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MathOuvrage : Orthogonal and symplectic Clifford algebras / Crumeyrolle, Albert. -Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990. - xiii, 350

MathPrépublication :
Algèbres de Clifford et algèbres de Weyl / Helmstetter, J.. -Montpellier, Université des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc : Institut de Mathématiques, 1982. - 129

MathOuvrage :
Clifford analysis / Brackx, F. ; Delanghe, R. ; Sommen, F.. -Boston : Pitman, 1982. - xii, 308

MathOuvrage :
Clifford algebra to geometric calculus / Hestenes, David ; Sobczyk, Garret. -Dordrecht : D. Reidel publishing company, 1984. - xviii, 314

MathPrépublication :
A Kuenneth formula for the cyclic cohomology of ZZ / 2 - graded algebras
/ Kassel, Christian. -Strasbourg, Université Louis Pasteur : Institut de recherche mathématique avancée, 1986. - 26 p. ; 29 cm

MathCongrès :
Clifford algebras and their applications in mathematical physics / Ed. Chisholm, J.S.R. ; Ed. Common, A.K.. -Dordrecht, Boston : D. Reidel publishing company, 1986. - xvii, 592 p. ; 25 cm

MathOuvrage :
Conformal description of spinning particles / Todorov, I.T.. -Berlin : Springer, 1986. - viii, 74

MathOuvrage :
Trace rings of generic 2 by 2 matrices / Le Bruyn, L.. -Providence RI : American mathematical Society, 1987. - v, 100 p.

MathOuvrage :
Spinors, Clifford and Cayley algebras / Hermann, Robert. -Brookline : Math sci press, 1974. - viii, 276

MathThèse :
Algèbres de Clifford et k-théorie / Karoubi, Max. -Paris, Université de Paris : Faculté des sciences, 1967. - pag. mult.

MathOuvrage :
An Introduction to spinors and geometry with applications in physics / Benn, I.M. ; Tucker, R. W.. -Bristol : Adam Hilger, 1987. - x-358

MathCongrès :
Comptes rendus du k-colloque. Vol. 1 / Ed. Micali, Artibano. -Montpellier : Faculté des sciences, 1968. - 49 p.

MathCongrès :
Comptes rendus du k-colloque. Vol. 2 / Ed. Micali, Artibano. -Montpellier : Faculté des sciences, 1968. - 144 p.

MathCongrès :
Comptes rendus du k-colloque. Vol. 3 / Ed. Micali, Artibano. -Montpellier : Faculté des sciences, 1968. - 109 p.

MathOuvrage :
Clifford theory for group representations / Karpilovsky, Gregory. -Amsterdam : North-Holland, 1989. - x-364

MathOuvrage :
The Spinorial chessboard / Budinich, P. ; Trautman, A.. -Berlin : Springer, 1988. - viii, 128

MathOuvrage :
Clifford algebras and Dirac operators in harmonic analysis / Gilbert, John E. ; Murray, Margaret A.. -Cambridge, Melbourne, New York, Port Chester, Sydney : Cambridge university Press, 1991. - vi, 334 p. ; 25 cm

MathOuvrage :
Symmetric algebras by direct product of Clifford algebra / Shimpuku, Taro. -Osaka : Seibunsha, 1988. - xi, 491 p. ; 26 cm

MathPrépublication :
Une Introduction à la géométrie orthogonale : Fasc. 2 / Dautrevaux, Jacques. -Strasbourg : Université Louis Pasteur;Institut de recherche mathématique avancée, 1982. - 208 p. ; 30 cm

MathOuvrage :
Clifford algebra and spinor-valued functions / Delanghe, R. ; Sommen, F. ; Soucek, V.. -Boston, Dordrecht, London : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992. - xvii, 485 p. ; 24 cm

MathOuvrage :
Quadratic algebras, Clifford algebras, and arithmetic Witt groups / Hahn, Alexander J.. -New York NY : Springer, 1994. - xi, 286 p. ; 24 cm

MathOuvrage :
An Introduction to spinors and geometry with applications in physics / Benn, I.M. ; Tucker, R. W.. -Bristol : Adam Hilger, 1987. - x, 358 p. ; 23 cm

MathOuvrage :
Spinors in Hilbert space / Plymen, R. J. ; Robinson, P.L.. -Cambridge : Cambridge university Press, 1994. - xiv, 165 p. ; 23 cm

MathOuvrage :
Clifford wavelets, singular integrals, and Hardy spaces / Mitrea, Marius. -Berlin, Heidelberg, London, New York, Paris : Springer, 1994. - xi, 116 p. ; 24 cm

MathThèse :
Instantons singuliers sur des hypersurfaces en dimension quatre / Preissendoerfer, Manfred. -Strasbourg : Université Louis Pasteur;Institut de recherche mathématique avancée, 1995. - 59 p. ; 30 cm

