Cimatron E 6.0 SP2 برنامج لتصاميم CAD/CAM


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Cimatron E 6.0 SP2 برنامج لتصاميم CAD/CAM




Cimatron E, Cimatron's CAD/CAM solution for toolmakers, brings new speed and flexibility to the tooling industry. The software integrates a suite of powerful and compatible modules for a broad range of design, modeling and drafting capabilities within a unified solid-surface-wireframe environment.

Cimatron E is a set of easy-to-use 3D tools with unsurpassed power. In the design process, Cimatron E smoothly integrates tools to split part geometry, find and implement engineering changes, create electrodes and inserts, and detail tooling components.

During manufacturing, Cimatron E easily implements 2.5- to 5-axis toolpaths using High-Speed Machining, Knowledge of Stock Remaining and templates to drastically reduce programming and machining time.

Cimatron E boosts efficiency and eliminates common design bottlenecks, resulting in increased productivity for the entire design and manufacturing process. The result: Unmatched timesaving to give your business that competitive advantage.

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التفاعلات: Samo

هنالك برانمج اسمه bobcad-cam, v21 هل هذه البرامج نفس هذا البرنامج