diagnosis and review the didactic material at your leisure.
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