MathThèse :
Structures torogonales et quantification sur des variétés pseudo-riemanniennes / Timbeau, Jean. -Toulouse : Université Paul Sabatier;Laboratoire d'analyse sur les variétés, 1986. - 222 p. ; 21 cm

MathOuvrage :
The Algebraic theory of spinors and Clifford algebras / Chevalley, Claude ; Ed. Cartier, Pierre ; Ed. Chevalley, Catherine. -Berlin, Heidelberg, New York NY : Springer, 1997. - xiii, 214 p. ; 24 cm
ISBN 9783540570639

MathOuvrage :
Clifford algebras and the classical groups / Porteous, Ian R.. -Cambridge : Cambridge university Press, 1995. - x, 295 p. ; 24 cm

MathOuvrage :
Clifford algebras and spinors / Lounesto, Pertti. -Cambridge : Cambridge university Press, 1997. - ix, 306 p. ; 23 cm

MathCongrès :
Clifford (geometric) algebras / Ed. Baylis, William E. ; Canadian association of Physicists. -Boston MA : Birkhäuser, 1996

Clifford Algebra to Geometric Calculus
(Fundamental Theories of Physics)
by D. Hestenes (Author), Garret Sobczyk

Editorial Reviews
`... future authors will owe a great debt to Professors Hestenes and Sobczyk for this pioneering work.' Foundations of Physics, 16, 1986
`I repeat that GC enriches and simplifies everything it touches, not just on an advanced level but also, and perhaps even more so, on an elementary level. I am convinced that GC should be taught to undergraduate in place of the traditional approaches to vector algebra and analysis.' James S. Marsh in American Journal of Physics
`If the physics community seizes the opportunity represented by this book, and I hope it does, this book will become the handbook and the bible of GC.' American Journal of Physics, 53:5 (1985)

About the Author
David Hesteness is awarded the Oersted Medal for 2002.
The Oersted Award recognizes notable contributions to the teaching of physics. It is the most prestigious award conferred by the American Association of Physics Teachers.

Product Details

Paperback: 336 pages

Publisher: Springer; 1 edition
(August 31, 1987)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9027725616
ISBN-13: 978-9027725615
Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds

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Clifford Algebras and Spinors

by Pertti Lounesto

Editorial Reviews
"This is certainly one of the best and most useful books written about Clifford algebras and spinors." Mathematical Reviews

Product Description
This second edition of a popular and unique introduction to Clifford algebras and spinors has three new chapters. The beginning chapters cover the basics: vectors, complex numbers and quaternions are introduced with an eye on Clifford algebras. The next chapters, which will also interest physicists, include treatments of the quantum mechanics of the electron, electromagnetism and special relativity. A new classification of spinors is introduced, based on bilinear covariants of physical observables. This reveals a new class of spinors, residing among the Weyl, Majorana and Dirac spinors. Scalar products of spinors are categorized by involutory anti-automorphisms of Clifford algebras. This leads to the chessboard of automorphism groups of scalar products of spinors. On the algebraic side, Brauer/Wall groups and Witt rings are discussed, and on the analytic, Cauchy's integral formula is generalized to higher dimensions.

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Product Details

Paperback: 348 pages
Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 2 edition
(May 7, 2001)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0521005515
ISBN-13: 978-0521005517
Product Dimensions: 8.8 x 6 x 0.7 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds

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Clifford Algebras and Dirac Operators in Harmonic Analysis
by J. Gilbert (Author), M. Murray

Editorial Reviews
"All the topics covered in this book are worthwhile." John Ryan, Mathematical Reviews

"...contains a more-than-ample allotment of ideas and techniques that should be of great interest to a wide variety of analysts. The material itself is an attractive blend of algebra, analysis, and geometry. It is not particularly easy, but on the other hand, it is not impossibly difficult; and serious readers of this book should find it highly rewarding." Ray A. Kunze, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society

Product Description
The aim of this book is to unite the seemingly disparate topics of Clifford algebras, analysis on manifolds, and harmonic analysis. The authors show how algebra, geometry, and differential equations play a more fundamental role in Euclidean Fourier analysis. They then link their presentation of the Euclidean theory naturally to the representation theory of semi-simple Lie groups.

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Product Details

Hardcover: 342 pages
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
(July 26, 1991)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0521346541
ISBN-13: 978-0521346542
Product Dimensions: 9.1 x 5.8 x 1.1 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds

pass: gigapedia.org

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Quadratic Mappings and Clifford Algebras
by Jacques Helmstetter (Author), Artibano Micali

Editorial Reviews
Product Description
After a classical presentation of quadratic mappings and Clifford algebras over arbitrary rings (commutative, associative, with unit), other topics involve more original methods: interior multiplications allow an effective treatment of deformations of Clifford algebras; the relations between automorphisms of quadratic forms and Clifford algebras are based on the concept of the Lipschitz monoid, from which several groups are derived; and the Cartan-Chevalley theory of hyperbolic spaces becomes much more general, precise and effective.

