small collection in cosmology and astronomy


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The Amateur Astronomer Patrick Moore's Practical Astronomy


Book Description:

This 2000 Edition of Sir Patrick Moore’s classic book has been completely revised in the light of changes in technology. Not only do these changes include commercially available astronomical telescopes and software, but also what we know and understand about the universe. There are many new photographs and illustrations. Writing in the easy-going style that made him famous as a writer and broadcaster, Sir Patrick introduced astronomy and amateur observing together, so that his reader gets an idea of what he is observing at the same time as how to observe. Almost half the book is Appendices. These are hugely comprehensive and provide hints and tips, as well as data (year 2000 onwards) for pretty well every aspect of amateur astronomy. This is probably the only book in which all this information is collected in one place




Astrophysics is Easy!: An Introduction for the Amateur Astronomer Patrick Moore's Practical Astronomy Series


Book Description:

Astrophysics is a subject that is often - with some justification - regarded as extremely difficult, requiring at least degree-level mathematics as a prerequisite to its understanding. Consequently, many amateur astronomers just don't bother, and miss out on the fascinating fundamentals of the subject, and often on an understanding of exactly what they are observing.

Mike Inglis' quantitative approach to astrophysics cuts through all the incomprehensible mathematics, and explains all aspects of astrophysics in simple terms.

A unique feature of this book is the way that example objects for practical observation are given at every stage, so that practical astronomers can go and look at the objected or objects under discussion, using only commercial amateur equipment



Comets and Asteroids Lucent Library of Science and Technology


Book Description:

These cosmic objects -- the leftovers of the formation of our solar system -- are the most plentiful bodies in that system. Covered in this fact-filled, up-to-date volume are how asteroids were first discovered, how asteroids and comets formed, their sizes, shapes and orbits, ongoing space flights to these bodies, plans to mine them for their valuable materials, and the very real threat of disaster caused by asteroids and comets impacting the Earth






Textbook on Spherical Astronomy
by William Marshall Smart


Book Description:

This well-established textbook gives a general but comprehensive introduction to positional astronomy. Originally based on the author’s lecture courses at Cambridge University, it is intended primarily for undergraduates, but, due to its comprehensive nature, it is a very useful reference text for research workers in many branches of astronomy and space physics. The author considers the night sky as the celestial sphere and powerfully exploits the methods of spherical geometry. Most problems in which the precise determination of a heavenly body’s position in the sky is important are considered in theoretical detail, and the necessary formulae are derived to a precision that is sufficient for all but the most specialist purposes. The present revision has ensured that the terminology and treatment correspond precisely to current astronomical practice. A guiding principle has been to re-establish compatibility with the Astronomical Ephemeris and, to a lesser extent, with the fuller explanations of the Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Ephemeris and the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac. Fairly frequent comments added to the text indicate the sometimes modified relevance of the subject matter to modern astronomy. A number of additional exercises help to illustrate the new material




Astronomy Hacks
by Robert Bruce Thompson Barbara Fritchman Thompson






The Data Book of Astronomy
by Patrick Moore


Book Description:

Filled with data about the Earth, Moon, the planets, the stars, our Galaxy, and the myriad galaxies in deep space, this invaluable resource reveals the latest scientific discoveries about black holes, quasars, and the origins of the Universe. It includes maps supported by detailed tables of the names, positions, magnitudes, and spectra of the main stars in each constellation along with key data on galaxies, nebulae, and clusters. MNASSA wrote, "This book fills a niche … with detailed astronomical data and concise explanations, all at an accessible level … it is an excellent resource, and probably will be the first book I shall reach for






Astromineralogy (Lecture Notes in Physics)
by Thomas K. Henning


Book Description:

Astromineralogy deals with the science of gathering mineralogical information from the astronomical spectroscopy of asteroids, comets and dust in the circumstellar environments in general. It is only recently, however, that this field has received a tremendous boost with the reliable identification of minerals by the Infrared Space Observatory. This book is the first comprehensive and coherent account of this exciting field. Beyond addressing the specialist in the field, the book is intended as a high-level but readable introduction to astromineralogy for both the nonspecialist researcher and the advanced student






كفيت و وفيت و الله مجموعة فيزيائية فلكية رائعة ... بارك الله فيك و كثر من امثالك

لكن انا مافهمت التوقيع ... ياريت شوية توضيح

ابشر يا اخي العزيز راح اوضحلك

وكونك طلبت التوضيح

لا اخفيك اني عتبان عليك انت شخصياً

ومثل ما بقولوا العتب على قدر المحبة

انت اكيد بتعرف الشاعر الكبير احمد مطر

التوقيع ابيات له

يشكوا بها حال العرب

اذ يصف الانسان العربي هذه الايام بعد ان اخذت الحمية معه بالسبات العميق

والعربي الذي كان يتاثر باتفه الامور اصبح لا يتاثر باعظم الامور

ولو انه يتاثر ما راح منا الاقصى والعراق

فاصبح الشغل الشاغل للعربي النوم

حتى ساعة المنبه توقظه لتقول له نم من جديد.

انا شخصياً اتمنى لو يصبح على الاقل تبادل معرفي بين الشباب العربي

فانا عتبان عليك لانك عضو بفيزيائيو كتاب العرب وانت شخص مميز
لكن لا ارى تفاعلك

صدقاً التبادل بالمعلومات و مناقشة الافكار اهم بكثير من طرح الكتب والحلول


خالص الحب والتقدير


بارك الله فيك اخي dedoda على الكتب القيمة جعلها الله في ميزان حسناتك

للاسف انا لم اقرا هذا البيت لاحمد مطر ... لكن الرسالة وضحت
على كل حال ابشر بالتغيير اخي العزيز .... باذن الله