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a course in computational number theory
Henri Cohen
elliptic curves: number theory and cryptography
Larry Washington





[SIZE=+4]Elliptic Curves: Number Theory and Cryptography,
2nd edition[/SIZE]

[SIZE=+2]By Lawrence C. Washington[/SIZE]




A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory
by Henri Cohen

Product Description
This book describes 148 algorithms which are fundamental for number-theoretic computations, in particular for computations related to algebraic number theory, elliptic curves, primality testing and factoring. The first seven chapters lead the reader to the heart of current research in computational algebraic number theory, including recent algorithms for computing class groups and units, as well as elliptic curve computations. The last three chapters give a survey of factoring and primality testing methods, including a detailed description of the number field sieve algorithm. The book ends with a description of available computer packages and some useful tables. The book also contains a large number of exercises. Written by an authority in the field, and one with great practical and teaching experience it is sure to become the standard and indispensable reference on the subject.
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اخى dedoda الرابط الثانى فيه بعض الصور الغير لائقة وانت لا تدرى فارجو ان تتطفن لهذا الامر

A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory
by Henri Cohen

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يعني هذه الصور ليست مني لكن مواقع الرفع هذه اجنبية وتضع
بعض الاعلانات المخلة بالاداب والغير مقبولة شرعياً

لكن بما ان الاخ الفاضل جبار لشكري وضع الكتاب كمرفقات
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