Product Details

Hardcover: 504 pages
Publisher: Birkhäuser Basel; 1 edition (May 23, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 3764386053
ISBN-13: 978-3764386054
Product Dimensions: 9.3 x 6.6 x 1.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.4 pounds

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Spinors in Hilbert Space
by Paul Dirac

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Clifford Wavelets, Singular Integrals, and Hardy Spaces
by Marius Mitrea

Editorial Reviews
Book Description
The book discusses the extensions of basic Fourier Analysis techniques to the Clifford algebra framework. Topics covered: construction of Clifford-valued wavelets, Calderon-Zygmund theory for Clifford valued singular integral operators on Lipschitz hyper-surfaces, Hardy spaces of Clifford monogenic functions on Lipschitz domains. Results are applied to potential theory and elliptic boundary value problems on non-smooth domains. The book is self-contained to a large extent and well-suited for graduate students and researchers in the areas of wavelet theory, Harmonic and Clifford Analysis. It will also interest the specialists concerned with the applications of the Clifford algebra machinery to Mathematical Physics.

Product Details

Paperback: 116 pages
Publisher: Springer
(April 1994)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0387578846
ISBN-13: 978-0387578842
Product Dimensions: 9.5 x 6 x 0.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 7.2 ounces

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The Algebraic Theory of Spinors and Clifford Algebras: Collected Works, Volume 2
by Claude Chevalley (Author), Pierre Cartier (Editor), Catherine Chevalley

Editorial Reviews
Product Description
This volume is the first in a projected series devoted to the mathematical and philosophical works of the late Claude Chevalley. It covers the main contributions by the author to the theory of spinors. Since its appearance in 1954, "The Algebraic Theory of Spinors" has been a much sought after reference. It presents the whole story of one subject in a concise and especially clear manner. The reprint of the book is supplemented by a series of lectures on Clifford Algebras given by the author in Japan at about the same time. Also included is a postface by J.-P. Bourguignon describing the many uses of spinors in differential geometry developed by mathematical physicists from the 1970s to the present day. An insightful review of "Spinors" by J. Dieudonne is also made available to the reader in this new edition.

Product Details

Hardcover: 214 pages
Publisher: Springer; 1 edition
(December 13, 1996)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 3540570632
ISBN-13: 978-3540570639
Product Dimensions: 9.4 x 6.3 x 0.7 inches
Shipping Weight: 1 pounds

pass: gigapedia.org

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The Algebraic Theory of Spinors and Clifford Algebras: Collected Works
by Claude Chevalley (Author), Pierre Cartier (Author), Catherine Chevalley

Editorial Reviews
Book Description
This volume is the first in a projected series devoted to the mathematical and philosophical works of the late Claude Chevalley. It covers the main contributions by the author to the theory of spinors. Since its appearance in 1954, "The Algebraic Theory of Spinors" has been a much sought after reference. It presents the whole story of one subject in a concise and especially clear manner. The reprint of the book is supplemented by a series of lectures on Clifford Algebras given by the author in Japan at about the same time. Also included is a postface by J.-P. Bourguignon describing the many uses of spinors in differential geometry developed by mathematical physicists from the 1970s to the present day. An insightful review of "Spinors" by J. Dieudonne is also made available to the reader in this new edition.

Product Details

Hardcover: 227 pages
Publisher: Springer
(December 1996)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0387570632
ISBN-13: 978-0387570631
Product Dimensions: 9.5 x 6.3 x 0.7 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds

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Clifford Algebras and the Classical Groups
by Ian R. Porteous

Editorial Reviews
"Porteous' new book is welcome for its coverage and detail and the reliability of its text. Porteous' presentation of the subject matter sets a standard by which others may be judged." Peter R. Law, Mathematical Reviews

Product Description
This book reflects the growing interest in the theory of Clifford algebras and their applications. The author has reworked his previous book on this subject, Topological Geometry, and has expanded and added material. As in the previous version, the author includes an exhaustive treatment of all the generalizations of the classical groups, as well as an excellent exposition of the classification of the conjugation anti-involution of the Clifford algebras and their complexifications. Toward the end of the book, the author introduces ideas from the theory of Lie groups and Lie algebras. This treatment of Clifford algebras will be welcomed by graduate students and researchers in algebra.

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Product Details

Hardcover: 305 pages
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
(October 27, 1995)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0521551773
ISBN-13: 978-0521551779
Product Dimensions: 9.1 x 6.2 x 1 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds

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